Scientific researchRelevant research projects of high scientific quality provide the foundations for Galathea 3
First class research is characterising the third Galathea expedition. Prior to the selection of the participating projects, all projects have been submitted to the thorough assessment of the independent governmental research councils, and only project proposals that have received research council approval have made it through the eye of the needle.
The final selection of the projects has been made by the Danish Expedition Foundation and received the approval of the Foundation's Board of Trustees. You may read about the process that has preceded the plan for the voyage in the box on the right.
Research scientists from several Danish and some foreign universities and sector research institutions stand behind the Galathea 3 projects. Most of the projects fall within the category of natural science, but also other research areas of relevance to the places that the expedition is going to visit have found room onboard. And the expedition encompasses both sea and land based research projects.
The themes on which the natural science researchers are going to focus will include biological processes, climatic changes and earthquakes. In addition, a number of classical biology projects will contribute to our actually rather limited insight into marine animal and plant life, and also the very small organisms, such as bacteria, plankton and algae, will be studied. A very modest share of such organisms are known to science today.
Similarly, the research projects within the humanities range very far, but a number of them are concentrated within the area of Galathea 3’s visits to the former Danish colonies in Tranquebar and the West Indies.
You may read more about the research on the Galathea 3 expedition here.