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Klaus Peter Brodersen

kpb v2 

Present profession: Associate professor

Date of birth: April 1964

Education: M.Sc. in freshwater biology (macroinvertebrates), 1992, Ph.D. in macroinvertebrate ecology and palaeolimnology, 1998

Address (work): Freshwater Biological Laboratory, Biological Institute, University of Copenhagen, Helsingørsgade 31, 3400 Hillerød     



Education and academic appointments

2005             Associate professor, Freshwater Biological Laboratory, University of


2001-04        Postdoctoral Fellowship, Freshwater Biological Laboratory, University of

                     Copenhagen. “Lake-Climate interactions in West Greenland:

                     Contemporary ecology and quantitative palaeolimnology"

                     (Steno Talent Grant - National Science Foundation)

1999-01        Postdoctoral Fellowship, Geological Survey of Denmark & Greenland, Dept. of

                     Environmental History and Climate Change. "Limnology and  palaeolimnology

                     in West Greenland lakes" (Carlsberg Foundation).

1995-98        Ph.D., Freshwater Biological Laboratory, University of Copenhagen.

                      “Macroinvertebrate communities in Danish lakes. Classification and

                      trophic reconstruction”

1994-95:        Research assistant, National Environmental Research Institute.

                      “Numerical analysis of marine phytoplankton communities ”

1992-94:        Research assistant, The Strategic Environmental Research Program I,

                      University of Copenhagen. “Changes in nutrient status of Danish lakes

                      within the last 150 years”

1992:             MSc., Freshwater Biological Laboratory, University of Copenhagen.

                      "Lake Esrum surfzone fauna. Faunal distribution patterns in relation to

                       wind exposure".


Major research interests

Klaus P. Brodersen has many years of experience in multivariate numerical analysis of biological communities in marine and freshwater systems. His research activity has concentrated on (1) understanding how the physical and biological components of aquatic ecosystems (lakes, streams and spring-brooks) influence the distribution and diversity of the macroinvertebrate communities, and (2) how the lakes sedimentary records can be used to study natural long-term (millennia) and recent (decades to centuries) human-induced environmental change on local and regional scales. His work has primarily included the use of chironomid and Cladocera remains in lake sediments to quantitatively reconstruct environmental variables such as trophic conditions (lake-water chlorophyll concentrations, TP) in Denmark, and climate conditions (surface-water temperatures) in West Greenland. An important branch in the ongoing and future research is to extend the bridge between neo-limnology and palaeo-ecology by fine-tuning the reconstruction models to species-specific physiological optima (e.g. oxygen consumption) measured directly under controlled laboratory experiments with living invertebrates.



Brodersen K.P. (2006) Chironomids (Diptera) from sub-saline lakes in West Greenland: diversity, assemblage structure and respiratory adaptation. Bergen Museum Skrifter (accepted, in press).

Brodersen K.P. & R. Quinlan (2006)  Midges as palaeoindicators of lake productivity, eutrophication, and hypolimnetic oxygen. Quaternary Science Reviews (accepted, in press).

Langdon, P.G., Ruiz, Z., Brodersen, K.P. & Foster, I.D.L. (2006) Assessing lake eutrophication using chironomids: understanding the nature of community response in different lake types. Freshwater Biology 51: 562-577.

Brodersen K.P., O. Pedersen, C. Lindegaard & K. Hamburger (2004 ) Chironomids (Diptera) and oxy-regulatory capacity: An experimental approach to paleolimnological interpretation. Limnology & Oceanography 49:1549 – 1559.

Bennike, O, K.P. Brodersen, E. Jeppesen & I. Walker. (2004) Invertebrate indicators and high-latitude paleolimnology. In: R. Pienitz, M. Douglas & J.P. Smol (Eds.) Long-term environmental change in Arctic and Antarctic lakes. Kluwer. xx

Brodersen K.P. & Bennike O. (2003) Interglacial Chironomidae (Diptera) from Thule, Northwest Greenland: matching modern analogues to fossil assemblages. Boreas 32: 560–565.

Brodersen, K.P. & N.J. Anderson (2002) Distribution of chironomids (Diptera) in low arctic West Greenland lakes: trophic conditions, temperature and environmental reconstruction. Freshwater Biology 47: 1137–1157.

Brodersen, K.P., C. Lindegaard & N.J. Anderson (2001) Holocene temperature and environmental reconstruction from lake sediments in southern West Greenland. Geology of Greenland Survey Bulletin 189: 59–64

Brodersen, K.P., N.J. Anderson & B.V. Odgaard (2001) Long-term trends in the profundal chironomid-fauna in nitrogen-limited Lake Esrom, Denmark: a combined palaeolimnological/historical approach. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 150: 393-409.

Anderson, N.J. & K.P. Brodersen (2001) Determining the date of ice-melt for low arctic lakes along Søndre Strømfjord, southern West Greenland. Geology of Greenland Survey Bulletin 189: 54–58.

Brodersen, K.P., B. Odgaard, O. Vestergaard & N.J. Anderson (2001) Chironomid stratigraphy in the shallow and eutrophic Lake Søbygaard, Denmark: Chironomid-Macrophyte co-occurrence. Freshwater Biology 46: 253-267.

Brodersen, K.P. & N.J. Anderson. (2000) Subfossil insect remains (Chironomidae) and lake water temperature inference in the Sisimiut-Kangerlussuaq region, southern West Greenland. Geology of Greenland Survey Bulletin 186: 78-82.

Lindegaard, C. & K.P. Brodersen (2000) The influence of temperature on emergence periods of Chironomidae (Diptera) from a shallow Danish lake. In O. Hoffrichter (ed.) Late 20th Century Research on Chironomidae: an Anthology from the 13th International Symposium on Chironomidae. Shaker Verlag, Aachen, pp. 313-324.

Wiberg-Larsen, P., K.P. Brodersen, S. Birkholm, P.N. Grøn & J. Skriver (2000) Species richness and assemblage structure of Trichoptera in Danish streams. Freshwater Biology 43: 633-647.

Brodersen, K.P. & C. Lindegaard (1999) Classification, assessment and trophic reconstruction of Danish lakes using chironomids. Freshwater Biology 42: 143-157.

Brodersen, K.P. & C. Lindegaard (1999) Mass occurrence and sporadic distribution of Corynocera ambigua Zetterstedt (Chironomidae, Diptera) in Danish lakes. Neo- and palaeolimnological records. Journal of Paleolimnology 22: 41-52.

Brodersen, K.P., P.C. Dall & C. Lindegaard (1998) The fauna in the upper stony littoral of Danish lakes: macroinvertebrates as trophic indicators. Freshwater Biology 39: 577-592

Brodersen, K.P., M.C. Whiteside & C. Lindegaard (1998) Reconstruction of trophic state in Danish lakes using subfossil chydorid (Cladocera) assemblages. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences  55: 1093-1103.

Middelboe, A.L., K. Sand-Jensen & K.P. Brodersen (1997) Patterns of macroalgal distribution in the Kattegat-Baltic region. Phycologia 36: 208-219

Lindegaard, C., K.P. Brodersen, P. Wiberg-Larsen & J. Skriver (1997) Analysis of macrofaunal communities in Danish springs and springbrooks. In L. Botosaneanu (ed.) Studies in Crenobiology - The biology of spring and spring brooks. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, pp. 201-219

Brodersen, K.P. & C. Lindegaard (1997) Significance of subfossile chironomid remains in classification of shallow lakes. Hydrobiologia 342/343: 125-132

Lindegaard, C. & K.P. Brodersen (1995) Distribution of Chironomidae (Diptera) in the river continuum. In P. Cranston (ed.) Chironomids: From genes to ecosystems, CSIRO Publications, Melbourne, pp. 257-271

Brodersen, K.P. (1995) The effect of wind exposure and filamentous algae on the distribution of surf zone macroinvertebrates in Lake Esrom, Denmark. Hydrobiologia 297: 131-148

Christoffersen K, K.P. Brodersen & D.B. Ryves (2004) Palæolimnologisk undersøgelse af sedimentet i Frederiksborg Slotssø. Datarapport, Ferskvandsbiologisk Laboratorium.

Pedersen O. & K.P. Brodersen (2003) Fantastiske undervandslandskaber i arktiske søer. Urt 27, 118-122.

Pedersen O. & K.P. Brodersen (2003) Spectacular underwater landscapes of arctic lakes. The Aquatic Gardener 16, 20-27.

Pedersen O. & K.P. Brodersen (2003) Die atemberaubenden Unterwasserlandschaften arktischer See. Aqua Planta 28, 44-51.

Wiberg-Larsen P., K.P. Brodersen, S. Birkholm, P.N. Grøn & J. Skriver (1999) Vårfluer - biodiversitet i danske vandløb. Vand & Jord 2: 51-54.

Odgaard, B., J. Anderson, E. Jeppesen, K.P. Brodersen, P. Rasmussen (1997) Lavvandede søers miljøhistorie. Vand & Jord 6: 244-249

Agger, C.T., H. Kaas, F. Knipschildt, K.P. Brodersen, K. Dahl, B. Rasmussen, J. Nørrevang Jensen, D. Krause-Jensen, P. Bondo Christensen (1994) Marine områder - Fjorde, kyster og åbent hav. Vandmiljøplanens overvågningsprogram 1993. Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser. - Faglig rapport fra DMU, nr. 117

Brodersen, K.P. (1994) Subfossile dansemyg i sø-sedimenter. Miljøforskning 12: 12-15


Internet publications

Walker, I.R. & K.P. Brodersen (1997). Key to genera in the tribe Chironomini. Part I. In: I.R. Walker (Ed.), The WWW Field Guide to Subfossil Midges. (


International referee assignments

Acta Oecologica

Archiv für Hydrobiologie

Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research

Boreal Environment Research


Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark

Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences

Freshwater Biology

Journal of the North American Benthological Soceity

Jounal of Paleolimnology

National Environmental Research Institute, DK

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology

The Holocene

Water Research

The Research Counsil of Norway

Natural Environment Research Counsil, UK

Research Counsil for Earth and Life Sciences in the Netherlands (ALW)


Editor, co-editor of internet sites

HomePage on Subfossil Chironomidae:

The WWW Field Guide to Subfossil Midges: (contributer)


International presentations, workshops and conferences 1995–2004. (*invited talks)

Nordic Marine Sciences Meeting, March 23-26 1995, Göteborg, Sweden.

Nonparametric Multivariate Community Analyses. PRIMER Workshop, March 27-31 1995, Plymouth, England.

Nordic Benthological Meeting, May 15-16 1995, Uppsala, Sweden. "Littoral invertebrates as trophic indicators".

International Conference on Trophic Cascades in Shallow Freshwater and Brackish Lakes, August 1995, Mikolajki, Poland. "Significance of subfossile chironomid remains in classification of shallow lakes"

Numerical Analysis of Biological and Environmental Data, March 25-29 1996, London, England.

North American Benthological Society 44th Annual Meeting, June 4-7 1996, Kalispell, Montana. "Chironomid stratigraphy in the shallow and eutrophic Lake Søbygaard, Denmark"

XX International Congress of Entomology, August 25-31 1996,  Firenze, Italy. xx

Workshop on Subfossil Chironomidae, May 1997, Helsinki, Finland. "Identification of subfossil Chironomidae – an idea for numerical taxonomy".

XIII International Symposium on Chironomidae, September 5-10 1997, Freiburg, Germany. "Mass occurrence and sporadic distribution of Corynocera ambigua Zetterstedt (Chironomidae, Diptera) in Danish lakes. Neo- and palaeolimnological records".

Okanagan University College, B.C., lecture September 1997. "Palaeolimnology in shallow Danish lakes".

North Dakota State University, Fargo, lecture October 1997. "Palaeolimnology in shallow Danish lakes".

Nordic Benthological Meeting, November 1997, Silkeborg, Denmark.

SIL Congress, August 1998, Dublin, Ireland. xx

Workshop i vandplanters fysiologi og økologi, January 28-29 1999, Salten Skov, Denmark.

Workshop on Subfossil Chironomidae, April 1999, London, England. "Data harmonisation in chironomid taxonomy"

*The Mývatn Workshop, July 1999, Lake Mývatn, Iceland. "Long-term trends in the profundal chironomid-fauna in nitrogen-limited Lake Esrom, Denmark: a combined palaeolimnological/historical approach".

Nordic Benthological Meeting, September 9-12 1999, Jyväskylä, Finland. xx

*Workshop on Bayesian Statistics, January 21-22 2000, Bergen, Norway. "Importance of high-resolution temperature data in quantitative climate reconstruction"

Workshop on Subfossil Chironomidae, March 10-11 2000, Bern, Switzerland. "Ecological factors affecting the indicator value of zoobenthic organisms"

*Harmonisation of Quantitative Palaeo-data. Workshop. November 23-26 2000, Abisko, Sweden.

*University of Lund, lecture, January 17. 2002, "Lake-Climate interactions in low arctic West Greenland".

*POLARCLIM workshop, September 5–10 2001, Kap Linné, Svalbard. "Chironomid assemblages – temperature or trophic response?".

*Chironomid workshop, November 7–9 2002, Exeter, England. "Respiration and survival experiments on chironomids from West Greenland".

*NorLake Symposium, October 18–21 2003, Silkeborg, Denmark. "Factors controlling zoobenthos distribution in low arctic West Greenland with focus on chironomid oxy-regulatory capacity"

University of Exeter, UK, lecture November 11. 2003. "Eco-physiological study of oxygen stress on West Greenland chironomids".

9th International Paleolimnology Symposium, August 24–28, Espoo, Finland. "Species-specific oxy-regulatory capacity of chironomids (Diptera) from a West Greenland training set"

Chironomid Workshop, May 13–14, Barcelona, Spanien. "Midges as palaeoindicators of lake productivity, eutrophication, and hypolimnetic oxygen".

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