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Kate Gough

Contact details  Associate Professor, Institute of Geography, University of Copenhagen, Øster Voldgade 10, DK 1350 Copenhagen K   

Tel: (+ 45) 35322569    Fax: (+ 45) 35322501   Email:

Birth                            16 March 1963, Montreal, Canada; British and Canadian nationalities

Civil status                  Married with two children

University Education

1992    PhD Geography, University of London

1987    MA  Geography University of Cambridge

1985    BA (Hons) 2.1 Geography, University of Cambridge


2000-               Associate Professor at the Institute of Geography, University of Copenhagen.

1997-2000       Assistant Professor at the Institute of Geography, University of Copenhagen.

1995-1997       Post-doctoral position at the Institute of Geography, University of Copenhagen.

1994-1995       Executive administrator (part-time) of Interplan, the Danish Association for International Urban and Regional Planning.

1993-1995       Lecturer (part-time) at the Institute of Geography, University of Copenhagen.

1989-1990       Visiting researcher at the Department of Geography, University of Umeå, Sweden.

1987-1988             Tutor at the Development Planning Unit, University College London.

Main research areas

My research focus on urban issues in developing countries cuts across the fields of development, urban, social and economic geography. Starting from a focus on low-income housing I have expanded my research interests to include land and housing markets, governance and civil society, home-based enterprises, youth, the peri-urban interface, and rural-urban linkages. My main research areas are West Africa and Latin America, though I have recently also begun to work in Southeast Asia. I have extensive experience of conducting fieldwork in a wide range of settings, including rural and urban, collecting and analysing both quantitative and qualitative data. Recent research projects include:

  • Rural-urban dynamics in a globalising world: changing livelihoods and settlement patterns in frontier regions of Africa and Asia          
  • Youth and the city: skills, knowledge and social reproduction
  • Community initiatives and the democratization of planning in Ghana
  • Home-based enterprises in low-income settlements
  • Continuity and change in peri-urban Accra

Selected publications

Gough, K.V. (forthcoming) Youth and the home: growing up in Recife, Lusaka and Hanoi, in Hansen et al (Eds) Urban Lives/Global Exposures: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on      Urban Youth in Recife, Hanoi, and Lusaka, Indiana University Press.

Gough, K.V. and Lund, R. (forthcoming) Guest editorial introduction to special issue on Scandinavian Studies on Geographies of Youth, Geografiska Annaler.

Gough, K.V. (forthcoming) Social and spatial mobility of youth in Lusaka, Geografiska Annaler.

Gough, K.V. and Yankson, P.W.K. 2006 Conflict and cooperation in environmental management in peri-urban Accra, in McGregor, D., Simon, D. and Thompson, D. (eds) The peri-urban interface: approaches to sustainable natural and human resource use, London, Earthscan, 196-210.

Gough, K.V. and Franch, M. 2005  Spaces of the street: socio-spatial mobility and exclusion of youth in Recife, Children’s Geographies, 3(2): 149-166

Dalsgaard, A.L. and Gough, K.V. 2004 A question of difference: youth, violence and survival in Recife, (in Danish), Den Ny Verden, 37(3): 99-108.

Gough, K.V, Tipple, A.G. and Napier, M. 2003 Making a living in African cities: the role of home-based enterprises in Accra and Pretoria, International Planning Studies, 8(4):253-277.

Gough, K.V. and Kellet, P. 2001 Housing consolidation and home-based income generation: evidence from self-help settlements in two Colombian cities, Cities, 18(4): 235-247.

Gough, K.V. and Yankson, P.W.K. 2001 The role of civil society in urban management in Accra, in Tostensen, A., Tvedten, I. and Vaa, M. (eds) Associational life in African cities: popular responses to the urban crisis, Uppsala, Nordic Africa Institute, 127-143.

Gough, K.V. and Yankson, P.W.K. 2000 Land markets in African cities: the case of peri-urban Accra, Ghana, Urban Studies, 37(13): 2485-2500.

Gough, K.V. 2000 Participation in urban governance: the case of peri-urban Accra, Ghana, in Schmidt, J. and Gough, K.V. (eds) Urban development in a transnational context, Aalborg, Development Research Series No. 2, Research Centre on Development and International Relations, Aalborg University, 145-162.

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