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Willi May

Professional Address: Danish meteorological Institute, DMI, Lyngbyvej 100, 2100 København Ø. Tel: 39 15 75 00
Fax: 39 27 10 80


Occupation:                 Scientist, Climate Section, Danish Meteorological Institute, Copenhagen

University degrees:    1989 MSc meteorology, University in Cologne, Germany

1995 PhD in meteorology, University Hamburg, Germany


Professional activity:

1989-1991         Associate Scientist, University in Cologne, Germany

1991-1992         Associate Scientist, National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado

1992-1995         Associate Scientist, Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg, Germany

1995-                 Scientist, Danish Meteorological Institute in Copenhagen, Denmark


International research projects:

1998-2000:        Project coordinator of “Enhanced Resolution Modelling Study on Anthropogenic Climate Change” funded by the European Commission

1998-2001:        Principle investigator of “Interannual and Decadal Climate Variability: Scale Interaction Experiments” funded by the European Commission

2000-2003:        Principle investigator of “Predictability and Variability of Monsoons and the Agricultural Impacts of Climate Change” funded by the European Commission   


Other professional duties:

·         Reviewer for 16 scientific journals

·         Contributing author to the Third Assessment Report of the IPCC; Chapter 10: Regional Climate Information – Evaluation and Projections

·         Member of the steering board of the MedClivar initiative


Selected scientific papers:

May, W., 2004: Variability and extremes of daily rainfall during the Indian summer monsoon in the period 1901-1989. Global and Planetary Change, 44, 83-105.

May, W., 2004: Potential future changes in the Indian summer monsoon due to greenhouse warming: Analysis of mechanisms in a global time-slice experiment. Climate Dynamics, 22, 289-414.

May, W., 2004: Simulation of variability and extremes of daily rainfall during the Indian summer monsoon for present and future times in a global time-slice experiment. Climate Dynamics, 22, 183-204.

May, W., 2003: The Indian summer monsoon and its sensitivity to mean SSTs: Simulations with the ECHAM4 AGCM at T106 horizontal resolution. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 81, 57-83.

Voss, R., W. May, and E. Roeckner, 2002: Enhanced resolution modelling study on anthropo­genic climate change: Changes in extremes of the hydrological cycle. International Jour­nal of Climatology, 22, 755-777.

May, W., 1999: Space-time spectra of the atmospheric intraseasonal variability in the extra­tropics and their dependency on the El Niño/Southern Oscillation phenomenon: model versus observation. Climate Dynamics, 15, 369-387.

May, W., and L. Bengtsson, 1998: The signature of ENSO in the Northern Hemisphere midlatitude seasonal mean flow and high-frequency intraseasonal variability. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 69, 81-100.

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