Susanne Lildal Amsinck
Present profession: Researcher (funded by the Carlsberg Foundation, 1st Sept. 2004 – 30th Aug. 2006, hereafter funded by The National Environmental Research Institute, 1st Sept. 2006 – 30th Aug. 2008)
Date of birth: March 1, 1969
Education: MSc. 1998, PhD. 2003
Address (work): National Environmental Research Institute, Vejlsøvej 25, 8600 Silkeborg, Denmark
Professional career (1998-2006):
M. Sc.: Thesis: Intercellular accumulation of nitrate in sulfur-oxidizing bacteria with special focus on Thioploca ingrica, University of Aarhus, Institute of Biological Sciences, Dept. of Microbial Ecology, Denmark, 1998. Supervisor: Associate Prof. Lars P. Nielsen.
Research assistant, National Environmental Research Institute (NERI), Dept. of Freshwater Ecology, Silkeborg, Denmark, 1998-1999.
Ph. D.: Thesis: Development and application of zooplankton-based paleoecological methods in Danish brackish lakes, NERI, Dept. of Freshwater Ecology, Silkeborg, Denmark, and University of Aarhus, Institute of Biological Sciences, Dept. of Plant Ecology, Denmark. Study period: January 2000- March 2003. Defended June 2003. Supervisors: Prof. Erik Jeppesen and Associate prof. Tom V. Madsen. Examiners: Prof. John Anderson and D.Sc. Marko Reinikainen.
Project researcher, NERI, Dept. of Freshwater Ecology, Silkeborg, Denmark, 2003-2004
Researcher, NERI, Dept. of Freshwater Ecology, Silkeborg, Denmark. 2 year post doc position funded by the Carlsberg Foundation, 2004-2006, hereafter funding provided by NERI 2006-2008.
Maternity leave: Child 1 (November 1994- August 1995), child 2 (April 1998- October 1998) and child 3 (November 2003- August 2004).
Major research interests:
My primary research interest is the use of zooplankton-based paleoecology to investigate past conditions, changes and trends of freshwater and brackish lakes related to environmental and climate change. Paleoecological methods are often the only means of obtaining insight into past lake regimes due to the lack of alternative historical records, and they can thereby serve as an important tool for our understanding of lake responses to human impacts and climate change, and further be used for defining restoration and management strategies. In recent years, my research has focused on the reconstruction of the histories of several north temperate lakes (e.g. in Denmark, the Faroe Islands, Iceland, Greenland, Finland), by use of qualitative as well as quantitative paleoecological methods, the latter involving establishment of statistical models for inference of controlling variables for the biological structure. Through my work at the National Environmental Research Institute (NERI), I´m involved in studies of food-web interactions in sub-arctic and arctic freshwater lakes and I´m participating in the projects EUROLIMPACS (, funded by EU) and CARE (Comprehensive analysis of recovery of eutrophicated lakes, funded by the Finnish Scientific Research Council), both focussing on the effects of interactions between climate and human activities on freshwater ecosystems and encompassing detailed paleolimnological investigations. More recently, I have also been working on the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive in Denmark and the Action Plan for the Aquatic Environment 22 – Wetland. In addition, I am involved in university teaching (MSc and PhD courses) at the University of Aarhus betweentimes. At the moment, I am holding a 2-year post-doc position financed by the Carlsberg Foundation, focussing on illuminating the impact of climatically induced changes on biological structure in North-Atlantic lakes during the last 10,000 years.
Internationale videnskabelige publikationer med referee/International Scientific Publications
Amsinck, S.L., Jeppesen, E., Verschuren, D. 2006: Cladoceran resting eggs and anthropogenic changes. In Diapause in aquatic invertebrates: role for ecology, physiology and human uses. Eds. Alekseev, V., De Stasio, B., Cluwer Publishers. In press.
Amsinck, S.L., A. Strzelczak, R.B. Hansen, F. Landkildehus, T.L. Lauridsen, M. Søndergaard, E. Jeppesen. Lake depth rather than fish planktivory determine cladoceran community structure in Faroese lakes – evidence from contemporary data and sediments. In press.
Amsinck, S.L., Jeppesen, E. & Landkildehus, F. 2005: Relationships between environmental variables and zooplankton subfossils in the surface sediments of 36 shallow coastal brackish lakes with special emphasis on the role of fish. - Journal of Paleolimnology 33: 39-51.
Amsinck, S.L., Jeppesen, E. & Landkildehus, F. 2005: Inference of past changes in zooplankton community structure and planktivorous fish abundance from sedimentary subfossils - a study of a coastal lake subjected to major fish kill incidents during the past century. - Archiv für Hydrobiologie 162 (3): 363-382.
Jeppesen, E., Søndergaard, M., Jensen, J.P., Lauridsen, T.L., Amsinck, S.L., Liboriussen, L., Hansen, R.B., Johansson, L.S., Landkildehus, F., 2005: The response of north temperate lakes to reduced nutrient loading with special emphasis on shallow Danish lakes. - Ver. Int. Verein. Limnol. 29, Part 1: 115-122.
Johansson, L.S., Amsinck, S.L., Bjerring, R., Jensen, J.P & Jeppesen, E. 2005: Mid to Late Holocene land-use change and lake development at Dallund Sø, Denmark: lake trophic structure inferred from cladoceran subfossils. – The Holocene 15 (8): 1143-1151.
Søndergaard, M., Jeppesen, E., Jensen, J.P., Amsinck, S.L. 2005: Water Framework Directive: ecological classification of Danish lakes – Journal of Applied Ecology 42 (4): 616-629.
Jeppesen, E., Amsinck, S.L., Johanson, L.S., Jensen, J.P., 2004: Sedimandaki mikro-kabuklu canhlar bata olmak üzere fosil kalintilarmin analiziyle, göllerin gecmiteki trofik yapilarmin ve su kalitelerinin belirlenmesi [Assessing lake trophic structure and water quality in the past using sub-fossils in sediment with special emphasis on microcrustaceans]. In: Beklioglu, M. (ed.): Shallow lakes ecology. Orta DoZu Teknik Üniversitesi. (In Turkish).
Ryves, D., Amsinck, S.L., Appleby, P.G., Bennike, O., Clarke, A.L., Jeppesen, E. & Landkildehus, F. 2004: Reconstructing the salinity and environment of the Limfjord and Vejlerne Nature Reserve, Denmark, using a diatiom calibration model for brackish lakes and fjords. - Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences: 61 (10) 1988-2006. Oct. 2004.
Amsinck, S.L., Jeppesen, E. & Ryves, D. 2003: Cladoceran stratigraphy in two shallow brackish lakes with special reference to changes in salinity, macrophyte abundance and fish predation. - Journal of Paleolimnology 29 (4): 495-507.
Jeppesen, E., Jensen, J.P., Lauridsen, T.L., Amsinck, S.L., Christoffersen, K., Søndergaard, M. & Mitchell, S.F. 2003: Sub-fossils of cladocerans in the surface sediment of 135 lakes as proxies for community structure of zooplankton, fish abundance and lake temperature. - Hydrobiologia 491 (1-3): 321-330.
Jeppesen, E., Jensen, J.P., Amsinck, S.L., Landkildehus, F., Lauridsen, T. & Stuart, F.M. 2002: Reconstructing the Historical Changes in Daphnia Mean Size and Planktivorous Fish Abundance in Lakes from the Size of Daphnia ephippia in the Sediment. - Journal of Paleolimnology 27 (1): 133-143.
Jeppesen, E., Landkildehus, F., Lauridsen, T.L., Jensen, J.P., Bjerring, R., Søndergaard, M., & Amsinck, S.L. 2002: Food Web Interactions in Five Faroese Lakes Tracked by Stable Isotopes. In: Christoffersen, K., Jeppesen, E., Enckell, P.H. & Bloch, D. (eds.): Five Faroese Lakes. Physico-Chemical and Biological Aspects. Føroya Fródskaparfelag. - Annales Societatis Scientiarum Færoensis. Supplementum XXXVI: 114-125.
Jeppesen, E., Christoffersen, K., Landkildehus, F., Lauridsen, T., Amsinck, S.L., Riget, F. & Søndergaard, M. 2001: Fish and Crustaceans in Northeast Greenland Lakes with Special Emphasis on Interactions between Arctic Charr (Salvelinus alpinus), Lepidurus arcticus and Benthic Chydorids. - Hydrobiologia 442 (1-3): 329-337.
Øvrige videnskabelige publikationer/Other scientific publications
Landkildehus, F., Lauridsen, T.L., Jensen, J.P. & Amsinck, S.L., 2000: Lake Investigations in Lille Sødal. In: Caning, K. & Rasch, M. (eds.): Zackenberg Ecological Research Operations, ZERO, 5th Annual Report 1999. Danish Polar Center. pp. 54-55.
Schierup, H., Christoffersen, K., Vadeboncoeur, Y., Landkildehus, F., Lauridsen, T.L., Jensen, J.P., Amsinck, S.L., Jeppesen, E. 2000: Freshwater Studies. In: Caning, K. & Rasch, M. (eds.): Zackenberg Ecological Research Operations, ZERO, 5th Annual Report 1999. Danish Polar Center. pp. 52-53.
Afhandlinger og disputatser/Theses
Amsinck, S.L. 2003: Development and application of zooplankton-based paleoecological methodswith special focus on Danish brackish lakes. PhD thesis. National Environmental Research Institute. 27 pp. (electronic).
DMU-rapporter og faglig rådgivning/NERI Technical Reports and consultancy publications
Hoffmann, C.C., Baattrup-Pedersen, A., Amsinck, S.L. & Clausen, P. 2006: Overvågning af Vandmiljøplan II - Vådområder 2005. Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser. - Faglig rapport fra DMU 576: 127 s. (elektronisk). Findes på:
Hoffmann, C.C., Baattrup-Pedersen, A., Amsinck, S.L. & Clausen, P. 2004: Overvågning af Vandmiljøplan II vådområder 2004. Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser. - Faglig rapport fra DMU518: 103 s. (elektronisk). Findes på:
Johansson, L.S., Bradshaw, E., Amsinck, S.L., Jensen, K. & Jeppesen, E. 2004: Palaeoecological investigations in Lake Wuliangsuhai. - Rapport til NIVA.
Johansson, L.S., Ryves, D., Rasmussen, P., Amsinck, S.L. & Jeppesen, E. 2004: Palæolimnologiske undersøgelser af Gurre Sø. Rekvirentrapport til Frederiksborg Amt. Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser. 17 s.
Søndergaard, M., Jeppesen, E., Jensen, J.P., Amsinck, S.L., Johansson, L.S., Hansen, R.B. & Bradshaw, E. 2004: Danske søer og vandrammedirektivet. - Vand & Jord 11(1): 34-39.
Amsinck, S.L., Johansson, L.S., Bjerring, R., Jeppesen, E., Søndergaard, M., Jensen, J.P., Jensen, K., Bradshaw, E., Anderson, N.J., Bennike, O., Nielsen, A.B., Rasmussen, P., Ryves, D., Stavngaard, B., Brodersen, K., McGowan, S., Odgaard, B.V. & Wolin, J. 2003: Vandrammedirektivet og danske søer. Del 2: Palæoøkologiske undersøgelser. Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser. - Faglig rapport fra DMU 476: 120 s. (elektronisk). Findes på:
Hoffmann, C.C., Baattrup-Pedersen, A., Jeppesen, E., Amsinck, S.L. & Clausen, P. 2003: Overvågning af VandmiljøplanII vådområder 2003. Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser. - Faglig rapport fra DMU 472: 83 s. (elektronisk). Findes på:
Jeppesen, E., Søndergaard, M., Amsinck, S.L., Jensen, J.P., Lauridsen, T.L., Pedersen, L.K., Landkildehus, F., Nielsen, K., Ryves, D., Bennike, O., Krog, G., Christensen, I. & Schriver, P. 2002: Søerne i De Østlige Vejler. Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser. - Faglig rapport fra DMU 394: 90 s. Findes på:
Jeppesen, E., Jensen, J.P., Amsinck, S.L. & Johansson, L.S. 2001: Paleoecological Methods as Tools in Assessing the Near-Pristine State of Lakes. In: Karttunen, K. (ed.): Monitoring and Assessment of Ecological Status of Aquatic Environments. Nordic Council of Ministers. - TemaNord 2001:563: 45-49. Available at:
Odgaard, B.V., Amsinck, S.L., Anderson, J., Brodersen, K., Bennike, O., Jensen, J.P., Jensen, K., Jeppesen, E., Rasmussen, P., 1999: Esrum Søs pælæolimnologi gennem de seneste århundrede. Rapport til Frederiksborg, 38s.
Populærfaglige publikationer/Popular articles and reports
Hoffmann, C.C., Amsinck, S.L., Clausen, P. & Baattrup-Pedersen, A. 2006: Vådområde – genopretning i Danmark . Hvilke projekttyper er der gennemført hvor og med hvilken effekt for miljø og natur? I: ATV : Naturgenopretning - betydning for mængde og kvalitet af grundvand og overfladevand, ATV møde, Odense, 30. maj 2006 . ATV Jord og Grundvand. s. 9-18.
Indlæg ved kongresser, symposier m.v./Conference presentations
Amsinck, S.L.: Fastsættelse af reference tilstande for danske søer ved brug af palæoøkologiske metoder. Oral presentation. Annual meeting of National Survey of Freshwater Lakes and Streams, Silkeborg, Denmark, March 27-28, 2006.
Mirva Nykänen, Kairesalo, T, Amsinck, S.L. Cladoceran remains in annually laminated sediment of Lake Vesijärvi reflect known changes in ambient fish density. Poster presented at the 10th International Paleolimnology Symposium, Duluth, Minnesota, USA, June 25-29, 2006.
Lauridsen, T.L., Søndergaard, M., Amsinck, S.L. & Jeppesen, E.: The use of biological variables in the setting up nutrient criteria for freshwater lakes in a cultural landscape. ASLO Summer Meeting 2006, Global Challenges Facing Oceanography and Limnology, Victoria, Canada, June 4-9, 2006
Amsinck, S.L.: Use of zooplankton-based paleoecological methods to trace climate-driven changes in lake ecosystems. Oral presentation and Poster presented at the Workshop on Climate change: a multi-dimensional challenge, University of Lund, Sweden, October 26-28, 2005.
Amsinck, S.L., Jeppesen, E., Lauridsen, T.L. & Landkildehus, F.: Cladoceran distribution and community structure and their relationships to environmental variables in 30 Faroese lakes – evidence from contemporary data and sediments. Shallow lakes 2005, Dalfsen, The Netherlands, June 5-9, 2005.
Bjerring, R., Jeppesen, E., Amsinck, S.L., Odgaard, B. Vad, Moss, B., Bacares, E., Gross, E., Hansson, L.A., Kairesalo, T., Kornijow, R., Nöges T.: Changes in cladoceran community structure along a temperature gradient from northern Sweden to Spain based on subfossils. Poster presented at Shallow lakes 2005, Dalfsen, The Netherlands, June 5-9, 2005.
Johansson, L.S., Kaupilla, T., Amsinck, S.L., Jeppesen E., Ventalä, A.: Changes in eutrophicated Lake Pyhajarvi, Finland, after restoration, elucidated by paleolimnological studies covering a 30 year period. Poster presented at Shallow lakes 2005, Dalfsen, The Netherlands, June 5-9, 2005
Søndergaard, M., Lauridsen, T.L., Amsinck, S.L., Jensen, J.P. & Jeppesen, E.: Submerged macrophytes as indicators of water quality in freshwater lakes. ASLO Summer Meeting 2005, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, June 19-24, 2005.
Søndergaard, M., Jeppesen, E., Jensen, J.P., Amsinck, S.L.: Water Framework Directive in shallow Danish lakes: indicators, classification and ecological quality ratio. Shallow lakes 2005, Dalfsen, The Netherlands, June 5-9, 2005.
Amsinck, S.L.: Defining reference conditions for Danish lakes: using palaeo ecological evidence to track human disturbances and impacts. EUROLIMPACS Palaeoecology Cross Cutting Theme Meeting, University Collage London, England, May 23-25, 2005.
Amsinck, S.L. & Jeppesen, E.: Zooplankton-based paleoecological studies in DK and use of multivariate statistics. Space-for-time Workshop (EUROLIMPACS), Toulouse, France. September 16-17, 2004.
Amsinck, S.L., Johansson, L.S., Jeppesen, E. & Jensen, K.: Paleolimnological investigations - basic principals. CARE Workshop, Kauttua, Finland, August 14-19, 2004.
Jeppesen, E., Søndergaard, M., Jensen, J.P., Lauridsen, T.L. & Amsinck, S.L.: The role of fish for water quality: evidence from monitoring data, experiments and biological fossils in the sediment. Invited speech at the International Seminar on Biomanipulation and Restoration of Freshwater Lakes, University of the Azores, Ponta Delgada, Portugal, March 1, 2004.
Amsinck, S.L., Jeppesen, E., Landkildehus, F. & Ryves, D.: Development and application of zooplankton-based paleoecological methods in Danish brackish shallow lakes. 9th International Paleolimnology Symposium, Espoo, Finland, August 24-28, 2003.
Amsinck, S.L., Jeppesen, E., Lauridsen, T.L. & Landkildehus, F.: Cladoceran remains in the surface sediment of Faroese lakes. NORLAKE Symposium, Gjern Søhøjland, Silkeborg, Denmark, October 18-21, 2003.
Bjerring, R., Johansson, L.S., Amsinck, S.L., Jeppesen, E., Bradshaw, E. & Odgaard, B.: Reference conditions and development of trophic structure in 15 Danish lakes based on cladoceran subfossils studied in relation to the EU Water Framework Directive. Poster presented at 9th International Symposium on Paleolimnology, Espoo, Finland, August 24-28, 2003.
Christoffersen, K., Faafeng, B., Amsinck, S.L. & Bjerring, R.: Abundance and composition of phytoplankton communities in 300+ Arctic, Subarctic and cold temperate lakes. NORLAKE Symposium, Gjern Søhøjland, Silkeborg, Denmark, October 18-21, 2003.
Lauridsen, T.L., Hansson, L.-A., Amsinck, S.L. & Bjerring, R.: Zooplankton in the Norlake lakes – changes along a climate gradient. NORLAKE Symposium, Gjern Søhøjland, Silkeborg, Denmark, October 18-21, 2003.
Ryves, D., Amsinck, S.L., Appleby, P.G., Bennike, O., Clarke, A.L., Jeppesen, E. & Landkildehus, F.: Reconstructing the salinity and environment of the Limfjord and Vejlerne Nature Reserve, Denmark, using a diatiom calibration model for brackish lakes and fjords. Poster presented at 9th International Symposium on Paleolimnology, Espoo, Finland, August 24-28, 2003.
Amsinck, S.L., Jeppesen, E. & Landkildehus, F: Distribution and Ecology of Cladocera in Brackish Lakes. Evidence from Surface Sediments. Poster presented at Natur- og Miljøforskningskonference, H.C. Ørsted Institutet, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 22-23, 2002.
Amsinck, S.L., Jeppesen, E. & Landkildehus, F.: Distribution and Ecology of Cladocera in Brakish Lakes. Evidence from Surface Sediments. Poster presented at Shallow Lakes 2002 International Conference on Limnology of Shallow Lakes, Balatonfüred, Hungary, May 25-30, 2002.
Søndergaard, M., Jeppesen, E., Amsinck, S., Jensen, J.P., Lauridsen, T.L., Landkildehus, F. & Nielsen, K.: Brakvandssøer. Struktur og funktion. Natur- og Miljøforskningskonference, H.C. Ørsted Institutet, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 22- 23, 2002.
Amsinck, S.L., Jeppesen, E. & Landkildehus, F.: Palæoøkologiske undersøgelser i Vejlerne. Annual meeting of National Survey of Freshwater Lakes, Silkeborg, Denmark, February 28, 2001.
Amsinck, S.L.: Kan palæolimnologien anvendes i brakvandssøer? Annual meeting of the National Survey of Freshwater Lakes, Silkeborg, Denmark, January 31 - February 1, 2000.
Amsinck, S.L., Jeppesen, E. & Jensen, J.P.: Remains of Cladocerans and Foraminifers as Indicators of Trophic Dynamics in Brackish Lakes. Poster presented at ASLO 2000 Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Research Across Boundaries, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 5-9, 2000.
Amsinck, S.L., Jeppesen, E. & Landkildehus, F.: Remains of cladocerans, foraminifers and ostracods as indicators of trophic dynamics in brackish lakes. Poster presented at 8th International Paleolimnology Symposium, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, August 20-24, 2000.
Jeppesen, E., Christoffersen, K., Landkildehus, F., Lauridsen, T.L., Jensen, J.P., Amsinck, S., Søndergaard, M. & Johansson, L.S.: The Structuring Role of Fish in 81 Arctic and High Arctic Lakes in Greenland. Preliminary Results. Poster presented at the International Symposium on High Mountain Lakes and Streams, Indicators of a Changing World, Innsbruck, Austria, September 4-8, 2000.
Jeppesen, E., Søndergaard, M., Jensen, J.P., Landkildehus, F., Amsinck, S.L., Søers reaktion på reduceret næringsstoftilførsel, Dansk Miljøforskning 1999, H.C. Ørsted Institutet, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 19-20, 1999.
Jeppensen, E., Søndergaard, M., Jensen, J.P., Landkildehus, F., Amsinck, S.L., 1999: The Trophic structure and dynamics of shallow brackish lakes. Invited speech at the EU-SWALE Meeting, Lammi, Finland, October 14-17, 1999.
Øvrig faglig aktivitet /Additional professional activity:
Guest teacher, Short Course of Lake Ecology (M. Sc. course, B-modulus), University of Aarhus, Denkmark, April 15, 2005
EUROLIMPACS, Workshop WP3, SAS Radisson, Silkeborg, Denmark, April 4-6, 2005
Fagmøde for vandløb og søer, Søhøjlandet Gjern, Silkeborg, Denmark, January 24-25, 2005
EUROLIMPACS, Steering Group Meeting, Søhøjlandet Gjern, Silkeborg, Denmark, January 13-14, 2005
Guest teacher and organiser, SOAS (Ph.D. course), Mønsted Fieldstation, Denmark, 2003
5th Cladoceran International Workshop, Helsinki, Finland, 2003
Guest teacher, Short Course of Paleoecology (M. Sc. course, C-modulus), University of Aarhus, Denmark, 2001
NORLAKE Intercalibration and Workshop, Faroe Islands, 2000
Øvrig uddannelse/ Additional education (courses):
Faglig Journalistik (ved journalist og ekstern lektor Nils Sjøberg, Roskilde Universitets Center), Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser, 2006
Data Analysis in Ecology and Paleoecology, University of Copenhagen and Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, Denmark, 2001
Design & Analysis of Experiments, University of Aarhus, Denmark, 2001
Numerical Analysis of Biological & Environmental data, University College London, England, 2001
Educational theory and practice, University of Aarhus, Denmark, 2001
Landscape development and aquatic ecosystems: spatial and temporal perspectives, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 2000
Scientific Writing and Communication, University of Aarhus, Denmark, 2000
Quantitative Environmental Paleoecology, Environmental Change Research Centre, University College London, England, 1999
Introduction to Ostracod Analysis, Environmental Change Research Centre, University College London, England, 1999
Introduction to Foraminiferal Analysis, Environmental Change Research Centre, University College London, England, 1999
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