Viby Skole has made a number of outstanding anatomical drawings of horseshoe crabs. We are very grateful for this contribution by our young scientists. Thank you very much!!!
"The big tailed horseshoe crab" by Daniel, (Viby skole, class 2B), November 2006
"The eyes of the horseshoe crab" by Kasthuni, (Viby skole, class 2B), November 2006
"Coloured crabs" by Sander, (Viby skole, class 2B), November 2006
"The feather tailed horseshoe crab" by Younes, (Viby skole, class 2B), November 2006
"Purple reign" by Daniel, (Viby skole, class 2B), November 2006
"horseshoe crab life cycle" by Zakaria, (Viby skole, class 2B), November 2006 |