Mirjam Bachler I am from Austria and because we have less till no possibility to study something in context with Oceanography, I had to leave my country. I found a good opportunity in participating in the international study program „Biological Oceanography“. I started in autumn 2005 at the IFM-GEOMAR in Kiel and continued at the University of Southern Denmark, where I am enrolled. Finally, I do my master thesis at DFU, Charlottenlund under the supervision of Peter Munk and will work with Ichthyoplankton.
My interests in the sea started with excursions during my study in Ecology at the University of Salzburg. I have also begun my Master there about the temporal and spatial distribution of fish larvae around the Canary Islands working with the collections from Zoological Museum and Institute in Copenhagen and from the Canarian Institute of Marine Science (ICCM) on Gran Canaria, Spain. I will finish in autumn 2006 under the supervision of Prof. Franz Uiblein, who is currently working at the Havforskningsinstituttet in Bergen, Norway. In connection with my master thesis I did a practical work at the Zoological Museum in Hamburg and got introduced in the taxonomic work of identifying fish larvae under the guidance of Dr. H.-Ch. John, where Ichthyoplankton has won all my fascination and where I decided to do further studies associated with that topic.
So I luckily came to the Biological Oceanography and finally to the great possibility to participate in Galathea3. My work will be identifying the total Ichthyplankton and investigate their ecological habtitat, also in context with hydrographical features. In addition to that, the linkage to other zooplankton, in form e.g. of gut content analysis will be part of my work. Further investigations are still under discussion and partly depending on what will be caught.