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Torben Linding Lauridsen

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Present profession: Senior Researcher                  

Date of birth: 25 December 1960

Education: MSc, University of Odense, Denmark, 1990, PhD, University of Aarhus, Denmark, 1995

Address (work): National Environmental Research Institute, Vejlsøvej 25, 8600 Silkeborg, Denmark


Professional career:

1999-  Senior researcher

1998-1999  Post Doc funded by the Danish Natural Science Research Council

1997  Post Doc funded by the Carlsbergfondet

1 October 1995 - 30 September 1996  Post Doc funded by the Danish Natural Science Research Council.

1 May - 1 October 1995  Research assistant, National Environmental Research Institute, Department of Freshwater Ecology.

15 April 1992 - 1 May 1995  Ph.D. student, University of Aarhus, Institute of Biology, Dept. of Plant Ecology, and the National Environmental Research Institute, Department of Fresh­water Ecology, with lake restoration as the major field.

1991  Ecologist in the County of Fyn, Department of Freshwater.

1990  Research assistant, National Environmental Research Institute, Department of Freshwater Ecology. The project titled "Lake restoration of Lake Stigs­holm".


Major research:

Aquatic ecology with special emphasis on zooplankton, submerged macrophytes and biological structure in temperate and arctic lakes. Lake restoration, macrophyte re-establishment. Impact of pesticides on zooplankton.


Field work and visits abroad:

August/September 2005, 2004, 2003, 2000, 1999 and July 1998: Field work in Greece, Greenland, Iceland and Faroe Islands

August 1997: Visiting researcher at the Department of Biological Sciences, University of Notre Dame, USA.

October 1995 - April 1996: Visiting researcher at the Department of Zoology, University of Otago, New Zealand.

April 1994 - November 1994: Visiting scholar at the Department of Biologi­cal Sciences, University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA, with reference to Assoc. Prof. David M. Lodge.

August 1993. Ph.D. summer course. Dynamics of nutrient cycling and food-webs at NIOZ, Texel, the Netherlands.


List of publications

Refereed international books, book chapters, reviews of books


De Meester, L., S. Declerck, J. Janse, P.J.T.M. Van Puijenbroek, R. Portielje, E. Lammnes, E. Jeppesen, T. Lauridsen, K. Schwenk, K. Moylaert, K. Van der Gucht, W. Vyverman, G. Zwart, E. Van Hannen, J.M. Conde-Porcuna, J. Vandekerkhove & L. Brendonck, in press: Chapter 8: Biodiversity in European shallow lakes: a multilevel – multifactorial field study. Ecological Studies, Springer Verlag, New York.


Jensen, J.P., E. Jeppesen & T. L. Lauridsen, 2004: Göllerin havzadan tuzu yüklemelerindeki düüe gösterdiZi tepkileri: Danimarka’dan örnekler [Lakes response to reduced loading: examples from Denmark]. In: Beklioglu, M. (ed.): Shallow lakes ecology. Orta DoZu Teknik Üniversitesi. (In Turkish), pp. 49-60.

Jeppesen, E., I. Sammalkorpi, T.L.  Lauridsen, J.P. Jensen & M. Søndergaard, 2004: Ihman iklim kusaZindaki tathsu siZ göllerinin özellikle biyomanipülasyonla restorasyonu. [Restoration of shallow temperate freshwater lakes]. In: Beklioglu, M. (ed.): Shallow lake ecology. Orta DoZu Teknik Üniversitesi. (In Turkish), pp. 7-22.


Jeppesen, E., M. Søndergaard, J.P. Jensen & T. Lauridsen, 2003: Chapter 5.1 “Restoration of eutrophic lakes: a global perspective”. In: M. Kumagai & W.F. Vincent (Eds.), Freshwater Management - Global Versus Local Perspectives. Springer, Tokyo: 135-152.


Jeppesen, E., M. Søndergaard, J.P. Jensen & T. Lauridsen, 2002: Resistance in the response of freshwater shallow lakes to changing nutrient loading and how to remedy eutrophication. - Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, UNESCO, 20 pp.


International refereed papers

In press

Jeppesen, E., Pekcan-Hekim Z, M. Søndergaard, T. L. Lauridsen & J.P. Jensen, in press: Habitat distribution of fish in late summer: Changes along a nutrient gradient in Danish lakes. - Ecol. Freshw. Fish.

Jeppesen, E., M. Meerhoff , Jakobsen B.A, Hansen R.S., Søndergaard, M., Jensen, J.P. , Lauridsen, T.L.,  N. Mazzeo & C. Branco ,in press. Restoration of shallow lakes by nutrient control and biomanipulation – the successful strategy depends on lake size and climate – Hydrobiologia


Christensen, B.T., T. L. Lauridsen, H.W. Ravn & M Bayley, 2005: A comparison of feeding efficiency and swimming ability of Daphnia magna exposed to cypermethrin. Aquat. Tox. 73: 210-220.

Declerck, S., J. Vandekerkhove, L. Johansson, K. Muylaert, J.M. Conde-Porcuna, K. Van der Gucht, T. L. Lauridsen, K. Schwenk, G. Zwart, W. Rommens, E. Jeppesen, W. Vyverman, L. Brendonck & L. De Meester, 2005: Multi-group biodiversity in shallow lakes along gradients of phosphorus and water plant cover. – Ecology 86: 1905-1915.

Gonzales Sagrario, M.A., E. Jeppesen, J. Gomà, M. Søndergaard, T. L. Lauridsen & F. Landkildehus, 2005: Does high nitrogen loading prevent clear-water conditions in shallow lakes at moderately high phosphorus concentrations? – Freshwat. Biol. 50: 27-41.

Jeppesen, E., J.P. Jensen, M. Søndergaard & T. L. Lauridsen 2005: Response of fish and plankton to nutrient loading reduction in 8 shallow Danish lakes with special emphasis on seasonal dynamics. - Freshwat. Biol.  50: doi:10.1111/j.1365-2427.2005.01413.x

Jeppesen, E., M. Søndergaard, J.P. Jensen, T. L. Lauridsen, L. Liboriussen, R. Bjerring Hansen, L.S. Johansson & F. Landkildehus, 2005: The response of north temperate lakes to reduced nutrient loading with special emphasis on shallow Danish lakes. - Ver. Int. Verein. Limnol. 29, Part 1: 115-122.

Jeppesen, E., M. Søndergaard, J.P. Jensen, K. Havens, O. Anneville, L. Carvalho, M.F. Coveney, R. Deneke, M. Dokulil, B. Foy, D. Gerdeaux, S.E. Hampton, K. Kangur, J. Köhler, S. Körner, E. Lammens, T.L. Lauridsen, M. Manca, R. Miracle, B. Moss, P. Nõges, G. Persson, G. Phillips, R. Portielje, S. Romo, C. L. Schelske, D. Straile, I.Tatrai, E. Willén & M. Winder, 2005: Lake responses to reduced nutrient loading – an analysis of contemporary long-term data from 35 case studies. - Freshwat. Biol. 50: doi:10.1111/j.1365-


Declerck, S., Vanderkerkhove, J., Johansson, L.S., Muylaert, K., Conde-Porcuna, J.M., Van der Gucht, K., Pérez-Martínez, C., Lauridsen, T.L., Schwenk, K., Zwart, G., Rommens, W., López-Ramos, J., Jeppesen, E., Vywerman, W., Brendonck, L. & De Meester, L. 2004: Multi-group biodiversity in shallow lakes along gradients of phosphorus and water plant cover. - Ecology (In press): 25-01-2005.

Jensen, J.P., Jeppesen, E. & Lauridsen, T.L. 2004: Göllerin havzadan tuzu yüklemelerindeki düsüse gösterdigi tepkileri: Danimarka’dan örnekler (Lakes response to reduced loading: examples from Denmark). In: Meryem Beklioglu (ed.): Shallow Lakes Ecology. Orta Dogu Teknik Üniversitesi. 49-60.

Jeppesen, E., Jensen, J.P., Søndergaard, M. & Lauridsen, T.L. 2004: Response of fish and plankton to nutrient loading reduction with special emphasis on seasonal dynamics. - Freshwater Biology (In press): 27-07-2004.


Jeppesen, E., Jensen, J.P., Jensen, C., Faafeng, B., Hessen, D.O., Søndergaard, M., Lauridsen, T.L., Brettum, P. & Christoffersen, K. 2003: The Impact of Nutrient State and Lake Depth on Top-down Control in the Pelagic Zone of Lakes. A Study of 466 Lakes from the Temperate Zone to the Arctic. - Ecosystems 6: 313-325.

Jeppesen, E., Jensen, J.P., Lauridsen, T.L., Amsinck, S.L., Christoffersen, K., Søndergaard, M. & Mitchell, S.F. 2003: Sub-fossils of cladocerans in the surface sediment of 135 lakes as proxies for community structure of zooplankton, fish abundance and lake temperature. - Hydrobiologia 491: 321-330.

Jeppesen, E., Søndergaard, M., Jensen, J.P. & Lauridsen, T.L. 2003: Restoration of Eutrophic Lakes. A Global Perspective. In: Kumagai, M. & Vincent, W.F. (Eds.): Freshwater Management. Global Versus Local Perspectives. Springer . 135-151.

Lauridsen, T.L., Jensen, J.P., Jeppesen, E. & Søndergaard, M. 2003: Response of submerged macrophytes in Danish lakes to nutrient loading reductions and biomanipulation. - Hydrobiologia 506(1-3): 641-649.

Lauridsen, T.L., Sandsten, H. & Møller, P.H. 2003: The restoration of a shallow lake by introducingPotamogeton spp.. The impact of waterfowl grazing. - Lakes & Reservoirs: Research and Management  8: 177-187.

Romare, P., Berg, S., Lauridsen, T.L. & Jeppesen, E. 2003: Spatial and temporal distribution of fish and zooplankton in a shallow lake. - Freshwater Biology 48: 1353-1362.

Zwart, G., van Hannen, E.J., Kamst-van Agterveld, M.P., Van der Gucht, K., Lindström, E.S., Van Wichelen, J., Lauridsen, T.L., Crump, B.C., Han, S-K. & Declerck, S. 2003: Rapid Screening for Freshwater Bacterial Groups by Using Reverse Line Blot Hybridization. - Applied and Environmental Microbiology 69(10): 5875-5883.


Burks, R.L., Lodge, D.M., Jeppesen, E. & Lauridsen, T.L. 2002: Diel Horizontal Migration of Zooplankton: Costs and Benefits of Inhabiting the Littoral. - Freshwater Biology 47: 343-365.

Jeppesen, E., Jensen, J.P., Amsinck, S., Landkildehus, F., Lauridsen, T. & Stuart, F.M. 2002: Reconstructing the Historical Changes in Daphnia Mean Size and Planktivorous Fish Abundance in Lakes from the Size of Daphnia ephippia in the Sediment. - Journal of Paleolimnology 27: 133-143.

Jeppesen, E., Landkildehus, F., Lauridsen, T.L., Jensen, J.P., Bjerring, R., Søndergaard, M., & Amsinck, S.L. 2002: Food Web Interactions in Five Faroese Lakes Tracked by Stable Isotopes. In: Christoffersen, K., Jeppesen, E., Enckell, P.H. & Bloch, D. (eds.): Five Faroese Lakes. Physico-Chemical and Biological Aspects. Føroya Fródskaparfelag. - Annales Societatis Scientiarum Færoensis. Supplementum XXXVI: 114-125.

Lauridsen, T.L. & Hansson, L-A. 2002: The Zooplankton Community of Five Faroese Lakes. In: Christoffersen, K., Jeppesen, E., Enckell, P.H. & Bloch, D. (eds.): Five Faroese Lakes. Physico-Chemical and Biological Aspects. Føroya Fródskaparfelag. - Annales Societatis Scientiarum Færoensis. Supplementum XXXVI: 70-78.


Jeppesen, E., Christoffersen, K., Landkildehus, F., Lauridsen, T., Amsinck, S.L., Riget, F. & Søndergaard, M. 2001: Fish and Crustaceans in Northeast Greenland Lakes with Special Emphasis on Interactions between Arctic Charr (Salvelinus alpinus), Lepidurus arcticus and Benthic Chydorids. - Hydrobiologia 442: 329-337.

Lauridsen, T.L., Jeppesen, E., Landkildehus, F. & Søndergaard, M. 2001: Horizontal Distribution of Cladocerans in Arctic Greenland Lakes. Impact of Macrophytes and Fish. - Hydrobiologia 442: 107-116.


Jeppesen, E., Jensen, J.P., Søndergaard, M., Lauridsen, T.L. & Landkildehus, F. 2000: Trophic Structure, Species Richness and Biodiversity in Danish Lakes. Changes along a Phosphorus Gradient. - Freshwater Biology 45: 201-218.

Riget, F., Jeppesen, E., Landkildehus, F., Lauridsen, T.L., Geertz-Hansen, P., Christoffersen, K. & Sparholt, H. 2000: Landlocked Arctic Charr (Salvelinus alpinus) Population Structure and Lake Morphometry in Greenland - Is there a Connection? - Polar Biology 23: 550-558.

Søndergaard, M., Jeppesen, E., Jensen, J.P. & Lauridsen, T.L. 2000: Lake Restoration in Denmark. - Lakes & Reservoirs. Research and Management 5(3): 151-159.


Øvrige videnskabelige publikationer/Other scientific publications


Landkildehus, F., Lauridsen, T.L., Jensen, J.P. & Amsinck, S. 2000: Lake Investigations in Lille Sødal. In: Caning, K. & Rasch, M. (eds.): Zackenberg Ecological Research Operations, ZERO, 5th Annual Report 1999. Danish Polar Center. pp. 54-55.

Schierup, H., Christoffersen, K., Vadeboncoeur, Y., Landkildehus, F., Lauridsen, T.L., Jensen, J.P., Amsinck, S. & Jeppesen, E. 2000: Freshwater Studies. In: Caning, K. & Rasch, M. (eds.): Zackenberg Ecological Research Operations, ZERO, 5th Annual Report 1999. Danish Polar Center. pp. 52-53.


DMU-rapporter og faglig rådgivning/NERI Technical Reports and consultancy publications


Lauridsen, T.L., Søndergaard, M., Jensen, J.P., Jeppesen, E.: 2005. Undersøgelser i søer – NOVANA. Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser. 234 s. Teknisk anvisning fra DMU nr. 22.

Lauridsen, T.L., Jensen, J.P., Søndergaard, M., Sortkær, L. 2005: Søer 2004. NOVANA 2004, Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser. – Faglig rapport fra DMU 553: 64 s. (elektronisk).


Jensen, J.P., Søndergaard, M., Jeppesen, E., Lauridsen, T.L., Liboriussen, L., Landkildehus, F. & Sortkjær, L. 2004: Søer 2003. NOVA 2003. Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser. - Faglig rapport fra DMU 515: 85 s. (elektronisk). Findes på:


Jensen, J.P., Bjerring, R., Jakobsen, T.S., Søndergaard, M., Lauridsen, T.L. & Sortkjær, L. 2003: Søer 2002. NOVA 2003. Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser. - Faglig rapport fra DMU 469: 63 s. (elektronisk). Findes på:

Lauridsen, T.L., Friberg-Jensen, U. & Christoffersen, K. 2003: Effekter af cypermethrin, azoxystrobin og bentazon på limniske invertebrater. Miljøstyrelsen. - Bekæmpelsesmiddelforskning fra Miljøstyrelsen 76: 96 s.

Søgaard, B., Skov, F., Ejrnæs, R., Nielsen, K.E., Pihl, S., Clausen, P., Laursen, K., Bregnballe, T., Madsen, J., Baattrup-Pedersen, A., Søndergaard, M., Lauridsen, T.L., Møller, P.F., Riis-Nielsen, T., Buttenschøn, R.M., Fredshavn, J.R., Aude, E. & Nygaard, B. 2003: Kriterier for gunstig bevaringsstatus. Naturtyper og arter omfattet af EF-habitatdirektivet & fugle omfattet af EF-fuglebeskyttelsesdirektivet. 2. udg. Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser. - Faglig rapport fra DMU 457: 460 s. (elektronisk). Findes på:

Søndergaard, M., Lauridsen, T.L., Aaser, H.F., Kanstrup, E.  2003: Udviklingen i Vest Stadil Fjord 2001-2002 . Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser. - Faglig rapport fra DMU 458: 25 s. (elektronisk). Findes på:


Jeppesen, E., Søndergaard, M., Amsinck, S., Jensen, J.P., Lauridsen, T.L., Pedersen, L.K., Landkildehus, F., Nielsen, K., Ryves, D., Bennike, O., Krog, G., Christensen, I. & Schriver, P. 2002: Søerne i De Østlige Vejler. Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser. - Faglig rapport fra DMU 394: 90 s. Findes på:


Jensen, J.P., Søndergaard, M., Jeppesen, E., Bjerring Olsen, R., Landkildehus, F., Lauridsen, T.L., Sortkjær, L. & Poulsen, A.M. 2001: Søer 2000. NOVA 2003. Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser. - Faglig rapport fra DMU 377: 104 s. (elektronisk). Findes på: df

Lauridsen, T.L. & Wiggers, L. 2001: Pesticider i Bryrup Langsø. - Vand & Jord 8(4): 154-159.

Møhlenberg, F., Petersen, S., Gustavson, K., Lauridsen, T.L. & Friberg, N. 2001: Mesocosm Experiments in the Approval Procedure for Pesticides. A Litterature Study on Effects of Mesocosm Characteristics and Validity of Extrapolation Methods to Protect Sensitive Species. Danish Environmental Protection Agency. - Pesticides Research 56: 110 pp.

Søndergaard, M., Madsen, J., Hald, A.B., Aaser, H.F., Elmeros, M., Kristensen, P., Clausen, P. & Lauridsen, T.L. 2001: Vest Stadil Fjord før og efter vandstandshævning. Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser. - Faglig rapport fra DMU 355: 54 s. (elektronisk). Findes på:


Jensen, J.P., Søndergaard, M., Jeppesen, E., Olsen, R. B., Landkildehus, F., Lauridsen, T.L., Sortkjær, L. & Poulsen, A.M. 2000: Søer 1999. NOVA 2003. Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser. - Faglig rapport fra DMU 335: 108 s. Findes på:


Populærfaglige publikationer/Popular articles and reports


Lauridsen, T.L., Friberg-Jensen, U. & Christoffersen, K. 2004: Sprøjtemidler forringer hvirvelløse dyrs liv. - Ny Viden fra Miljøstyrelsen 1: 102-107.

Løkke, H., Friberg, N., Baattrup-Pedersen, A., Lauridsen, T.L. & Ravn, H.W. 2004: Effekt af pesticider i vandmiljøet og på randområder. Måling af afdrift ved brug af biokemiske plantebiomarkører. - MånedsMagasinet Mark 2004(1): 89.


Lauridsen, T.L. & Søndergaard, M. 2002: Udplante undervandsplanter. Fiskepleje (www-side). Danmarks Fiskeriundersøgelser. 3 s. Findes på:

Søndergaard, M., Jeppesen, E., Jensen, J.P. & Lauridsen, T.L. 2002: Genskabe klarvandede søer. Fiskepleje (www-side). Danmarks Fiskeriundersøgelser. 4 s. Findes på:

Søndergaard, M., Jeppesen, E., Jensen, J.P. & Lauridsen, T. 2002: Søens økosystem. Fiskepleje (www-side). Danmarks Fiskeriundersøgelser. 4 s. Findes på:


Indlæg ved kongresser, symposier m.v./Conference presentations


Amsinck, S.L., Jeppesen, E., Lauridsen, T.L. & Landkildehus, F.: Cladoceran distribution and community structure and their relationships to environmental variables in 30 Faroese lakes - Evidence from contemporary data and sediments. Shallow Lakes in a changing world, The 5th international Symposium on the ecology and management of Shallow Lakes , Dalfsen, The Netherlands, 5-9 June 2005.

Declerck, S., Vandekerkhove, J., Johansson, L.S., Muylaert, K., Conde-Porcuna, J.M., Van der Gucht, K., Pérez-Martínez, C., Lauridsen, T.L., Schwenk, K., Zwart, G., Jeppesen, E., Vyverman, W., Brendonck, L. & De Meester, L.: Community structure in multiple aquatic organism groups: patterns of concordance along gradients of water plant cover, total phosphorus and lake size . Shallow Lakes in a changing world, The 5th international Symposium on the ecology and management of Shallow Lakes, Dalfsen, The Netherlands, 5-9 June 2005.

Jeppesen, E., Søndergaard, M., Jensen, J.P., Lauridsen, T.L., Hoyer, M.V., Bachmann, R.W. & Canfield, D.E.: Shallow lakes, global warming and restoration. Keynote lecture at  Shallow Lakes in a changing world, The 5th international Symposium on the ecology and management of Shallow Lakes, Dalfsen, The Netherlands, 5-9 June 2005.

Lauridsen, T.L. Søndergaard, M., , Amsinck, S.L., Jensen, J.P. & Jeppesen, E.: Submerged macrophytes as indicators of water quality in freshwater lakes. Invited speech. ASLO Summer Meeting 2005, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 19-24 June(In press) 10-06-2005.

Lauridsen, T.L., Liboriussen, L., Landkildehus, F., Jeppesen, E. & Søndergaard, M.: Change in the seasonality of macrophyte growth and senescence: results from a pond experiment. EUROLIMPACS WP3 Seasonality Workshop, Silkeborg, Denmark, 4-6 April.

Meerhoff, M., Jeppesen, E., Liboriussen, L., Bramm, M.E., Landkildehus, F., Lauridsen, T.L. & Søndergaard, M.: Response of shallow lake communities to experimental climate warming. Poster presented at Shallow Lakes in a changing world, The 5th international Symposium on the ecology and management of Shallow Lakes, Dalfsen, The Netherlands, 5-9 June 2005.


Jeppesen, E., Søndergaard, M. & Lauridsen, T.L.: Macrophyte-fish-zooplankton-phytoplankton interactions – a summary of numerous experiments conducted over the last 10 years. 7th INTECOL International Wetlands Conference, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands, 25-30 July 2004.

Jeppesen, E., Søndergaard, M., Jensen, J.P., Lauridsen, T.L. & Amsinck, S.L.: The role of fish for water quality: evidence from monitoring data, experiments and biological fossils in the sediment. Invited speech at the International Seminar on Biomanipulation and Restoration of Freshwater Lakes, University of the Azores, Ponta Delgada, Portugal, 1 March 2004.

Jeppesen, E., Søndergaard, M., Jensen, J.P., Lauridsen, T.L. & Meerhoff, M.: The ecosystem role of aquatic macrophytes in lakes. Symposium of Aquatic Plant Biology in Freshwater Habitats, Wuhan, China, 9-14 October, 2004.

Lauridsen, T.L., Friberg-Jensen, U. & Christoffersen, K.: Effekter af cypermethrin, azoxystrobin og bentazon på limniske invertebrater. Miljøstyrelsens Pesticidforskningsseminar, Koldingfjord Hotel, Danmark, 26-27. januar 2004.

Lauridsen, T.L., Jeppesen, E., Declerck, S., Christoffersen, K., Conde Porcuna, J.M. & De Meester, L.: The BIOMAN results compared to other studies on biodiversity in shallow lakes. 7th INTECOL International Wetlands Conference, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands, 25-30 July 2004.

Lauridsen, T.L., Jeppesen, E., Overgård, M.,  Søndergaard, M., Pedersen, A.R. & Landkildehus, F.: Variations in habitat selection of zooplankton in a turbid and a clear water shallow lake during a one-year period. Poster presented at  Behaviour and ecology of freshwater fish: Linking ecology and individual behaviour. International Conference, Freshwater Centre, Silkeborg, Denmark, 22-26 August, 2004.


Amsinck, S.L., Jeppesen, E., Lauridsen, T.L. & Landkildehus, F.: Cladoceran remains in the surface sediment of Faroese lakes. NORLAKE Symposium, Gjern Søhøjland, Silkeborg, Denmark, 18-21 October 2003.

Lauridsen, T.L., Hansson, L.-A., Amsinck, S.L. & Bjerring, R.: Zooplankton in the Norlake lakes – changes along a climate gradient. NORLAKE Symposium, Gjern Søhøjland, Silkeborg, Denmark, 18-21 October 2003.


Berg, S., Jeppesen, E., Lauridsen, T.L., Müller, J.P., Jerl Jensen, H., Jepsen, N. & Skov, C.: Five Methods to Determine the Fish Population in Lakes Evaluated by a Complete Drawdown. Poster presented at Shallow Lakes 2002 International Conference on Limnology of Shallow Lakes, Balatonfüred, Hungary, 25-30 May 2002.

Jeppesen, E., Jensen, J.P., Søndergaard, M., Hoyer, M., Lauridsen, T.L. & Christoffersen, K.: Global Climate Warming and Shallow Lakes. Invited speech at Shallow Lakes 2002 International Conference on Limnology of Shallow Lakes, Balatonfüred, Hungary, 25-30 May 2002.

Lauridsen, T.L., Friberg, N., Kronvang, B., & Iversen, H.L.: Pesticider i vandløb og søer. Koncentrationer og effekter. Natur- og Miljøforskningskonference, H.C. Ørsted Institutet, København, 22.-23. august 2002.

Lauridsen, T.L., Jeppesen, E., Jensen, J.P. & Søndergaard, M.: Response of Submerged Macrophytes Following Redudctions in Nutrient Loading and in Combination with Biomanipulation. Shallow Lakes 2002 International Conference on Limnology of Shallow Lakes, Balatonfüred, Hungary, 25-30 May 2002.

Søndergaard, M., Jeppesen, E., Amsinck, S., Jensen, J.P., Lauridsen, T.L., Landkildehus, F. & Nielsen, K.: Brakvandssøer. Struktur og funktion. Natur- og Miljøforskningskonference, H.C. Ørsted Institutet, København, 22.-23. august 2002.


Lauridsen, T.L.: Status of Catchment Area, Nutrients and Macrophytes in the Danish BIOMAN Lakes. 2nd Workshop BIOMAN Project, University of Granada, Spain, March 7-9, 2001.

Lauridsen, T.L.: Zooplankton in Faroese Lakes. NORLAKE Workshop, Herdla, Norway, October 11-14, 2001.

Lauridsen, T.L. & Wiggers, L.: Pesticides in a Mesotrophic Danish Lake and its Inlet. Poster presented at the 8th Symposium on the Chemistry and Fate of Modern Pesticides, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 21-24, 2001.

Lauridsen, T.L., Jeppesen, E., Søndergaard, M. & Jensen, J.P.: Response of Submerged Macrophytes in Danish Lakes following Reductions in Nutrient Loading only and in Combination with Biomanipulation. 21st International Symposium of NALMS - North American Lake Management Society, 2001, A Lake Odyssey - Bridging the Gaps between Science, Policy and Practice, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, November 7-9, 2001.


Jeppesen, E., Christoffersen, K., Landkildehus, F., Lauridsen, T.L., Jensen, J.P., Amsinck, S., Søndergaard, M. & Johansson, L.S.: The Structuring Role of Fish in 81 Arctic and High Arctic Lakes in Greenland. Preliminary Results. Poster presented at the International Symposium on High Mountain Lakes and Streams, Indicators of a Changing World, Innsbruck, Austria, September 4-8, 2000.

Jeppesen, E., Jensen, J.P., Lauridsen, T.L.,Faafeng, B., Hessen, D., Christoffersen, K., Landkildehus, F., Mitchell, S. & Søndergaard, M.: Top-Down Control in Temperate and Arctic Lakes - Changes along a Nutrient Gradient. International Symposium on High Mountain Lakes and Streams, Indicators of a Changing World, Innsbruck, Austria, September 4-8, 2000.

Jeppesen, E., Søndergaard, M., Jensen, J.P. & Lauridsen, T.L.: Trophic Dynamics in Temperate and Arctic Lakes with Special Emphasis on the Role of Submerged Macrophytes. Invited speech at the Norwegian Institute for Water Research, NIVA, Oslo, Norway, March 24, 2000.

Jeppesen, E., Søndergaard, M., Lauridsen, T.L., Landkildehus, F. & Johansson, L.S.: Changes in Trophic Interactions along a Gradient in Nutrients and Salinity in Brackish Lakes. II. Enclosure Experiments. Poster presented at ASLO 2000 Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Research Across Boundaries, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 5-9, 2000.

Lauridsen, T.L., Søndergaard, M., Jeppesen, E. & Landkildehus, F.: Importance of Submerged Macrophytes and Fish for Eurytemora affinis in a Brackish Lake. Poster presented at ASLO 2000 Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Research Across Boundaries, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 5-9, 2000.

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