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Niklas Thode Jensen, CV & publications

Niklas Thode Jensen


Born:                                 30th of August 1973

Citizenship:                     Danish

Occupation:                     PhD candidate, assistant professor

Work address:               The Saxo-Institute, Department of History, University of Copenhagen,

                                          Njalsgade 102, 2300 Copenhagen, Denmark.

Phone:                             (+45) 32 96 50 25



Research interests:

The history of health, Medicine and Science in the colonial tropics, 1700-1900. Most of my reseach has been focused on the former Danish colonies, especialle the Danish West Indies and the Danish trading colony in India, Tranquebar.



2003-2006: Ph.D.-student at the Saxo Institute, Department of History, University of Copenhagen.

Thesis title: For Slavernes Sundhed. Sygdom, sundhed og koloniadministrationens sundhedspolitik blandt plantageslaverne på St. Croix, Dansk Vestindien, 1803-1848 [”For the Health of the Enslaved. Disease, health, and the effects of the health policy of the colonial administration of the Danish West Indies 1803-1848 among plantation slaves on St. Croix”], supervised by Senior Lecturer Ole Justesen.

2000-2002: Cand. mag [MA] at the Department of History, University of Copenhagen.

Thesis title: “En verden til forskel? Undersøgelser af sundhedsvæsenet og lægerne i Dansk Vestindien, 1755-1830” [A different world? Investigations of the health service and the doctors in the Danish West Indies, 1755-1830”], supervised by Senior Lecturer Anne Løkke.

1999-2000: MA studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies (University of London) and The Wellcome Institute for the History and Understanding of Medicine.

1995-1999: BA at the Department of History, University of Copenhagen. Minors at the Department of History of Religions.


Teaching experience:

Fall 2006: Kolonialisme, konglomeratstat og kulturmøder, Danmark 1700-1900 [Colonialism, Konglomerate state and Cultural Encounters, Denmark 1700-1900]

Spring 2004: University of Copenhagen, “Sundhed, sygdom og kolonimagt i den tropiske verden, 1750-1900” [”Health, Disease and Colonial Power in the Tropical World, 1750-1900”],


Fellowships, Grants, and Awards:

2003 & 2004: Grants from Wimmer’s Foundation

2003-2006: Full PhD grant from The Danish Research Council for the Humanities

1999-2000: Grant for student exchange from the European Erasmus/Socrates program

1999: Student Travel Grant from University of Copenhagen



Academic articles in English:

“The Medical Skills of the Malabar Doctors in Tranquebar, India: As experienced by surgeon T.L.F. Folly, 1798,” in Medical History, (forthcoming in vol. 49, October 2005), 489-515.

Academic articles in Danish:

”Sundhed, Citroner og Slaver. Et detailstudie af hospitalet i Frederikssted på St. Croix i Dansk Vestindien, 1780,” [”Health, Lemons and Slaves. A detailed study of the hospital in Frederiksted on St. Croix, the Danish West Indies, 1780”] in 1066 – Tidsskrift for Historie, 33, 4 (2003), 3-11.

”En verden til forskel? Undersøgelser af lægerne og sundhedsvæsenet i Dansk Vestindien mellem 1755 og 1830,” [”A different world? Investigations of the Doctors and the Health Service in the Danish West Indies, 1755-1830”], in Bibliotek for Læger, 194 (Dec 2002), 281-297.


Other academic work:

Academic networks:

Founding member of the Board for the network “Global Kulturhistorie. Netværk for historiske studier af kolonialisme og post-kolonialisme” [”Global Cultural History. Network for historical studies of Colonialism and post-colonialism”]. Funded by grant from The Danish Research Council for the Humanities, 2006-2007. Chairman: Senior Lecturer, Niels Brimnes, Department of History, University of Aarhus, Denmark.


Co convener of the conference “Colonialism, Postcolonialism and the Environment” held at the German Historical Institute, Washington, D.C. May 4-7, 2006. (

Co convener of the session "Encountering Foreign Worlds - Experiences at Home and Abroad" at the 27th Nordic History Congress in Reykjavik, Iceland, 8th - 12th of August 2007.


Since 2002 member of the comittee for Cultural History at the Danish West Indian Society [Kulturhistorisk udvalg under Dansk Vestindisk Selskab]

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