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Matthias Obst - CV


Personal data

Born Aug 18 1974, Erfurt, Germany; German citizen; single


Current position

Postdoctoral fellow, Kristineberg Marine Research Station, Kristineberg 566, 450 34 Fiskebäckskil, Sweden, Tel: +46 (0) 523 18553, Fax: +46 (0) 523 18502, Email:


Research Interests

Marine and benthic ecology, invertebrate phylogeny and systematics, complex life cycles; zoomorphology; phylogeography; meiofauna



2004: Ph.D at University of Aarhus, Denmark; 2000: M.Sc. Biology (Diplom) at University of Jena, Germany; 1993: Graduated from high school in Erfurt, Germany 


Research projects

2005-2008 Kristineberg Marine Research Station, Sweden: Systematics and taxonomy of bryozoans

2003-2004 Harvard University, USA: Population genetic study on Cycliophora

2001-2004 University of Aarhus, Denmark: Ph.D. thesis “Diversity and Evolution of Cycliophora”

2000-2001 University of Aarhus, Denmark: Studies on life history and morphology of Symbion pandora (Cycliophora)

1999-2000 University of Jena, Germany: M. Sc. thesis "A study on the life cycle and ecology of Symbion pandora (Cycliophora)"

1997-1998 University of Manchester, UK: Genetic studies


Expeditions and field trips

2007: Galathea3 expedition - study on Asian horseshoe crabs

2007, 2006: Pandalina expedition - inventory of the marine fauna in Skagerrak. 2004, 2003: East coast of USA

2003, 2002, 2001: Kristineberg Marine Research Station, Sweden.

1998, 1996, 1994: Roscoff Marine Biological Station, France.

1995: Marine Biological Station Boinsdorf, Germany.

1992: Greenland 



2006 Knud Højgaards Fond: Studying horseshoe crabs.

2006 Dansk Ekspeditionsfond: Participation in the Galathea3 expedition.

2006 Swedish Taxonomy Initiative: Collection of bryozoans.

2005 Royal Swedish Academy: Postdoc fellowship.

2005 Swedish Taxonomy Initiative: Collection of bryozoans.

2003 Danish Research Agency: Population genetic study on Cycliophora.

2003-2001 Access to Research Infrastructure: Experiments & collection.

2003 Danish Natural History Society: Travel grant.

2001 University of Aarhus, Denmark: PhD scholarship.

2000 German Academic Exchange Service: Visiting University of Aarhus.

1997 ERASMUS scholarship: Visiting Univ. of Manchester.



German (native), English, Danish, Swedish



Light- and fluorescence microscopy

Confocal laser scanning microscopy

Transmission- and scanning electron microscopy

PCR-based sequencing techniques


Udskriv side Forrige side: Tobias Wang - Publications 2001-2006 Side 5 af 7 Næste side: Matthias Obst - Publications 2001-2006