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Lars Krogh

Professional Address: Institute of Geography, University of Copenhagen, Øster Voldgade 10, DK-1350 Copenhagen K, Tel: +45 35322500, Fax: +45 35322501


Occupation:                 Associate professor and Director of studies at the Institute of Geography, University of Copenhagen (IGUC)

University degrees:    1990 MSc Geography, IGUC, 1994 PhD Geography, IGUC, 2003 MSc Geoinformatics, Alborg University


Employment record:

1990-1993:        Ph.D.-study, IGUC.

1993:                CSIRO Division of Soils, Townsville, Queensland, Australia.

1994:                Research Assistant, IGUC.

1994-1995:        Post Doc. SEREIN project, IGÚC.

1996-1998:        Assistant professor, IGUC

1998:                Department of Soil Science, University of Reading, UK.

1999-:               Associate professor, IGUC.

2002-:               Director of Studies, IGUC.

Recent, selected scientific projects and activities:

1994-1998:        SEREIN project (Sahel-Sudan Environmental Reasearch Initiative) project aiming at providingnew interdisciplinary knowledge for improving agricultural production in the Sahel region of West Africa.

1997-:                           ENRECA programme between the Institute of Geography and University of Ghana aiming at quantifying soil nutrient fluxes in semi-decidous rainforests.

1999-2001:        Landscape Resorce Assessment (SMP2-programme Changing Landscapes) in collaboration with Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Geological Survey of Denmark, Danish Forest and Landscape Research Institute aiming at developing new quantitative methods for lansdcape resource assessment.

2004:                Estimation of water vapour and CO2 exchange over a heterogeneous Danish landscape

Selected, reviewed publications since 2000

Krogh, L., Noergaard, A., Hermansen, M., Greve, M.H., Balstrom, T., Breuning-Madsen, H. 2003. Preliminary estimates of contemporary soil organic carbon stocks in Denmark using multiple datasets and four up-scaling methods. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 96:19-28.

Paarup-Laursen, B., Krogh, L. 2003. The duality of indigenous environmental knowledge among the Fulani of Northern Burkina Faso. In: A. Roepstorff, N. Bubandt & K. Kull (eds.), Imagining Nature. Practices of Cosmology and Identity. Aarhus University Press, Denmark, pp. 204-216.

Fabech, C., Greve, M.H., Hansen, C.S., Krogh, L., Larsen, P.E., Møller, P.G., Ringtved, J., Bach, E.O. 2002. Den gode jord - et natur og kulturfænomen. In: Møller, P.G., Ejrnæs, R., Hoell, A., Krogh, L., Madsen, J., (eds.), Foranderlige landskaber. Integration af natur og kultur i forvaltning og forskning, Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag, pp. 112-143.

Krogh, L. 2002. Major Classification Systems. Marcel Dekker On-line Encyclopedia of Soil Science.

Owusu-Bennoah, E., Awadzi, T.W., Boateng, E., Krogh, L., Breuning-Madsen, H., Borggaard, O.K. 2000. Properties of a soil toposeqence in the moist semi-deciduous forest zone of Ghana. West African Journal of Applied Ecology, 1:1-10.

Krogh, L., Breuning-Madsen, H., Greve, M.H. 2000. Cation exchange capacity pedotransfer functions for Danish soils. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B, Soil and Plant Science, 50(1):1-12.

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