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Pia Bennike, CV

Pia Bennike


Born:                 15th of August 1946

Citizenship:      Danish

Occupation:      Associate professor

Work address: Laboratory of Biological Anthropology, Institute of Forensic Medicine, University of Copenhagen, Blegdamsvej 3, DK-2200 Copenhagen N, Denmark

Phone:               (+45) 3532 7229

Fax:                     (+45) 3532 7215



Research interests:

  • Palaeopathology, studies of diseases of the past, including osteoporosis in a cultural context.
  • Anthropological studies of the prehistoric population in Denmark based on skeletons.
  • Human evolution: scientific coordinator of the world exhibition:”Missing Links - alive” shown at the National Museum in Copenhagen, in numerous European towns and in USA and Asia.


1984 Lic. med. (= Ph.D.), Lab. of Biological Anthropology, Department of Anatomy, Univ. Cph.

Thesis: Palaeopathology of Danish Skeletons. A comparative study of ­demography, disease and injury. Copenhagen, Akademisk Forlag, 1985.

1979 Mag. scient. (= M.Sc), Institute of Anthropology and Ethnology, University of Copenhagen



2003-           Assoc. Professor, Lab.Biol. Anthropology, Inst. Forensic Med., Univ. of Copenhagen

1999-2002   Assoc. Professor (research), Lab. Biol. Anthropology, Inst. Forensic Med., Univ. of Copenhagen

1985-1998   Scholarships from the Danish Research Councils, university grants, participants in various projects, teaching assistant


Other academic work:

Consulting curator at Museum of Medical History, Univ. of  Copenhagen (1988- )

President of European Anthropological Association 2000-2004. (Vice-president 1994 -2000 and 2004- )

Board member of  “Kvindelige Akademikere” affiliated to IFUW (International Federation of University Women) 1999-2003

Evaluation of several Ph.D. dissertations at University of Copenhagen, Lund and Stockholm, Sweden  

Referee for International scientific journals (e.g. American  Journal of Physical Anthropology & Int. Journal of Osteoarchaeology)

Numerous lectures in Denmark and abroad, popular as well as scientific.

Participation in radio- and TV programs on human evolution, the diseases of the past, the prehistoric population in Denmark.



Organiser of annual courses: "Biological Anthropology for archaeology students", Univ. Copenhagen and Univeristy of Aarhus and a Ph.D. course: "Paleopathology, the diseases of the past for the Faculty of Health."

Supervisor for numerous medical and archaeological students. Because of the relatively restricted discipline, the applicant has unfortunately not been the head supervisor for any candidates or Ph.D. students, but has often functioned as unofficial advisor for numerous theses. Numerous public courses/lectures, among others at Open University (Folkeuniversitetet)

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