Pia Bennike, CV

Pia Bennike


Born:                 15th of August 1946

Citizenship:      Danish

Occupation:      Associate professor

Work address: Laboratory of Biological Anthropology, Institute of Forensic Medicine, University of Copenhagen, Blegdamsvej 3, DK-2200 Copenhagen N, Denmark

Phone:               (+45) 3532 7229

Fax:                     (+45) 3532 7215

Email:                  bennike@antrolab.ku.dk


Research interests:

  • Palaeopathology, studies of diseases of the past, including osteoporosis in a cultural context.
  • Anthropological studies of the prehistoric population in Denmark based on skeletons.
  • Human evolution: scientific coordinator of the world exhibition:”Missing Links - alive” shown at the National Museum in Copenhagen, in numerous European towns and in USA and Asia.


1984 Lic. med. (= Ph.D.), Lab. of Biological Anthropology, Department of Anatomy, Univ. Cph.

Thesis: Palaeopathology of Danish Skeletons. A comparative study of ­demography, disease and injury. Copenhagen, Akademisk Forlag, 1985.

1979 Mag. scient. (= M.Sc), Institute of Anthropology and Ethnology, University of Copenhagen



2003-           Assoc. Professor, Lab.Biol. Anthropology, Inst. Forensic Med., Univ. of Copenhagen

1999-2002   Assoc. Professor (research), Lab. Biol. Anthropology, Inst. Forensic Med., Univ. of Copenhagen

1985-1998   Scholarships from the Danish Research Councils, university grants, participants in various projects, teaching assistant


Other academic work:

Consulting curator at Museum of Medical History, Univ. of  Copenhagen (1988- )

President of European Anthropological Association 2000-2004. (Vice-president 1994 -2000 and 2004- )

Board member of  “Kvindelige Akademikere” affiliated to IFUW (International Federation of University Women) 1999-2003

Evaluation of several Ph.D. dissertations at University of Copenhagen, Lund and Stockholm, Sweden  

Referee for International scientific journals (e.g. American  Journal of Physical Anthropology & Int. Journal of Osteoarchaeology)

Numerous lectures in Denmark and abroad, popular as well as scientific.

Participation in radio- and TV programs on human evolution, the diseases of the past, the prehistoric population in Denmark.



Organiser of annual courses: "Biological Anthropology for archaeology students", Univ. Copenhagen and Univeristy of Aarhus and a Ph.D. course: "Paleopathology, the diseases of the past for the Faculty of Health."

Supervisor for numerous medical and archaeological students. Because of the relatively restricted discipline, the applicant has unfortunately not been the head supervisor for any candidates or Ph.D. students, but has often functioned as unofficial advisor for numerous theses. Numerous public courses/lectures, among others at Open University (Folkeuniversitetet)

Pia Bennike, Publications

Submitted manuscripts

P. Bennike, M.E. Lewis, H. Schutkowski, F. Valentin: A Comparison of Child Morbidity in two contrasting medieval cemeteries from Denmark. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. (Accepted. Online July 2005, printed.)

Pia Bennike, Verner Alexandersen: Population plasticity in southern Scandinavia -from a diet of oysters and fish to gruel and meat. (Invited to contribute to book, submitted and accepted)

Pia Bennike: Rebellion, combat, and massacre. A mediaval mass grave at Sandbjerg near Næstved in Denmark. (Invited to contribute to book, submitted and accepted, in print).

Anders Fischer, Mike Richards, Pia Bennike, David Robinson, Jesper Olsen and Jan Heinemeier: Mesolithic Menu. Food remains versus stable isotopes from the submerged settlement on the Argus Bank, Denmark. (Submitted “Antiquity” (revision)).

Michele Lefort and Pia Bennike: Differential diagnoses: leprosy, ergotism, treponematosis, sarcoidosis or small-pox. (submitted Int. J. Osteoarchaeology)

Karen Margrethe Hornstrup, Kurt Glintborg Overgaard, Signe Andersen, Pia Bennike, Peter Hambro Mikkelsen og Claus Malmros Hellegård: En gravplads fra omkring år 500 f.Kr. Aarbøger for Nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historie. (Submitted and accepted, in print).

Pia Bennike: Ancient trepanations and differential diagnoses - a re-evaluation of skeletal remains from Denmark (invited to contribute to book, submitted and accepted, in print).

T. Douglas Price, Pia Bennike, Erik Brinch Petersen, Jan Heinemeyer, Michael Richards, Peter Vang Petersen: The Stone Age Graves at Dragsholm, Denmark: New Dates and Information. Submitted “Acta Archaeologica”.


Scientific publications

Bennike P.: 2004 The Human Remains. I: Mogens Bencard, Aino Kann Rasmussen, Helge Brinch Madsen (eds) Ribe Excavation 1970-78, 53-60. Jutland Archaeological Society, Højbjerg.

Bennike P.: 2003 Ancient Trepanations and Differential Diagnosis: A Re-Evaluation of Skeletal Remains from Denmark, Part 2: Trepanation in Europe. I: Robert Arnott, Stanley Finger and C.U.M: Smith (eds) Trepanation, History, Discovery, Theory s. 95-116. Swets & Zeitlinger Publishers, Lisse, Abingdon, Exton(PA), Tokyo.

Bennike P.: Bog Bodies: 2003 Bodies and skeletons from Danish Bogs. Do they tell the same story?
I: Niels Lynnerup, Claus Andreasen, Joel Berglund (eds). Mummies in a New Millenium s. 39 - 43. Danish Polar Center, København.

Bennike P., Alexandersen V.: 2003 Dental modification in the past. I: Elisabeth Iregren, Lars Larsson (eds.) A tooth for a tooth s. 85 - 94. Bloms i Lund tryckeri AB, Lund.

Bennike P., Hvass L.: 2003 Naturally Mummified 17th to 19th century bodies from a church in Elsinore, Denmark. I: Niels Lynnerup, Claus Andreasen, Joel Berglund (eds) Mummies in a New Millenium s. 193 - 197. I:. Danish Polar Center, København.

Bennike, P.: 2003 Book Review of The Archaeology of Medicine. Robert Arnott (ed). Int. J. of Osteoarchaeology 14: 74-76.

Bennike P.: 2002 Palaeopathology as a tool for the study of survival of past populations. I: Malcolm Smith (ed) Human Biology and History s. 165-177.. Taylor & Francis, London and New York.

Bennike P.: 2002 Vilhelm Møller-Christensen: his work and legacy. I: Charlotte A. Roberts, Mary E. Lewis, K. Manchester (eds) The Past and Present of Leprosy s. 135 - 144. BAR International Series 1054. Archaeopress, Oxford.

Bennike P., Alexandersen V.: 2002 Foreword. I: Pia Bennike, Éva B. Bodzsár and Charles Susanne (eds) Ecological Aspects of Past Human Settlements in Europe s. 9-18.. Eötvös University Press, Budapest.

Bennike P., Alexandersen V.: 2002 Population Plasticity in Stone Age Denmark. i: Anders Fischer and Kristian Kristiansen (eds) The Neolithisation of Denmark - 150 years of debate s. 291-301.. J.R. Collis Publications, Sheffield.

Feveile C., Bennike P.: 2002 Lustrupholm. Et brandgravfelt fra ældre bronzealder under flad mark. i: KUML, s. 109-141. Jesper Laursen. Aarhus Universitetsforlag, Århus.

Bennike P.: 2001 Sygdomsforebyggelse i et antropologisk og historisk perspektiv. i: Sygdomsforebyggelse s. 17-30. Akademisk Forlag, København.

Bennike P.: 2000 Sygdomsbehandling år 1000. I: Gert Almind (ed) Medicinsk Årbog s. 25-33. Munksgaard, København.

Bennike P., Alexandersen V.: 2000 Die Skelette von Skovgårde. I: Per Ethelberg (ed).Skovgårde, s. 362-404. Herm. H.J. Lynge & Søn, København.

Rasmussen K.L., Bennike P., Kjær U., Rahbek U.: 2000 Integrity and characteristics of the bones of the Danish King St Knud (II) the Holy (d.AD 1086). Journal of Danish Archaeology Vol 13, 1996-97, s. 161-170. 

Bennike P.: 1999 Facts or myths? A re-evaluation of cases of diagnosed tuberculosis in the past in Denmark. I: G. Palfi, O. Dutour, J. Deák & I. Hutas (eds) Tuberculosis. Past and present s. 511-518. Golden Book Publ. TB Foundation, Hungary.

Bennike P.: 1999 The Early Neolitic Danish bog finds: A strange group of people.  I: B. Coles, J. Coles & M. Schou Jørgensen (eds) Bog Bodies, Sacred Sites and Wetland Archaeology s. 27-32. Exeter, GB.


Popular publications

Fischer A, Bennike P, Heinemeier J 2005 Særling fra Sejerø? Årets Gang 2004, Kalundborg og omegns museum, Kalundborg, 64-68.

Bennike P.: 2003 De osteologiske samlinger i Bredgade, Fortid og Nutid. Set & Sket i Medicinsk-Historisk Museum, 13. årgang s. 20-30. Medicinsk-historisk Museums Venner. Lægeforeningens Forlag, København.

Fischer A., Bennike P.: 2003 Mord i Mosen.  Årets gang 2002 s. 14-16. Kalundborg Museum, Kalundborg.

Bennike P.: 2001 Antropologiske studier af de døde fra Helsingør Domkirke. I: L. Hvass (ed) Restaureringen af Helsingør Domkirke, Helsingør Stiftsbog 2001 s. 143-152. København.

Bennike P., Hansen P Birk.: 2001 "Af med hovedet, damen først". Død og Pine intet nr, s. 18-24.

Kristensen I.K., Bennike P.: 2001 Kumle Høje. SKALK 3. juni, s. 12-15.

Warnecke M., Lynnerup N., Bennike P.: 2000 Kongeborgen i Vordingborg - en antropologisk skeletanalyse. i: Kulturhistoriske studier s. 55-63. Sydsjællands Museum, Sjælland.

Bennike P., Brade A-E.: 1999 Middelalderens sygdomme og behandlingsformer i Danmark.
78 s. Medicinsk-Historisk Museum, Københavns Universitet, København.

Niklas Thode Jensen, CV & publications

Niklas Thode Jensen


Born:                                 30th of August 1973

Citizenship:                     Danish

Occupation:                     PhD candidate, assistant professor

Work address:               The Saxo-Institute, Department of History, University of Copenhagen,

                                          Njalsgade 102, 2300 Copenhagen, Denmark.

Phone:                             (+45) 32 96 50 25

Email:                               ntj@hum.ku.dk


Research interests:

The history of health, Medicine and Science in the colonial tropics, 1700-1900. Most of my reseach has been focused on the former Danish colonies, especialle the Danish West Indies and the Danish trading colony in India, Tranquebar.



2003-2006: Ph.D.-student at the Saxo Institute, Department of History, University of Copenhagen.

Thesis title: For Slavernes Sundhed. Sygdom, sundhed og koloniadministrationens sundhedspolitik blandt plantageslaverne på St. Croix, Dansk Vestindien, 1803-1848 [”For the Health of the Enslaved. Disease, health, and the effects of the health policy of the colonial administration of the Danish West Indies 1803-1848 among plantation slaves on St. Croix”], supervised by Senior Lecturer Ole Justesen.

2000-2002: Cand. mag [MA] at the Department of History, University of Copenhagen.

Thesis title: “En verden til forskel? Undersøgelser af sundhedsvæsenet og lægerne i Dansk Vestindien, 1755-1830” [A different world? Investigations of the health service and the doctors in the Danish West Indies, 1755-1830”], supervised by Senior Lecturer Anne Løkke.

1999-2000: MA studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies (University of London) and The Wellcome Institute for the History and Understanding of Medicine.

1995-1999: BA at the Department of History, University of Copenhagen. Minors at the Department of History of Religions.


Teaching experience:

Fall 2006: Kolonialisme, konglomeratstat og kulturmøder, Danmark 1700-1900 [Colonialism, Konglomerate state and Cultural Encounters, Denmark 1700-1900]

Spring 2004: University of Copenhagen, “Sundhed, sygdom og kolonimagt i den tropiske verden, 1750-1900” [”Health, Disease and Colonial Power in the Tropical World, 1750-1900”],


Fellowships, Grants, and Awards:

2003 & 2004: Grants from Wimmer’s Foundation

2003-2006: Full PhD grant from The Danish Research Council for the Humanities

1999-2000: Grant for student exchange from the European Erasmus/Socrates program

1999: Student Travel Grant from University of Copenhagen



Academic articles in English:

“The Medical Skills of the Malabar Doctors in Tranquebar, India: As experienced by surgeon T.L.F. Folly, 1798,” in Medical History, (forthcoming in vol. 49, October 2005), 489-515.

Academic articles in Danish:

”Sundhed, Citroner og Slaver. Et detailstudie af hospitalet i Frederikssted på St. Croix i Dansk Vestindien, 1780,” [”Health, Lemons and Slaves. A detailed study of the hospital in Frederiksted on St. Croix, the Danish West Indies, 1780”] in 1066 – Tidsskrift for Historie, 33, 4 (2003), 3-11.

”En verden til forskel? Undersøgelser af lægerne og sundhedsvæsenet i Dansk Vestindien mellem 1755 og 1830,” [”A different world? Investigations of the Doctors and the Health Service in the Danish West Indies, 1755-1830”], in Bibliotek for Læger, 194 (Dec 2002), 281-297.


Other academic work:

Academic networks:

Founding member of the Board for the network “Global Kulturhistorie. Netværk for historiske studier af kolonialisme og post-kolonialisme” [”Global Cultural History. Network for historical studies of Colonialism and post-colonialism”]. Funded by grant from The Danish Research Council for the Humanities, 2006-2007. Chairman: Senior Lecturer, Niels Brimnes, Department of History, University of Aarhus, Denmark.


Co convener of the conference “Colonialism, Postcolonialism and the Environment” held at the German Historical Institute, Washington, D.C. May 4-7, 2006. (www.ghi-dc.org/conferences/colonialism%2Benvironment_cfp.html)

Co convener of the session "Encountering Foreign Worlds - Experiences at Home and Abroad" at the 27th Nordic History Congress in Reykjavik, Iceland, 8th - 12th of August 2007.


Since 2002 member of the comittee for Cultural History at the Danish West Indian Society [Kulturhistorisk udvalg under Dansk Vestindisk Selskab]