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Martin Søndergaard

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Present profession: Senior researcher

Date of birth: September 10, 1957                   

Education: MSc in biology, Botanical Institute, University of Aarhus, May 1984,  Lic Scient, Botanical Institute, University of Aarhus, January 1989

Address (work): National Environmental Research Institute, Vejlsøvej 25, 8600 Silkeborg, Denmark



Professional career:


Group leader of the lake group at the National Environmental Research Institute, Department of Freshwater Ecology.


Senior researcher at The National Environmental Research Institute, Department of Freshwater Ecology.


Ecologist at The Freshwater Laboratory of the National Agency of Environmental Protection (as of 1 January 1989: The National Environmental Research Institu­te, Department of Freshwater Ecology)


Major research interests

My major research interests are in the field of phosphorus exchange between sediment and water, methods of restoration and biological structure in lakes. In charge of data analyses and author/co-author of numerous publications from the EU-FP5 research programmes BUFFER, ECOFRAME and BIOMAN, all dealing with shallow lakes. More recently, I have been working on the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive in Denmark and have in this connection been responsible for an analyses of how to define typology and ecological classes of Danish lake. In addition, I am working on EUROLIMPACS, the latter being a EU-FP6funded international project (2004-2008) designed to assess the effects of future global climate change on Europe’s freshwater ecosystems.


International publications last five years

Book chapters


Jeppesen, E., M., Søndergaard, N. Mazzeo, M. Meerhoff, C. Branco, V. Huszar & Flavio Scasso, 2005: Lake restoration and biomanipulation in temperate lakes: relevance for subtropical and tropical lakes. Chapter 11 in: (Ed. M.V. Reddy), Tropical eutrophic lakes: their restoration and management: 331-359.


Jeppesen, E., I. Sammalkorpi, T.L. Lauridsen, J.P. Jensen & M. Søndergaard, 2004: Ihman iklim kusaZindaki tathsu siZ göllerinin özellikle biyomanipülasyonla restorasyonu. [Restoration of shallow temperate freshwater  lakes]. In: Beklioglu, M. (ed.): Shallow lake ecology. Orta DoZu Teknik Üniversitesi. (In Turkish)

Jeppesen, E., Søndergaard, M., Jensen, J.P., Lauridsen, T.L., Liboriussen, L., Bjerring Hansen, R., Lildal Amsinck, S., Sander JohanssoN, L. &Landkildehus, F.: Response of northern temperate shallow lakes to reduced nutrient loading, with special emphasis on Danish lakes. XXIX Congress Lahti Finland 8-14 August 2004, Edited for the Association by: Jones, J., 2005. VIII , 559 pages, Verhandlungen IVL, Volume 29 Part 1, p. 115.


Jensen, J.P., E. Jeppesen, M. Søndergaard & T. L. Lauridsen, 2003: Lakes response to reduced loading:   examples from  Denmark. In: Beklioglu, M. & C.O. Tan (eds.): Shallow lakes ecology. (In Turkish)

Jeppesen, E., M. Søndergaard, N. Mazzeo, M. Meerhoff, C. Branco, V. Huszar & Flavio Scasso, 2003: Lake restoration and biomanipulation in temperate lakes: relevance for subtropical and tropical lakes. In: (Ed. V. Reddy), Tropical eutrophic lakes: their restoration and management. (in press).

Jeppesen, E., M. Søndergaard, J.P. Jensen & T. Lauridsen, 2003: Chapter 5.1 “Restoration of eutrophic lakes: a global perspective”. In: M. Kumagai & W.F. Vincent (Eds.), Freshwater Management – Global Versus Local Perspectives. Springer, Tokyo: 135-152.

Jeppesen, E., I. Sammalkorpi, T.L. Lauridsen, J.P. Jensen & M. Søndergaard, 2003: Restoration of shallow temperate freshwater lakes. In: Beklioglu, M. & C.O. Tan (eds.): Shallow lake ecology. (In Turkish)


Jeppesen, E., M. Søndergaard, J.P. Jensen & T. Lauridsen, 2002: Resistance in the response of freshwater shallow lakes to changing nutrient loading and how to remedy eutrophication. - Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, UNESCO, 20 pp.      

Søndergaard, M., K.-D. Wolter & W. Ripl, 2002: Chapter 10 “Chemical treatment of water and sediments with special reference to lakes”. In: M. Perrow & T. Davy (eds.): Handbook of Restoration Ecology, Cambridge University Press: 184-205.


International refereed papers last five years


Christoffersen, K., N. Andersen, M. Søndergaard, L. Liboriussen & E. Jeppesen, accepted: Implications of climatic inforced temperature increases on freshwater pico- and nanoplankton populations in artificial ponds during 16 months. - Hydrobiologia.

In press or published:


Anderson, N.J., E. Jeppesen, M. Søndergaard: Ecological effects of reduced nutrient loading (oligotrophication). An introduction. - Freshwat. Biol. 50: doi:10.1111/j.1365-2427.2005.01430.x

Gonzales Sagrario, M.A., E. Jeppesen, J. Gomà, M. Søndergaard, T. Lauridsen & F. Landkildehus, 2005: Does high nitrogen loading prevent clear-water conditions in shallow lakes at moderately high phosphorus concentrations? – Freshwat. Biol. 50: 27-41.

Jakobsen, T.S., Borch Hansen, P., M. Søndergaard & E. Jeppesen, in press: Impact of three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) on the phytoplankton community in shallow, hypereutrophic lakes - a mesocosm experiment. – Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.

Jensen, J.P., A.R. Pedersen, E. Jeppesen & M. Søndergaard, submitted: An empirical equation describing the seasonal dynamics of phosphorus in 17 shallow eutrophic lakes during the transient phase after external loading reduction. – Limnol. Oceanogr.

Jeppesen, E., J.P. Jensen, M. Søndergaard & T. Lauridsen 2005: Response of fish and plankton to nutrient loading reduction in 8 shallow Danish lakes with special emphasis on seasonal dynamics. - Freshwat. Biol.  50: doi:10.1111/j.1365-2427.2005.01413.x

Jeppesen, E., M. Søndergaard, J.P. Jensen, K. Havens, O. Anneville, L. Carvalho, M.F. Coveney, R. Deneke, M. Dokulil, B. Foy, D. Gerdeaux, S.E. Hampton, K. Kangur, J. Köhler, S. Körner, E. Lammens, T.L. Lauridsen, M. Manca, R. Miracle, B. Moss, P. Nõges, G. Persson, G. Phillips, R. Portielje, S. Romo, C. L. Schelske, D. Straile, I.Tatrai, E. Willén & M. Winder, 2005: Lake responses to reduced nutrient loading – an analysis of contemporary long-term data from 35 case studies. - Freshwat. Biol. 50: 000-000.

Jeppesen, E., Z. Pekcan Hekim, T. Lauridsen, M. Søndergaard & J.P. Jensen, in press: Habitat distribution of fish in late summer: Changes along a nutrient gradient in Danish lakes. - Ecol. Freshw. Fish.

Kronvang, B., E. Jeppesen, D.J. Conley, M. Søndergaard, S.E. Larsen & N.B. Ovesen, in press: An analysis of pressures, state and ecological impacts of nutrients in Danish streams, lakes and coastal waters and ecosystem responses to nutrient pollution reductions - J. Hydrol. 304: 274-288-

Liboriussen, L., F. Landkildehus, M. Meerhoff, M. Søndergaard, K. Christoffersen, K. Richardson. M. Søndergaard, T. Lauridsen & E. Jeppesen, in press: Global warming: Design of a flow-through shallow lake mesocosm climate experiment. - Limnol. Oceanogr. Methods. 3: 1-9.

Søndergaard, M., J.P. Jensen & E. Jeppesen, 2005: Seasonal response of nutrients to reduced phosphorus loading in 12 Danish lakes. – Freshwat. Biol. 50: doi:10.1111/j.1365-2427.2005.01412.x

Søndergaard, M., E. Jeppesen & J.P. Jensen, 2005: Ponds or lakes - does it make any difference? – Arch. Hydrobiol. 162: 143-165.

Søndergaard, M., E. Jeppesen & J.P. Jensen, J.P., 2005: Water Framework Directive: ecological classification of Danish lakes. – J. Appl. Ecol. 42: 616-629.


Jakobsen, T.S., P.B. Hansen, E. Jeppesen, & M. Søndergaard, 2004: Cascading effect of three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus on community composition, size, biomass and diversity of phytoplankton in shallow, eutrophic brackish lagoons. - Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 279: 305-309.

Jeppesen, E., J.P. Jensen, M. Søndergaard, M. Fenger-Grøn, K. Sandby, P. Hald Møller & H.U. Rasmussen, 2004: Does fish predation influence zooplankton community structure and grazing during winter in north-temperate lakes? – Freshwat. Biol. 49: 432-447.


Jakobsen, T.S., P.B. Hansen, E. Jeppesen, P. Grønkjær, M. Søndergaard, 2003: Impact of three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus on zooplankton and chl a in shallow, eutrophic, brackish lakes. - Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 262: 277-284.

Jeppesen, E., J.P. Jensen, C. Jensen, B. Faafeng, P. Brettum, D. Hessen, M. Søndergaard, T. Lauridsen & K. Christoffersen, 2003: The impact of nutrient state and lake depth on top-down control in the pelagic zone of lakes: study of 466 lakes from the temperate zone to the Arctic. – Ecosystems 6: 313-325.

Jeppesen, E., J.P. Jensen & M. Søndergaard, 2003: Climatic warming and regime shifts in lake food webs - some comments. – Limnol. Oceanogr. 48: 1346-1349.

Lauridsen, T.L., J.P. Jensen, E. Jeppesen & M. Søndergaard, 2003: Submerged macrophytes in Danish lakes following nutrient loading reductions and biomanipulation. - Hydrobiologia 506/509: 641-649

Søndergaard, M., E. Jeppesen & J.P. Jensen, 2003: Internal phosphorus loading and the resilience of Danish lakes. – Lake Line 23: 17-20.

Søndergaard, M., J.P. Jensen & E. Jeppesen, 2003: Role of sediment and internal loading of phosphorus in shallow lakes. - Hydrobiologia 506/509: 135-145.


Jeppesen, E., J.P. Jensen, & M. Søndergaard, 2002: Response of phytoplankton, zooplankton and fish to re-oligotrophication: an 11-year study of 23 Danish lakes. - Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management. 5: 9-21.

Jeppesen, E., Ma. Søndergaard, Mo. Søndergaard, K. Christoffersen, K. Jürgens, J. Theil-Nielsen & L. Schlüter, 2002: Cascading trophic interactions in the littoral zone: an enclosure experiment in shallow Lake Stigsholm, Denmark. – Archiv. Hydrobiol. 153: 533-555.

Søndergaard, M., J.P. Jensen, E. Jeppesen & P.H. Møller, 2002: Seasonal dynamics in the concentrations and retention of phosphorus in shallow Danish lakes during re-oligotrophication. - Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management. 5: 23-33.


Lauridsen, T., E. Jeppesen, F. Landkildehus, K. Christoffersen & M. Søndergaard, 2001: Horizontal distribution of cladocerans in arctic Greenland lakes. – Hydrobiologia 442: 107-116.

Søndergaard, M., E. Jeppesen & J.P. Jensen, 2001: Hypolimnetic nitrate treatment to reduced internal phosphorus loading in a stratified lake. – Lake and Res. Management. 16: 195-204.

Søndergaard, M., J.P. Jensen & E. Jeppesen, 2001: Retention and internal loading of phosphorus in shallow, eutrophic lakes. - The Scientific World 1: 427-442.


Jeppesen, E., J.P. Jensen, M. Søndergaard & T.L. Lauridsen, 2000: Trophic dynamics in turbid and clearwater lakes with special emphasis on the role of zooplankton for water clarity. - Hydrobiologia 408/409: 217-231.

Jeppesen, E., J.P. Jensen, M. Søndergaard, T. Lauridsen & F. Landkildehus, 2000: Trophic structure, species richness and biodiversity in Danish lakes: changes along a nutrient gradient. – Freshwat. Biol. 45: 201-218.


Reports last five years


Jennings E., Mills P., Jordan P., Jensen J.P., Søndergaard M., Barr A., Glasgow G., Irvine K., 2003. Eutrophication from agricultural sources. Seasonal patterns & Effects of phosphorus. EPA Irland, 61 pp.


Kristensen, P., Jensen, J.P., Jeppesen, E. & Søndergaard, M. 2002: Lake Environmental State. In: Bach, H., Christensen, N. & Kristensen, P. (eds.): The State of the Environment in Denmark, 2001. National Environmental Research Institute. - NERI Technical Report 409: 199-202.

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