CV og publikationer
Born: May 11, 1954 (USA)
Nationality: American; Danish resident
Family: Married (1983) to Jens Bjerregaard Christensen; Two children.
Current position: Pro-rector, Aarhus University, since 1 February 2001
Professor in Biological Oceanography, Dept. of Marine Ecology, University of Aarhus, Finlandsgade 14, DK 8200 Århus N. Denmark since 1 May 1998.
Education: Ph.D. (1980) University of North Wales, U.K.
(Carried out while on a Marshall Fellowship from the U.K.)
B.A. (1976-magna cum laude) Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.
Previous Employment:
Sept. 1996 – May, 1998: Research Director of Department of Marine and Coastal Ecology, Danish Institute for Fisheries Research
Jan. 1988 - Aug. 1996: Head of Department of Marine and Coastal Ecology,
Danish Institute for Fisheries Research.
June, 1983 - Jan. 1988: Biologist, Danish Institute for Fisheries and Marine Research.
Jan. 1982 - June, 1983: Post-doctoral fellow on contract to Prof. J. A. Raven, Univ. of Dundee
Related Work Experience:
2004- Member, Scientific Advisory Committee, Int’l Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Austria.
2004- Member, Scientific Advisory Panel, Leibniz-Institut für Meeriswissenschaften, Germany.
2004- Member, Scientific Advisory Council, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, U.K.
2002 - Member (vice-president), Scientific Committee, European Environmental Agency.
2001 - Vice President ESF (European Science Foundation)
1999 - 2004 Member International Geosphere Biospere Program Scientific Committee
1998 - 2004 Member, Board of Trustees, ICLARM (International Center for Living Aquatic resource Management), The Philippines.
2005 Chairman: Danish Education Minster’s ”følgegruppe om gymnasiereform”
2004 Chairman: Danish Governent’s “Karakterkommission”
2000 - 2002 Vice Chairman, Danish Council for Research Education
2000 - 2001 Vice Chairman, Wilhjelmudvalget (Committee to propose to the Danish Government an action plan for meeting the commitments of the Biodiversity Convention)
1999-2001: Næstformand Forskeruddannelsesråd (FUR)
1996 - 2003 Member, The Danish Research Council (Danmarks Forskningsråd): Vice chairman 1996 – 2002; Chairman: 2002 - 2003
1991 - 1996 Member of the Danish Research Council for the Natural Sciences ("Statens Naturvidenskabelige Forskningsråd"). Chairman ´95-´96
1992 - 2002 Member of Research Council for Developing Countries
("Rådet for Ulandsforskning". Udenrigsministeriet)
1991 - present: Member of Board of Directors, Danish Environmental Research Inst.
1984 - present: Guest lecturer in phytoplankton ecology and biological oceanography, Univ. of Copenhagen;external examiner for a number of Ph.D. and Masters Degree examinations at the Univ. of Copenhagen and other Scandinavian Universities; Supervisor for > 25 Masters and 9 Ph.D. candidates from Aarhus University, the University of Copenhagen and the Danish Technical University.
Cruise Participation: Have participated in >50 research cruises starting in 1975.
Publications: 68 publications in refereed international journals and books; >50 non-reviewed publications
K. Richardson: Refereed publications 1999 -2005
Richardson, K., S.H. Jónasdóttir, S.J. Hay & A. Christoffersen. 1999. Calanus finmarchicus egg production and food availability in the Faroe-shetland channel and northern North Sea: October - March. Fish. Oceanogr. 8 (Suppl.1): 153-162.
Heath, M.R., J.O. Backhaus, K. Richardson, E. McKenzie, D. Slagstad, A. Allego, H. Madden, J. Mardaljevic, D. Hainbucher, A. Schacht, S. Jonasdottir, D. Beare, J. Dunn & S. Hay. 1999. Climate fluctuations and the abundance of Calanus finmarchicus in the North Sea. Fish. Oceanogr. 8 (Suppl.1): 163-176.
Heilmann, J.P. & K. Richardson. 1999. Phytoplankton distribution and activity in the northern Adriatic Sea. In T.S. Hopkins, A. Artegiani, G. Cauwet, D. Degobbis, A. Malej (eds) Ecosystem Research. Report 32, the Adriatic Sea (EUR 18834). European Commission. s.347 – 362.
Heilmann, J.P., K. Richardson. 1999. The cell size structure of the phytoplankton community related to hydrographic and chemical properties of the northern Adriatic waters. In T.S. Hopkins, A. Artegiani, G. Cauwet, D. Degobbis, A. Malej (eds) Ecosystem Research. Report 32, the Adriatic Sea (EUR 18834). European Commission. s. 331-346.
Richardson, K., A. Visser and Fl. B. Pedersen. 2000. Subsurface phytoplankton blooms fuel summer production in the North Sea. J. Plankton Research. 22(9): 1663 - 1671.
Richardson, K. 2000. Integrating "Environment" and Fisheries Management objectives in the ICES Area. ICES Journal of Marine Science 57(3): 766 - 770.
Heath, M.R., J.G. Fraser, A. Gislason, S.J. Hay, S.H. Jonasdottir, K. Richardson. 2000. Winter distribution of Calanus finmarchicus in the northeast Atlantic. ICES J. of Marine Science. 57(6): 1628-1635
Richardson, K & T. Cedhagen. 2001. Pelagic-benthic coupling: Are we asking the right questions? Senckenbergiana maritime 31(2): 215-224.
Olsen, R.B., K. Richardson & V. Simonsen. 2002. Population differentiation of eelpout Zoarces viviparus in a Danish fjord. Mar.Ecol. Prog.Ser. 227: 97-107.
Richardson, K. 2002. Linking plankton and fish production throughout ICES' history. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 215: 156-163.
Maar, M. T.G. Nielsen, K. Richardson & U. Christaki, O.S. Hansen, T. Zervoudaki and E.D. Christou. 2002. Spatial and temporal variablility of the food web structure during the spring bloom in the Skagerrak. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 238: 11-29.
Richardson, K., B. Rasmussen, T. Bunk & L. Mouritsen. 2003. Multiple sub-surface phytoplankton blooms occurring simultaneously in the Skagerrak. Journal of Plankton Research 25 (7): 799-813.
Mouritsen, L. & K. Richardson. 2003. Vertical microscale patchiness in nano- and microplankton distribution in a stratified estuary. Journal of Plankton Research. 25 (7):783-797.
Maar, M., T .G. Nielsen, S. Gooding, K.Tönnesen, P.Tiselius, S. Zervoudaki, E. Christou and K. Richardson. 2004. On the trophic role of the late summer zooplankton community (copepods, appendicularians and protozooplankton) in the Skagerrak. Marine Biology 144:917-933.
Heath, M.R., Boyle, P.R., Gislason, A., Gurney, W.S.C., Hay, S.J., Head, E.J.H., Holmes, S., Ingvarsdóttir, A., Jónasdóttir, S.H., Lindeque, P., Pollard, R.T., Rasmussen, J., Richards, K., Richardson, K., Smerdon, G. and Spiers, D. 2004. Comparative ecology of overwintering Calanus finmarchicus in the northern North Atlantic, and implications for life cycle patterns. ICES Journal of Marine Science 61:691-708.
Collie, J.S., Richardson, K. and J.H. Steele. 2004. Regime shifts: can ecological theory illuminate the mechanisms? Progress in Oceanography 60:281-302.
Lassen, M.F., M. Bramm, K. Richardson, F. Yusoff and M.Shariff. 2004. Phytoplankton community composition along a salinity/nutrient gradient in a region of shrimp farming activity in the Langat River estuary, Malaysia. Estuaries 27:716-728.
Richardson, K. S. Markager, E. Buch, M.F. Lassen and A.S. Kristensen. 2005. Seasonal distribution of pelagic primary production, phytoplankton biomass and species composition in the Greenland Sea. Deep Sea Research 52(6): 979-999.
Liboriussen, L., Landkildehus, F., Meerhoff, M., Søndergaard, M., Christoffersen, K., Richardson, K., Søndergaard, M., Lauridsen, T., Jeppesen, E. 2005. Global warming: Design of a flow-through shallow lake mesocosm climate experiment. Limnology and Oceanography - methods.
Møller. E.F., T.G. Nielsen. K. Richardson. The zooplankton community in the Greenland Sea; composition and role in carbon turnover. In Press: Deep Sea Research.
Blachowiak-Samolyk, K., S. Kwasniewski, K. Richardson, K. Dmoch, E. Hansen, H. Hop and S. Falk-Petersen. Arctic zooplankton do not perform diel vertical migration (DVM) during midnight sun. In Press: Marine Ecology Progress Series.
Plus two papers submitted and currently under review
Chapters in Reviewed Books/Symposium Volumes 1999-2005
Richardson, K. 2002. Marine Biodiversity: Why we need it in Earth System Science.
In: Steffan, W., J. Jäger, D.J. Carlson and C. Bradshaw (eds). Challenges of a changing earth: Proceedings of the Global Change Open Science Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 10-13 July 2001. Springer, Berlin. Pp. 161-163.
Richardson, K. 2003. Anthropogenically-induced changes in the environment: Effect on fisheries In: Sinclair, M and G. Valdimarsson (eds). Responsible Fisheries in the Marine Ecosystem. CAB International, Wallingford, England. 275-289.
Steffen, W., Sanderson, A., Tyson, P.D., Jäger, J., Matson, P.A., Moore III, B., Oldfield, F., Richardson, K., Schellnhuber, H.J., Turner II, B.L., Wasson, R.J. 2004. Global Change and the Earth System: A planet under Pressure. Springer, Berlin. 336 pp.
Associate Professor
Niels Bohr Institute
University of Copenhagen
Juliane Maries Vej 30, DK – 2100 Copenhagen OE, Denmark
Email :
My scientific interest has had two components: models of the atmosphere and studies of the climate. My work started within atmospheric modelling, especially aiming at the implementation of spectral models in numerical weather forecast systems. Together with a colleague I made the very first 10-day global weather forecast using the spectral method. And we also made the very first non-linear normal mode initialization of realistic data for the same model. I have employed global model to the study of ozone in climate context. In the last decade or so I have worked on climate issues of different kinds, fex the possible impact of Sun on climate, CO2-fluxes in the North Atlantic Ocean (NEAREX-project) and data analyses on the North Atlantic Oscillation.
BSc degree in geophysics at University of Copenhagen, Denmark 1967-1974
MSc degree in meteorology at University of Copenhagen, Denmark 1967-1974
PhD degree in meteorology at University of Copenhagen, Denmark 1975-1980
Assistant Professor at the Niels Bohr Institute, Dept. Of Geophysics 1974-1980
Researcher at ECMWF, UK 1976-1977
Associate Professor at the Niels Bohr Institute 1981-
Head of Institute, Geophysical Institute 1985-1989
Head of Department, Dept. of Geophysics, NBI 1998-2004
Chairman for Danish National Committee on Climate research 1989 -
Treasurer of IUGG, International Union for Geodesy and Geophysics 1999 -
Vice head of the COGCI PhD School, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen 2001 –
Referee at “Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics” 2003 -
I have been teaching university students physics, geophysics and meteorology for 3 decades. I have been responsible for more than 60 university courses at bachelor, master and PhD level since 1972. I have given courses at Danish Meteorological Institute in numerical weather forecasting at least 7 times. I have given 11 lectures at Folkeuniversitet. And I have given numerous lectures at different places like high schools, training courses for teachers etc.
Number of Master degrees in 2000 – now 9
Number of PhD degrees in 2000 – now 3
I have written several popular articles on physics, geophysics, meteorology and climate to the Danish National Encyclopedia during the period 1993-2000.
Major articles:
"Drivhuseffekten" (1995), "Klimateorier og -modeller" (1997), "Meteorologi" (1999)
Kronik in the newspaper Politiken:
A.W. Hansen: "Vejrudsigten", March 15, 2000. The same kronik is also published in the book: "Hvordan lever vi til år 2025", Ed. Ove Nathan, Politikens Forlag, 2000, ISBN 87-567-6338-7, pages 63-73.
European Geophysical Society General Assembly 1990
Coordinator for seminars on
“Middle Atmosphere” 1991 - 1992
“Polar Wandering” 1992 - 1993
Coordinator for
“Baltic Sea Environment”, Internationally Satellite Broadcasted University Course 1991 – 1993
D. Dahl-Jensen, K. Mosegaard, N. Gundestrup, S. Johnsen, A.W. Hansen, G.D. Clow and N. Balling, University of Aarhus,"Past Temperatures Directly from the Greenland Ice Sheet", Science, 282, pp. 268-271, 1998.
T. Stockfleth Jørgensen, DMI, and A.W. Hansen, "Comments on "Variation of cosmic ray flux and global cloud coverage - a missing link in solar-climate relationships" by H. Svensmark and E. Friis-Christensen", Journal of Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 62, pp. 63-77, 2001.
C. Geels, J.H. Christensen, A.W. Hansen, S. Kiilsholm, N.W. Larsen, S.E. Larsen, T. Pedersen and L.L. Sørensen, "Modeling Concentrations and Fluxes of Atmospheric CO2 in the North East Atlantic Region", Phys. Chem. Earth (B), Vol 26, No 10, pp. 763-768, 2001.
B.M. Vinther, S.J. Johnsen, K.K. Andersen, H.B. Clausen, and A.W. Hansen: "NAO signal recorded in the stable isotopes of Greenland ice Cores", Geophysical Research Letters, Vol 30, No 7, 1387, doi:10.1029/2002GL016193, 2003
B.M. Vinther, K.K. Andersen, A.W. Hansen, T. Schmidt, P. Jones: "Improving the Gibraltar/Reykjavik NAO index", Geophysical Research Letters, vol 30, No 23, 2222, doi: 10.1029/2003GL018220, 2003
Born: February 6, 1972 Denmark
Nationality: Danish
Family: Married (2003) to Maria Due Høyer.
Current position: Research Scientist at Centre for Marine Forecasting, Danish Meteorological Institute, Lyngbyvej 100, 2100 Copenhagen Ø
Education: M.Sc. (1999) Physical Oceanography, Geophysical Department, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Ph.D. (2002) Physical Oceanography, Geophysical Department, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Previous Employment:
May-Dec 2002: Research faculty at the Geophysical Department, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Dec 2002-present: Research Scientist at the Centre for Marine Forecasting, Danish Meteorological Institute
Main research interests include validation of satellite observations and the use of satellite observations in combination with in situ observations or hydrodynamic models, to study physical oceanographic processes. The physical processes include detection of Greenland-Scotland ridge overflow, North Atlantic mixed layer deepening and sea level in the North Sea.
Recently, JLH has worked with data assimilation of satellite observations and the validation of SST and altimetry observations. He has developed a multiplatform 3-D Optimal Interpolation scheme to provide accurate and high resolution interpolated SST fields for the North Sea and Baltic Sea. The scheme is fully operational and the results can be seen at:
Publications after 1999,
Høyer, J. L. and Quadfasel, D., Detection of deep overflows from satellite altimetry, Geophys. Res. Lett. , 28,
pp. 1611-1614, American Geophysical Union, 2001.
Knudsen, P., Andersen O.B., Khan, S.A. and Høyer, J. L., Ocean Tide Effects on GRACE Gravimetry, Gravity,
Geoid and Geodynamics, Vol. 13, Springer-Verlag, 2001
Høyer, J. L. , On the Combination of satellite and in situ observations to detect oceanic processes, Ph.D. thesis,
Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, 2002.
Høyer, J. L., Quadfasel, D. and Andersen, O. B., Deep ocean currents detected with satellite altimetry, Canadian
Journal of Remote Sensing , Vol. 48, pp. 556-566, 2002.
Høyer, J. L. and Andersen, O. B., Improved Description of sea level in the North Sea, Journal of Geophysical
Research (C) , Vol. 108, C5, 3163, doi:10.1029/2002JC001601, 2003.
Khan, S. A. and Høyer, J. L. ., Shallow-water loading tides in Japan from superconducting gravimetry, Journal
of Geodesy , 78, 245-250, doi: 10.1007/s00190-003-0391-4, 2004.
Høyer, J. L. and She, J., Optimal interpolation of sea surface temperature for the North Sea and Baltic Sea, J.
Mar. Sys., 2005 (in press).
Other relevant publications
Høyer, J. L. and Andersen, O. B. and Knudsen, P., Detection of subsurface processes with ERS 1+2 altimeters, ERS-Envisat Symposium: "Looking down to earth in the New Millenium", SP-461, ESA publications division, 2000.
Høyer, J. L. and She, J., 2004. Validation of Satellite SST products for the North Sea-Baltic Sea region. DMI technical report, 04-11.
Høyer, J. L. and Bøvith, T., 2004. Validation and applications of near-real time satellite altimetry data for
Operational oceanography in coastal and shelf seas. Proceedings from the ENVISAT symposium,
Salzburg, Austria.
Other relevant information:
JLH has been a member of the science team for the Jason-1 altimetry satellite since april 2004.
Born 3. October 1965, Hundige, Denmark.
Adress : Hvalsøvej 58, DK - 2700 Brønshøj.
Present position: Senior Scientist,
National Environmental Research Institute (NERI), P.O. Box 358,
Frederiksborgvej 399, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark.
Academic background
1993 Cand. scient in geophysics.
1994 - 1998 Ph.D. study.
1998 Ph.D. in Geophysics, and Post doc at the Danish Center for Earth System Science (DCESS), Niels Bohr Institute for Astronomy, Physics and Geophysics, University of Copenhagen.
1999 Visiting scientist during 6 months at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Potsdam, Germany.
2000 -2002 Associate professor at DCESS
2002 - 2003 Scientist at NERI
2003 - Senior scientist at NERI
Research Interest
Modelling the global biogeochemical cycling of carbon, nutrients and other tracers and including models of the marine biota in ocean circulation models. Studying the role of the ocean for the stability of the climate system on Earth.
Oceanographic cruises
Cruises to the North Sea and Skagerak, cruise to Tromsö fjord and a cruise with the German research vessel SONNE to the Southeast Pacific in 1995.
Teaching experience:
Lectures in oceanography and climate modelling at the Niels Bohr Institute for Astronomy, Physics and Geophysics, University of Copenhagen (NBIfAFG).
Soegaard, H., Sørensen, L., Rysgaard, S., Grøndahl, L. Elberling, B., Friborg, T., Larsen, S. E. and Bendtsen, J. High arctic carbon sink identification - A systems approach, Global Change Newsletter, 59, 2004.
Jørgen Bendtsen, Claus Lundsgaard, Mathias Middelboe and David Archer. Influence of bacterial uptake on deep-ocean dissolved organic carbon, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 16, (4), doi:10.1029/2002GB001947, 2002.
Jørgen Bendtsen and Christian J. Bjerrum. Vulnerability of climate on Earth to sudden changes in insolation, Geophysical Research Letters, 15, DOI:2002GL014829, 2002.
Jørgen Bendtsen. Climate sensitivity to changes in solar insolation in a simple coupled climate model, Climate Dynamics, 18, 595-609, 2002.
Victor Brovkin, Jørgen Bendtsen, Martin Claussen, Andrey Ganopolski, Claudia Kubatzki, Vladimir Petoukhov & Andrei Andreev. Carbon Cycle, Vegetation and Climate Dynamics in the Holocene: Experiments with the CLIMBER-2 model, In Press, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2001a.
Victor Brovkin, M. Hofmann, Jørgen Bendtsen and Andrey Ganopolski. Ocean biology could control atmospheric d13C during glacial-interglacial cycle, (Article) , DOI number 10.1029/2001GC000270, 2002.
Shaffer G., Leth O., Ulloa O., Bendtsen J., Daneri G., Dellarossa V., Hormazabal S. and Sehlstedt P-I., (2000). Warming and circulation change in the eastern South Pacific Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters, 27:1247:1250.
Shaffer G., Bendtsen J. and Ulloa O., (1999). Fractionation during remineralization of organic matter in the ocean. Deep Sea Research, 46:185-204.
Bendtsen J., (1998). Ocean processes maintaining the stability of the climate system. Ph.D. thesis. Niels Bohr Institute for Astronomy, Physics and Geophysics, Copenhagen.
Shaffer G. and Bendtsen J., (1994). Role of the Bering Strait in controlling North Atlantic ocean circulation and climate. Nature, 367:354-357.
Popular articles:
Deep water convection and biogeochemical cycling of carbon in the northern North Atlantic, Erik Buch, Torkel Gissel Nielsen, Claus Lundsgaard and Jørgen Bendtsen, in Climate Change Research, ed. Anne Mette K. Jørgensen, Jes Fenger and Kirsten Halsnæs, Danish Meteorological Institute, 2000.
Havets cirkulation og betydning for klimaet, Jørgen Bendtsen, in KVANT, 9, 13 - 16, 1998.
Klimaændringer forårsaget af nedslag af asteroider eller kometer, in KVANT, 13, 4, 27-30, 2002.
Curriculum vitae: Lone Thybo Mouritsen
Nationality: Danish
Date of birth: 19/9 1968
Status: married to Kim Nørgård Mouritsen, three children.
Profession: Research Assistant
Education: M.Sc., December 2000. Master thesis: Vertical microscale patchiness in marine plankton: patterns and processes. Department of marine Ecology, University of Aarhus, Denmark.
Employments: 1991-1995: County of Aarhus. Januar 2001: Danmarks Fiskeriundersøgelser . September 2003- Department of Marine Ecology, University of Aarhus, Denmark.
Parental leave: July 1995-August 1996, January 1998-June 1999 (7 months in New Zealand), February 2001-May 2003 (in New Zealand).
Blachowiak-Samolyk, K., S. Kwasniewski, K. Richardson, K. Dmoch, E. Hansen, H. Hop and S. Falk-Petersen. Arctic zooplankton do not perform diel vertical migration (DVM) during midnight sun. Accepted Marine Ecology Progress Series.
Collie, J. S., Richardson, K., Steele, J. H. and Mouritsen, L. T. (2004). Physical forcing and ecological feedbacks in marine regime shifts. ICES C. M. 2004/M:06.
Fallesen. G. and Rasmussen. L. T. 1995. Århus Bugt 1994. Teknisk rapport. Århus Amt, Naur og Miljø.
Hansen, D. F. and Rasmussen, L. T. 1995. Hevring bugt1994. Teknisk rapport. Århus Amt, Natur og miljø.
Mouritsen, L. T., Bråten, S., Hoffmann, E. og Richardson, K. 2005. Fisk i Limfjorden –en saga blot?. I Marine områder 2004 - Tilstand og udvikling i miljø- og naturkvaliteten. Faglig rapport nr. 551. Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser.
Mouritsen, K. N., Mouritsen, L. T. and Jensen, K. T. (1998). Change of topography and sediment characteristics on an intertidal mud-flat following mass-mortality of the amphipod Corophium volutator. L. Mar. Biol. Ass. U. K. 78: 1-14.
Mouritsen, L. T. and Richardson, K. (2003) Vertical microscale patchiness in nano- and microplankton distributions in a stratified estuary. Jounal of Plankton Research 25, 783-797.
Mouritsen, L. T and Sørensen, H. M. Sæsonvariation i kulstof:klorofyl ratioen i fytoplankton i Århus Bugt. Dansk havforskermøde 1999.
Richardson, K., Rasmussen, B., Bunk, T. and Mouritsen, L. (2003) Multiple subsurface phytoplankton blooms occurring simultaneously in the Skagerrak. Joumal of Plankton Research 25, 799-813.
Personal data Born June 10, 1961 in Aalborg, Denmark, 2 children (1985, 1989)
Language: Danish (Written, spoken), English (Written, spoken), German (written, spoken)
understands and speak a little French.
Educational qualifications
1982-83 Completed course to be qualified to teach adults.
1989 M.Sc in Environmental engineering at the University of Aalborg in Denmark.
1988-89 Exchange student at the University of Liverpool, UK.
1995 European Research Course on Atmospheres, Universite Joseph Fourier de
1997 Ph.D, University of Copenhagen, Niels Bohr Institute for Astronomy, Physics
and Geophysics, Geophysical department.
2000 IT-Engineer course at the Engineer high school in Copenhagen
2004 June, 2004, M.Sc. Jesper Nissen, University of Copenhagen, Niels Bohr Institute for Astronomy,Physics and Geophysics, Geophysical department.
Professional experience
1990 - 1995 Researcher at the National Environmental Research Institute (NERI), the department for Emissions and Air Pollution.
1993 Sabbatical (6 months) at Naval Research Laboratory, Washington DC, USA.
1996 Researcher at Risø National Laboratory, Wind Energy and Atmospheric Physics
1997-1999 Post doc. at Risø National Laboratory, Wind Energy and Atmospheric Physics
1999-2002 Research contract at Risø National Laboratory, Wind Energy and Atmospheric
Physics department
2002- Senior Scientist at Risø National Laboratory, Wind Energy and Atmospheric Physics department
2002-2004 External lecturer at Aalborg University in Atmospheric Science
2005- Education coordinator at Risø National Laboratory.
Principal Investigator experience
1992 Principal Investigator of the project "Additional measurements of NH3 and HNO3 in Danish coastal waters" under the Danish Environmental Protection Agency's Marine Research Programme.
1993 Principal Investigator of the project "NH3 diffusion scrubber", funded by The Nordic Council of Ministers.
1994-96 Experiment coordinator for the field experiment in the project “Horizontal transport modelling and exchange of atmospheric nitrogen aerosols and gases with the coastal ocean” (U.S., Office of Naval Research).
1994-95 Experiment coordinator for the field experiment in the project ”Mesoscale, Source and models, ammonia deposition and emission from the sea” (the Danish strategical environmental research programme)..
1995-97 Principal investigator on the project “Air-sea exchange of gases important to eurotrofication of the coastal sea” (Nordic Council of Ministers).
1996-98 Experimental coordinator for the project “Baltic Sea System Study, Atmospheric load” (EU-MAST-programme)
1997-2000 Experimental coordinator for part of the project: ”Concentration and fluxes of atmospheric CO2 and particulates in the North East Atlantic Region”, funded by the Danish Research Council.
1999- Coordinator of the project: ”Measurement and model-based quantification of the atmospheric nutrient input to the Baltic Sea and its role in eutrophication and phytoplankton growth” (Nordic Council of Ministers).
2000 -2002 Coordinator of the Atmospheric geo-chemical study in the project: " MEAD (Marine Effects of Atmospheric Deposition)" (EU-energy and environment programme)¨
2003-2004 Coordinator of the Danish AMAP project Cup-Sea (Danish Environmental Agency)
Publications (last 5 years): peer review
· Sørensen, L.L., Pryor, S.C.; de Leeuw, G.; Schulz, M., Flux divergence of nitric acid in the marine atmospheric surface layer. J. Geophys. Res. (2005) 110, D15306, doi:10.1029/2004JD005403.
· Pryor, S.C.; Barthelmie, R.; Prip, H.; Sørensen, L.L., Observation of ultrafine particles above a deciduous forest in Denmark. Geophys. Res. Lett. (2005) 32, L06804, doi:10.1029/2004GL022261.
· Leeuw, G. de; Spokes, L.; Jickells, T.; Skjøth, C.A.; Hertel, O.; Vignati, E.; Tamm, S.; Schulz, M.; Sørensen, L.L.; Pedersen, B.; Klein, L.; Schlünzen, K.H., Atmospheric nitrogen inputs into the North Sea: Effect on productivity. Cont. Shelf Res. (2003) 23 , 1743-1755
· Sørensen, L.L., Hertel, O., Skjøth C.A., Lund M. and Pedersen B. (2003): Fluxes of ammonia in the coastal marine boundary layer. Atmospheric Environment 37 (S1), S167-S177..
· Leeuw, G. de; Skjøth, C.A.; Hertel, O.; Jickells, T.; Spokes, L.; Vignati, E.; Frohn, L.; Frydendall, J.; Schulz, M.; Tamm, S.; Sørensen, L.L.; Kunz, G.J., Deposition of nitrogen into the North Sea. Atmos. Environ. (2003) 37 (no.S1) , S145-S165
· Pryor, S.C.; Barthelmie, R.J.; Jensen, B.; Jensen, N.O.; Sørensen, L.L., HNO_3 fluxes to a deciduous forest derived using gradient and REA methods. Atmos. Environ. (2002) 36 , 5993-5999
· Pryor S.C. and Sørensen L.L. (2002): Dry deposition of reactive nitrogen to marine environments: Recent advances and remaining uncertainties. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 44 1336-1340.
· Leeuw, G. de; Cohen, L.; Frohn, L.M.; Geernaert, G.; Hertel, O.; Jensen, B.; Jickells, T.; Klein, L.; Kunz, G.J.; Lund, S.; Moerman, M.; Müller, F.; Pedersen, B.; Salzen, K. von; Schlünzen, K.H.; Schulz, M.; Skjøth, C.A.; Sørensen, L.L.; Spokes, L.; Tamm, S.; Vignati, E., Atmospheric input of nitrogen into the North Sea: ANICE project overview. Cont. Shelf Res. (2001) 21 , 2073-2094
· Geels, C.; Christensen, J.H.; Hansen, A.W.; Kiilsholm, S.; Larsen, N.W.; Larsen, S.E.; Pedersen, T.; Sørensen, L.L., Modeling concentrations and fluxes of atmospheric CO_2 in the North East Atlantic region. Phys. Chem. Earth B (2001) 26 , 763-768
· Pryor S.C., Barthelmie R.J. Schoof J.T., Sørensen L.L. and Erickson D.J. (2001): Implications of heterogeneous chemistry of nitric acid for nitrogen deposition to marine ecosystems: Observations and modeling. Journal of Water, Air and Soil Pollution: Focus 1 99-107.
· Pryor S.C., Barthelmie R.J., Sørensen L. and Jensen B. (2001): Ammonia concentrations and fluxes over a forest in the Midwestern USA. Atmospheric Environment 35 5645-5656.
· Pryor, S. and Sørensen L.L., 2000, Nitric Acid- Sea salt reactions: Implications for nitrogen deposition to water surfaces. Journal of Applied Meteorology 39, 725-731
· Geernaert, L.L.Sørensen, 1999, Physical and chemical processes governing fluxes and flux divergence of gaseous ammonia and nitric acid in the marine atmospheric boundary layer. 27pp, Chapter 16, in: Air Sea Exchange: Physics, Chemistry and Dynamics (ed: G.L. Geernaert), Kluwer.
· Pryor S.C., Barthelmie R.J., Geernaert L.L.S., Ellerman T. and Perry K., 1999, Speciated particle dry deposition to the sea surface: results from ASEPS ´97. Atmospheric Environment 33, 2045-2058.
Publications (last 5 years): other
· Pryor, S. C., S.E. Larsen, L.L. Sørensen, R.J. Barthelmie (2005) Particle fluxes above forests: Observations, methodological considerations and method comparisons, Environmental Pollution (submitted)
· Sørensen, L.L., S.E. Larsen, S.W. Lund, J. Nielsen (2005) Air-Sea fluxes of water vapour and CO2 in the North Atlantic (to appear in SOLAS newsletter)
· Soegaard, H., L. Sørensen, S.Ryesgaard, L.Grøndahl, B.Eberling, T.Friborg, S.E.Larsen and J.Bendtsen, (2004) High Arctic Carbon Sink Identification – A Systems Approach, Global Change Newsletter, 59, 11-14
· Pryor, S.C.; Barthelmie, R.J.; Sørensen, L.L., Fluxes of reactive nitrogen in the coastal zone. 1. International open science meeting of ILEAPS, Helsinki (FI), 29 Sep - 3 Oct 2003. Unpublished
· Barthelmie, R.J.; Pryor, S.C.; Sørensen, L.L., The role of ammonia emissions from traffic in urban aerosol burdens (poster). American Association for Aerosol Research 2003 annual conference, Anaheim (US), 20-24 Oct 2003. Unpublished
· Barthelmie, R.J.; Pryor, S.C.; Sørensen, L.L., The contribution of ammonia emissions from traffic to deposition in the Øresund (poster). NOSA annual meeting 2003, Copenhagen (DK), Nov 2003. Unpublished
· Pryor, S.C.; Barthelmie, R.J.; Sørensen, L.L., Partitioning and fluxes of nitrogen in the marine boundary layer (poster). NOSA annual meeting 2003, Copenhagen (DK), Nov 2003. Unpublished
· Sørensen, L.-L.; Pryor, S.C.; Larsen, S.E., Near ocean particles and particle fluxes during the EC-MEAD project. BACCI workshop on modeling and parametrization, Oslo (NO), 6-7 May 2003. Unpublished. Abstract available
· Sørensen, L.L.; Barthelmie, R.J.; Pryor, S.; Bilde, M.; Ingemansson, O., Input of urban nitrogen to coastal waters. EGS-AGU-EUG joint assembly 2003, Nice (FR), 6-11 Apr 2003. Geophys. Res. Abstr. (CD-ROM) (2003) 5
· Jørgensen, H.E.; Larsen, S.E.; Sørensen, L.L.; Borges, A.V.; Frankignoulle, M., Importance of sampling depth for estimates of the CO_2 flux across air-water interface. EGS-AGU-EUG joint assembly 2003, Nice (FR), 6-11 Apr 2003. Geophys. Res. Abstr. (CD-ROM) (2003) 5
· Sørensen, L.L.; Pryor, S.C.; Spokes, L.; Sempreviva, A.M., Air-sea fluxes of nitrogen compounds. In: CAPMAN. Coastal Air Pollution Meteorology and Air-Sea Nutrient Exchange. Final report. Larsen, S.E.; Geernaert, G.L.; Sempreviva, A.M. (eds.), (GSF - Forschungszentrum für Umwelt und Gesundheit GmbH. EUROTRAC-2 International Scientific Secretariat (ISS), München, 2003) p. 111-123
· L.L. Sørensen, F. Hansen, S. Lund and S.E. Larsen (2002): Fluxes of water vapour and CO2 in: AutoFlux – An Autonomous System for Monitoring Air-Sea Fluxes using the Inertial Dissipation Method and Ship Mounted Instrumentation. Contract MAS3-CT97-0108. Final Report Period 1998.08.01- 2001.07.31
· Sørensen, L.L., Ammonia deposition to Kattegat - a MEAD study. Seminar at Stockholm University, Department of Meteorology, Stockholm (SE), 23 Oct 2002. Unpublished
· Larsen,S.E., A. W. Hansen, C. Geels, T.Pedersen, N.W.Larsen, J.H.Christensen, S.Kiilsholm, L.-L. Sorensen. (2002) Concentration and fluxes of Carbon over the North East Atlantic Region. Final report for the Global Change Program: NEAREX project. Riso- I- 1915 (EN).
· Sørensen, L.L.; Spokes, L.; Pryor, S.; Sempreviva, A.M.; Lund, S.; Hansen, F.; Jensen, B.; Langberg, H.; Nielsen, H.; Pedersen, B.; Sauerberg, K., 2001, Work package 5. Atmospheric geochemical study. In: MEAD. Marine Effects of Atmospheric Deposition. First annual report to the European Commission. p. 26-29
· Sørensen, L.L.; Spokes, L.; Pryor, S.; Sempreviva, A.M.; Lund, S.; Hansen, F.; Jensen, B.; Hansen. B.V.; Christensen, L.R.; Langberg, H.; Nielsen, 2002, Work package 5. Atmospheric geochemical study. In: MEAD. Marine Effects of Atmospheric Deposition. Second annual report to the European Commission. p. 27-37
· Sørensen, L.L.; Lund, S.; Jensen, B.; Pedersen, B.; Lund, M.; Langberg, H., Final report of the individual partners: Subcontractor 3b. In: Leeuw, G. de; Cohen, L.H.; Salzen, K. von; Tamm, S.; Hertel, O.; Skjøth, C.A.; Jensen, B.; Jickells, T.; Kunz, G.J.; Schlünzen, H.; Lenz, C.J.; Plate, E.; Vignati, E.; Frydendall, J.; Sørensen, L.L.; Spokes, L.; Moerman, M.; Klein, L.; Schulz, M.; Geernaert, G.; Frohn, L.; Pedersen, B.; Lund, S., Atmospheric nitrogen inputs into the coastal ecosystem (ANICE). TNO-FEL-01-C270 (FEL-01-C270) (2001) vp.
· Sørensen, L.L.; Pedersen, B.; Lund, M., Flux divergence of reactive nitrogen over the coastal ocean. In: Transport and chemical transformation in the troposphere. Proceedings. EUROTRAC-2 symposium 2000, Garmisch-Partenkirchen (DE), 27-31 Mar 2000. Midgley, P.M.; Reuther, M.J.; Williams, M. (eds.), (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2001) p. 54-61
· Sørensen, L.L.; Larsen, S.E., Application of the relaxed eddy accumulation technique for measurements of HNO3 in the marine atmosphere boundary layer. EGS 2000, 25. General assembly: Millennium conference on earth, planetary and solar systems sciences, Nice (FR), 25-29 Apr 2000.
· Geels, C.; Christensen, J.H.; Hansen, A.W.; Kiilsholm, S.; Larsen, N.W.; Larsen, S.E.; Pedersen, T.; Sørensen, L.L., Concentrations and fluxes of atmospheric CO_2 in the North East Atlantic Region. EGS 2000, 25. General assembly: Millennium conference on earth, planetary and solar systems sciences, Nice (FR), 25-29 Apr 2000. Geophys. Res. Abstr. (CD-ROM) (2000) 2
· Sørensen, L.L.; Larsen, S.E.; Christensen, J.; Geels, C.; Hansen, A.W.; Kiilsholm, S.; Larsen, N.W.; Pedersen, T., CO_2 air-sea exchange: Measurements in the North-East Atlantic Region. EGS 2000, 25. General assembly: Millennium conference on earth, planetary and solar systems sciences, Nice (FR), 25-29 Apr 2000. Geophys. Res. Abstr. (CD-ROM) (2000) 2
· Larsen, S.E.; Nielsen, M.; Sørensen, L.L.; Smedmann, A.-S.; Högström, U.; Sjöblom, A.; Magnusson, M.; Taylor, P.K.; Yelland, M.; Pascal, R.; Clayson, C.; Weill, A.; Depuis, H.; Westgarth, G.; Kitchener, D.; Kohsiek, W.; Oost, W., Developing autonomeous fluxpackets for measuring the air-sea flux of momentum sensible heat, water vapour and CO_2 from voluntary observation ships or buoyes. In: Project synopses. Vol. 2: Coastal protection - marine technology. European conference on marine science and ocean technology (EurOCEAN 2000), Hamburg (DE), 29 Aug - 2 Sep 2000. EUR-19359 (2000) p. 676-679
· Larsen, S.E.; Geernaert, L.L.S.; Hansen, F.Å.; Hummelshøj, P.; Jensen, N.O.; Edson, J.B., Fluxes in the marine atmospheric boundary layer. In: Exchange and transport of air pollutants over complex terrain and the sea. Larsen, S.E.; Fiedler, F.; Borrell, P. (eds.), (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2000) (Transport and chemical transformation of pollutants in the troposphere, v. 9) p. 48-64
· Geernaert, L.L.S., Nitrogen load: An experimental study of the exchange processes. In: CAPMAN. Coastal Air Pollution Meteorology and Air-sea Nutrient exchange. Subproject description. EUROTRAC-2. Geernaert, G.L.; Leeuw, G. de; Despiau, S.; Larsen, S.E.; Noone, K. (eds.), (GSF-Forschungszentrum für Umwelt und Gesundheit GmbH. International Scientific Secretariat, Munich, 2000) p. 28-30
· Sørensen, L.L.; Pedersen, B.; Lund, M., Ammonia deposition in a coastal area. In: CAPMAN. Coastal Air Pollution Meteorology and Air-Sea Nutrient Exchange. Annual report 1999. Geernaert, G.L. (ed.), (GSF-Forschungszentrum für Umwelt und Gesundheit GmbH. EUROTRAC-2 International Scientific Secretariat, München, 2000) p. 68-71
Phd, senior researcher, (28.08.1970), Søndertoften 164, 2630 Taastrup, Denmark.
Work: National Environmental Research Institute (NERI), Dep. Atmospheric Environment, P.O. Box 358, Frederiksborgvej 399, 4000 Roskilde, Denmark; Tel (+45) 46301200, Email: MAG@DMU.DK
Education: PhD Dep. of Chemistry, University of Southern Denmark (2000). M.Sc. Dep. of Chemistry, Odense University (1996).
Employment: Senior Researcher (2004-), Researcher (2000-2004). Both at NERI.
Publications: 17 published journal articles, 21 papers in conference proceedings, 8 reports and 4 popular scientific articles.
Awards: Gold medal for prize essay, University of Copenhagen, DK (2000).
Teaching: Supervisor of 2 master students and co-supervisor of 1 ph.d.-student. Assisting teacher of several chemistry courses during studies.
Services: Chairman of the Danish Society for Environmental Chemistry.
Selected publications 2001-2005:
1. M. Glasius, M. Lahaniati, A. Calogirou, D. Di Bella, N.R. Jensen, J. Hjorth, D. Kotzias and B.R. Larsen (2000) Carboxylic acids in secondary aerosols from oxidation of cyclic monoterpenes by ozone, Environmental Science and Technology, vol. 34, nr. 6, pp. 1001-1010.
2. M. Glasius, C. Boel, N. Bruun, L.M. Easa, P. Hornung, H.S. Klausen, K.C. Klitgaard, C. Lindeskov, C.K. Møller, H. Nissen, A.P.F. Petersen, S. Kleefeld, E. Boaretto, T. S. Hansen, J. Heinemeier and C. Lohse (2001) The relative contribution of biogenic and anthropogenic sources to formic and acetic acids in the boundary layer, Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, vol. 106, no. D7, pp. 7415-7426.
3. B.R. Larsen, D. Di Bella, M. Glasius, R. Winterhalter, N.R. Jensen, and J. Hjorth (2001) Gas-phase OH-oxidation of monoterpenes: Gaseous and particulate products. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, vol. 38, pp. 231-276.
4. T. Stroyer Hansen, M. Kruse, H. Nissen, M. Glasius and Christian Lohse (2001) Measurements of nitrogen dioxide in Greenland using Palmes diffusion tubes, Journal of Environmental Monitoring, vol. 3, pp. 139-145.
5. J. H. Christensen, M. Glasius, M. Pécseli, J. Platz and G. Pritzl (2002) Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) in Marine Fish and Blue Mussels from Southern Greenland, Chemosphere, vol. 47, pp. 631-638.
6. K. Vorkamp, J.H. Christensen, M. Glasius, and F.F. Riget (2004) Persistent halogenated compounds in black guillemots (Cepphus grylle) from Greenland – Levels, patterns and spatial trends. Marine Pollution Bulletin, vol. 48, pp. 111-121.
7. K. Vorkamp, F. Riget, M. Glasius, M. Pécseli, D. Muir, M. Lebeuf (2004) Chlorobenzenes, chlorinated pesticides, coplanar PCBs, and dioxins/furans in Greenland biota. The Science of the Total Environment, v. 331, pp. 157-175.
8. T. Schneider, K.A. Jensen, P.A. Clausen, A. Afshari, L. Gunnarsen, P. Wåhlin, M. Glasius, F. Palmgren, O.J. Nielsen, and C.L. Fogh (2004) Prediction of outdoor particle penetration and deposition in an uninhabited Copenhagen apartment for the size range 0.5-4 µm. Atmospheric Environment, vol. 38, pp. 6349-6359.
9. M. Glasius, J. Christensen, M. Pecseli, J. Platz, and K. Vorkamp (2004) Halogenated organic contaminants in marine fish and mussels from South Greenland – pilot study on relations to trophic levels and local sources. Journal of Environmental Monitoring. vol. 7, pp. 127-131.
10. W.A.H. Asman, A. Jørgensen, R. Bossi, K.V. Vejrup, B.B. Mogensen, M. Glasius (2005) Wet deposition of pesticides and nitrophenols at two sites in Denmark: measurements and contributions from regional sources. Chemosphere, vol. 59, pp. 1023-1031.
11. M. Glasius, P. Wåhlin, B. Jensen and F. Palmgren (2003) Elemental Composition of Particles Indoors And Outdoors of an Urban Apartment. Abstract presented at The European Aerosol Conference, Madrid 2003. Journal of Aerosol Science, S1363-S1364.
12. M. Glasius, J. Mønster, R. Bossi, R. Berkowicz, M. Ketzel, O. Schleicher, J. Vikelsøe, P. Wåhlin and F. Palmgren (2004) Emission of particles and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from residential wood combustion. Proceedings of the NOSA 2004 Aerosol Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden 11-12 November 2004.
13. Palmgren, F., Wåhlin, P., Berkowicz, R., Ketzel, M., Illerup, J.B., Nielsen, M., Winther, M., Glasius, M. & Jensen, B. 2003: Aerosols in Danish Air (AIDA). Mid-term report 2000-2002. National Environmental Research Institute. - NERI Technical Report 460 (electronic): 94 pp.
14. M. Glasius, P. Wåhlin and F. Palmgren: Brændeovne forurener luften. (Wood stoves pollutes the air) DMU-Nyt nr. 6, marts 2004. (Available at
Personal: Born: November 30, 1969, Civil Status: Married, two children (born Dec. 2000 and Sep. 2003, respectively)
Research Interests: Physical and chemical properties of aerosols, atmospheric chemistry
Exams and Degrees : Ph.D, Risø National Laboratory/University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 1997.
Cand. Scient. (M. Sc.) in Chemistry, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 1994.
Professional Experience: Ole Rømer Associate Research Professor, University of Copenhagen (April 2000 –present); Post Doc, Carnegie Mellon University, USA (Feb. 1999 – March 2000); Post Doc, University of Pittsburgh, USA (Jan. 1998-Jan 1999); Ph.D. student , Risø National Laboratory, Denmark (Jan 1995-Dec 1997); Visitor, Ford Research Laboratories, USA (May 1997, August-Oct. 1995); Visitor, National Center of Atmospheric Research, Colorado, USA (Jan -April 1997).
Maternity leave: Dec 2000-June 2001, July 2003-Feb. 2004 (14 months in total)
Networks: European Network of Excellence “Atmospheric Composition Change” (ACCENT), accepted 2005.
Nordic Center of Excellence on Biosphere - Aerosol - Cloud - Climate Interactions (BACCI) 2003-.
NORPAC (Network under Nordic Council of Ministers).
The Business Network for Young Scientists, (under The Confederation of Danish Industries).
Responsibilities and management: Member of the evaluation group for Biogeochemistry and Climate, Swedish Research Council for Environment Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning (FORMAS). 2004.
Team leader of Copenhagen group in Nordic Center of Excellence on Biosphere - Aerosol - Cloud - Climate Interactions (BACCI). 2003-
Member of Steering Committee in Nordic Center of Excellence on Biosphere - Aerosol - Cloud - Climate Interactions (BACCI). 2003-
BACCI unit leader for research related to the role of organic compounds in cloud droplet activation.
Steering Committee (NOSA Board) in Nordic Society for Aerosol Research 2003-
Local organizer of CERC3 Young Chemists Workshop 2002 on “Atmospheric Chemistry and Particulate Matter” Denmark, June 3-6, 2002.
Scientific Peer-Review Activities and Examining Committees (since 2000): Environmental Science and Technology, Journal of Geophysical Research, Journal of Atmospheric Science, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP), and Journal of Water, Air and Soil Pollution. Reviewer of Book Proposal for Blackwell Publishing.
Head of examining committee, Ph.D. defense of Elisa Christina Rosenbohm, Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen, March 2004. Member of examining committee, Ph.D. defense of Maria Ullerstam. Dep. Chemistry, Göteborg University, May 2003. Member of examining committee, Ph.D. defense of Radovan Krejci. Dep. Meteorology, University of Stockholm, September, 2002.
Awards and grants (since 2000): 25.000 Euro per year for inviting visiting scientists/researchers to Copenhagen, BACCI (2003-2007); Ole Rømer Research Associate Professorship from the Danish Natural Science Research Council for building new laboratory for studying aerosols. 5.700.000 DKR (2000-2005); Miljøprisen 2003, Aase og Ejnar Danielsens Fond, 250.000 DKR; SNF, funding to employ a post doc 247.639 DKR (2003); 60.000 DKR. for inviting speakers to CERC3 Particle workshop, SNF (2002); Kirstine Meyers legat. Prize for Young Danish Chemist or Physisist, 5000 DKR (2001); SNF, funding to employ a post doc 495.297 DKR (2001).
Supervision and co-supervision (since 2000): Current: 2 Ph.D students, 2 international post docs, 1 visiting M.Sc. student. Past: 2 M. Sc., 2 B.Sc. 1 post doc from Germany, 1 visiting Ph.D. student from Finland
Publications 1999-2005, Merete Bilde
Submitted Scientific Papers (International Journals with Peer Review)
1. I. Riipinen, K. E. J. Lehtinen, B. Svenningsson, M. Bilde, A. Gaman, M. Kulmala ” A method for determing thermophysical properties of organic material in aqueouus solutions: succinic acid” Submitted to Atmospheric Research 2005
2. K. E. Huff Hartz, T. Rosenørn, S. R. Ferchak, T. M. Raymond, M. Bilde, N. Donahue, S. N. Pandis. “Cloud Condensation Nuclei Activation of Monoterpene and Sesquiterpene Secondary Organic Aerosol” Submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research, 2005.
3. Birgitta Svenningsson, Jenny Rissler, Erik Swietlicki, Mihaela Mircea, Merete Bilde, Cristina Facchini, Stefano Decesari,SandroFuzzi, Jingchuan Zhou, Jacob Mønster and Thomas Rosenørn. ”Hygroscopic Growth and Critical Supersaturations for Mixed Aerosol Particles of Inorganic and Organic Compounds of Atmospheric Relevance” Accepted Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 2005.
Scientific Publications (International Journals with Peer Review)
4. S. Henning, T. Rosenørn, B. D’Anna, A. A. Gola, B. Svenningsson, and M. Bilde. “Cloud Droplet Activation and Surface Tension of Mixtures of Slightly Soluble Organics and Inorganic Salt” Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2005, 5, 575-582.
5. Sorjamaa R.; Svenningsson, B.; Raatikainen, T.; Henning, S.; Bilde, M.; Laaksonen, . ”The role of surfactants in Kohler Theory Reconsidered”. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2004, 4, 2107-2117.
6. J. Mønster, T. Rosenørn, B. Svenningsson and M. Bilde “Evaporation of methyl- and dimethyl-substituted malonic, succinic, glutaric and adipic acid particles at ambient temperatures” Journal of Aerosol Science, 2004, 35, 1453-1465.
7. M. Sloth, M. Bilde, K. V. Mikkelsen ” Interaction Energies Between Aerosol Precursors Formed in the Photo-oxidation of a-pinene” Molecular Physics, 2004, 102, 2361-2368.
8. M. Bilde & B. Svenningsson “CCN Activation of Slightly Soluble Organics: Importance of Small Amounts of Inorganic Salt and Particle Phase” Tellus B, 2004, 56B, 128-134.
9. M. Sloth, M. Bilde, K. V. Mikkelsen “A QM/MM approach to the investigation of particle-molecule interactions” J. Chem. Phys. 2003, 118, 10085-10092.
10. M. Sloth; S. Jørgensen, M. Bilde, K. V. Mikkelsen ”Investigation of particle-molecule interactions by use of a dielectric continuum model”. J. Phys Chem. 2003, 107, 8623-8629.
11. M. Bilde; S. Svenningsson,; J. Mønster; T. Rosenørn ” Even-Odd Alternation of Evaporation Rates and Vapor Pressures of C3-C9 Dicarboxylic Acid Aerosols” Environ. Sci. Technol. 2003, 37, 1371-1378.
12. M. Bilde, S. N. Pandis, “Evaporation Rates and Vapor Pressures of Individual Aerosol Species Formed in the Atmospheric Oxidation of a- and b-pinene” Env. Sci. Technol. 2001, 35, 3344-3349.
13. T. J. Wallington, M. D. Hurley, T. Maurer, I. Barnes, K. H. Becker, G. S. Tyndall, J. J. Orlando, A. S. Pimentel, M. Bilde “Atmospheric Oxidation Mechanism of Methyl Formate “ J. Phys. Chem. A 2001, 105, 5146-5154.
14. L. Frøsig, O. J. Nielsen, M. Bilde, T. J. Wallington, J. J. Orlando, G. S. Tyndall Kinetics and Mechanism of the Reaction of Cl Atoms with Nitrobenzene J. Phys. Chem. A, 2000, 104, 11328-11331.
15. M. Bilde, J. J. Orlando, T. S. Tyndall, T. J. Wallington, M. D. Hurley, E. W. Kaiser “FT-IR Product Studies of the Cl-Initiated Oxidation of CH3Cl in the Presence of NO” J. Phys. Chem. A 1999, 103, 3963-3968.
Special Journal Issues (Conference abstracts, some of them superseded by full journal publications)
16. B. Svenningsson, M. Bilde, I. Riipinen, K.E.J. Lehtinen, M. Kulmala ”Evaporation Rate and Vapor Pressure of Succinic Acid in an Aqueous Solution “ 4-page extended abstract, 16th International Conference on Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols, Kyoto, 2004, Kyoto University Press, 2004.
17. K. E. Huff Hartz, T. Rosenørn, T. M. Raymond, S. R. Ferchak, M. Bilde, S. N. Pandis “Cloud Condensation Nuclei Activation of Single Component and Secondary Organic Aerosol”. Journal of Aerosol Science, S1, 2004.
18. S. Henning, T. Rosenørn, E. Weingartner, U. Baltensperger, M. Bilde “Activation Behaviour of Ambient Aerosol (Jungfraujoch 3580 m ASL). Journal of Aerosol Science, S1, 2004.
19. T. Rosenørn, M.Bilde “Hygroscopic Properties of Organic Aerosols; CCN Activation of Sugar Molecules. Journal of Aerosol Science, S1, 2004.
20. B. Verheggen, J. Cozic, E. Weingartner, S. Sjögren, S. Van Ekeren, N. Bukowiecki, R. Schmidhauser, U. Baltensperger, S. Mertes, K. N. Bower, M. J: Flynn, J. D. Allan, M. W. Gallagher, J. Crosier, H. Coe, T.W. Choularton, J. Schneider, S. Walter, S. Henning, T. Rosenørn, M. Bilde, A. Petzold, E. Barthazy, M. Inerle-Hof, M. Ebert, S. Weinbruch “CLACE-3: Third cloud and aerosol charaterization experiment conducted at a high alpine site in the free troposphere”. Journal of Aerosol Science, S1, 2004.
21. B. Svenningsson, M. Bilde, I. Riipinen, K. E. J. Lehtinen, M. Kulmala ”Evaporation rates and vapour pressures of succinic acid solution droplets. Journal of Aerosol Science, S1, 2004.
22. I. Riipinen, K. E. J. Lehtinen, B. Svenningsson, M. Bilde, M. Kulmala ”Binary Evaporation of succinic acid and water droplets: comparison of simulated and experimental results. Journal of Aerosol Science, S1 2004.
23. B. Svenningsson and M. Bilde”Experimental Study on the effect of humidity history and trace amounts of salt on cloud droplet nucleation of slightly soluble organics” Journal of Aerosol Science, 2003, S1, 165-166 (superseded by 4)
24. B. Svenningsson, Bilde, M, and Kiss, G. “Cloud Droplet Activation of Water-Soluble Organic Matter Isolated from Rural Fine Aerosol” Journal of Aerosol Science, 2003, S1, 73-74,
25. M. Bilde and S. N. Pandis “Evaporation rates of a-pinene photooxidation aerosol products” Journal of Aerosol Science, 2000, 31, S1, 174-175 (superseded by 12)
CURRICULUM VITAE: Niels Kristian Højerslev
Niels Bohr Institutet ved Københavns Universitet
Juliane Maries Vej 30, DK 2100 København Ø,
Tlf. +4535320606, Fax.+4535365357
Født 20/9 1943, student 1961, fast lærervikar 1962,værnepligtig i Søværnet, 1962-64, stipendiat 1968-72 i NATO, Nordisk Kollegium for Fysisk Oceanografi i Bergen og på Københavns Universitet, adjunkt og lektor på Københavns Universitet siden 1972 og frem til i dag. Danmarks repræsentant for IAPSO ( International Assoc. for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans), dansk medlem af Det Internationale Havforskningsråd, ICES, medlem af Danmarks Naturvidenskabelige Akademi, medlem af Editorial Board på tidsskriftet Oceanologia, mangeårigt medlem af Fysikstudienævnet på Københavns Universitet, reviewer for en længere række videnskabelige forlag, udenlandske forskningsråd og NASA. Undertegnede har siden 1968 deltaget i en lang række ekspeditioner til søs lokalt og globalt med en samlet ekspeditionstid på over 3 år på ca. 15 forskellige forskningsfartøjer. I det danske Bæltprojekt 1973-77 var jeg ganske aktiv, og i 1987 sad jeg i det danske 6-mands ekspertpanel, der tegnede fagkonturen af Havplan-90.
Akademiske grader:Magisterkonferens 1971 i oceanografi med støttefag i matematik, fysik, kemi, geologi, geografi og meteorologi, licentiatgrad i fysisk oceanografi, 1974 og doktorgrad i 1986, som bl. a.udkom i reference- og 3-bindsværket Oceanography, Landolt- Börnstein, Springer International.
Lærebogsforfatter til 3 lærebøger i fysisk oceanografi, som er pensum i fysisk oceanografi på vores bachelor- og kandidatuddannelse, medforfatter til bøger om historisk oceanografi, hydrografi og oceanografi samt om satellit-oceanografi udgivet på de såkaldt velanskrevne og internationale forlag, Plenum Press, Springer International, Oxford University Press, Reidel Publishing Comp., SPIE Milestone Series etc. Konkret har jeg leveret bogbidrag til de 3 bøger Oceanography from Space I og II samt til Large-scale Oceanography and Satellites.Hertil kommer en række bogbidrag til danske og skandinaviske forlag. Endelig har undertegnede gennem årene virket som inviteret gæsteforelæser på omkring 20 universiteter i Europa, Nordamerika, Asien og Australien samt som doktoropponent i marin optik, remote sensing og marin biologi i knapt 10 tilfælde.
En optælling af undertegnedes videnskabelige publikationer peger på ca. 100 bidrag indenfor fysik, geofysik, fysisk oceanografi, optisk oceanografi, fysisk biologi, fysisk kemi, hydrografi, fotometri, remote sensing, bio-optik, altimetri og instrumentudvikling.
Løbende aktiviteter p.t er udvikling af satellit-algoritmer til estimering af biomasse i både oceanernes og de kystnære farvandes overfladevand, tele-tsunamier, lokale tsunamier og stormflod i samarbejde med egne studerende, post docs, udenlandske institutter og DMI. Hertil kommer naturligvis den løbende undervisning, vejledning, sidefagssuppleringskurser for gymnasielærere, samt løbende gæsteoptræden for gæster i og udenfor huset.
Flere oplysninger er tilgængelige på
Publikationer siden 1999 i kronologisk orden som det registreres af KU´s administrative it-system ( dog undtaget artikler og kronikker til bl. a. dagspressen):
Knudsen, P. Andersen, O. B., Knudsen, T. B., Leewenburgh, O., Nielsen, A., Hilger, K. B., Tscherning, C.c., Højerslev, N.K., Moreaux, G., Buch, E.. Huess, V.: Geoid and sea level of the North Atlantic region from multi mission channel remote sensing data. Poster, IUGG, Birmingham 1999.
Aas E., Højerslev, N.K.: Analysis of underwater radiance observations: Apparent optical properties and analytical functions describing the angular radiance distribution. JGR, Vol. 1004 no C4, s. 8015-8024, 1999.
Højerslev, N. K. The first light backscattering meter. Ocean Optics XV, Monaco, 11 pp, 2000.
Aas, E., Højerslev, N. K. Problems related to modelling UV penetration into Norwegian and Danish coastal waters. Poster, EGS, Nice, 2000.
Højerslev, N. K. Analytical remote sensing and bio-optical algorithms requiring simple and practical field parameter inputs. Proc. Oceanography from Space, 18 pp, 2000.
Aas, E, Højerslev, N. K. (invited paper). Attenuation of ultraviolet irradiance in North European coastal waters. Oceanologia 43(2), s. 139-168, 2001.
Højerslev, N. K., Aas, E. Spectral light absorption by yellow substance in the Kattegat-Skagerrak area. Oceanologia 43(1), s. 39-60, 2001.
Aas, E. Høkedal, J. Højerslev, N. K., Sandvik, R.,Sakshaug, E. Spectral properties and UV-attenuation in Arctic marine waters. In. Hessen, D. O. (Ed.), UV Radiation and Arctic Ecosystems. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, s. 23-56, 2001.
Højerslev, N. K. Analytic remote sensing optical parameters requiring simple and practical field parameters. Applied Optics 40(27), s. 4870-4874, 2001.
Knudsen, P. Høyer, O. B., Nielsen, J., Hilger, A. A., Tscherning, C. C., Højerslev, N. K., Buch, E., Huess, V. Sea level variations in the North Atlantic and adjacent seas from multiple satellite sources. AVISO, Newsletter 8, CNES, s. 69-70, 2001.
Højerslev, N. K., Andersen, O. B. Ændringer i havniveau – et sikkert klimategn. KVANT nr. 1, Tidsskrift for Fysik og Astronomi, s. 30-35, 2001.
Højerslev, N. K., Aarup, T. Optical measurements on the Louisiana Shelf off the Mississippi River. Estuarine, Coastal and shelf Science 55, s. 599-611, 2002.
Højerslev, N. K. Hvirvlen i håndvasken, Gamma, s. 43-47, 2002.
Højerslev, N. K. Om kvælstoftransporten til indre danske farvande. IDA Miljøkonferencen 29. 0kt. 2002, s. 1-16, 2002.
Højerslev, N. K. On the Small Potential of Color Remote Sensing of the Sea Waters Between Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany and Poland. Ocean Optics XVI, Santa Fe, s. 1-11, 2002.
Højerslev, N. K. Coriolis og corioliskraften. KVANT nr 2 Tidsskrift for Fysik og Astronomi, s. 12-16, 2002.
Adams, J. T., Aas, E., Højerslev, N. K., Lundgren, B. Comparison of Radiance and Polarization Values Observed in the Mediterranean Sea and Simulated in a Monte Carlo Model. Applid Optics Vol. 41, no. 15, s. 2724-2733, 2002.
Knudsen, P., Andersen, O. B., Knudsen, T., Leewenburgh, O., Høyer, J. L., Nielsen, A. A, Hilger, K. B., Tscherning, C. C., Højerslev, N. K., Moreaux, G., Buch, E., Huess, V Geoid and Sea Level of the North Atlantic. Kort & Matrikelstyrelsen, KMS, s. 1-42, 2003.
Højerslev, N. K. Coriolis og corioliskraften II. KVANT nr 1, Tidsskrift for Fysik og Astronomi, s. 22-24, 2003.
Højerslev, N. K. Practical sea water algorithms for fundamental bio-optical and remote sensing quantities. Int. J. Remote. Sensing 24, s. 1-5, 2004.
Højerslev, N. K. Vandbevægelser i kystnære områder ( 3. ed.). HCØ-tryk Københavns Universitet, 234 pp, 2004.
Buch, E., Bartholdy, J., Gregersen, S., Grauert, M., Hansen, A. W., Højerslev, N. K., Laustrup, C., Lomholt, S., Kliem, N., Nielsen, J. W., Pedersen, G. K., Risbo, T., Tscherning, C. C. Tsunami riskovurdering for danske, færøske og grønlandske farvande. DMI – Teknisk rapport 05-08, 44 pp, 2005.
Curriculum vitae: PETER GRØNKJÆR
Personal data: born 13.12.67; citizen of Denmark; engaged, 2 children
Present Position: Ass. professor, M.Sc., Ph.D, Dept. of Marine Ecology, Aarhus University, Denmark. Presently stationed at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, San Diego, USA
· 1993 M.Sc.(Marine Ecology), Aarhus Universitet
· 1997 (Fisheries Ecology) 1997, Aarhus Universitet
Previous Positions:
2004-: Ass. professor (Skou-stipend) at Dept. of Marine Ecology, Institute of Biological Sciences, Aarhus University, Denmark. Financed by the Natural Science Research Council
2002: Post-doc (Steno-stipend) at Dept. of Marine Ecology, Institute of Biological Sciences, Aarhus University, Denmark. Financed by the Natural Science Research Council.
1999: Post-doc at Dept. of Marine Ecology, Institute of Biological Sciences, Aarhus University, Denmark. 3 months leave in 2001 to work as scientist at the Danish Fisheries Investigations, Dept. of freshwater fisheries, Silkeborg, Denmark.
1998: Post-doc at Dept. of Biology, Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada. 1/9-1998-1/9-1999.
1998: Research Assistant. Project: Long-term trends in the recruitment success of Baltic cod: implications for fisheries management. Institute for Marine Research, Kiel University, Germany (1 mo).
1997: Research Assistant. Growth and genetic population structure in Danish cod stocks. Dept. of Ecology & Genetics, Aarhus University, Denmark (3 mo).
1996: Research Assistant: Project: Recruitment processes in cod and haddock: Developing new approaches. Danish Fisheries Investigations, Copenhagen, Denmark (6 mo).
Related Work Experience:
Principal investigator in a number of national and international research projects. Member of IAPEME (International Advisory Panel of Experts on Marine Ecology).
Supervision: Have graduated 1phd and more than 25 M.Sc. and 10 bachelor students since 2001. Is currently supervising 4 phd-, 5 M.Sc- and 3 bachelor students in fish and fisheries ecology and oceanography.
Publications: 20 peer-reviewed articles in international journals and over 10+ non-reviewed articles and reports.
Publications 2000-2006
4. Wieland K, Hinrichsen H-H & Grønkjær P (2000) Stage-specific mortality of Baltic cod (Gadus morhua L.) eggs. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 16(6): 266-272.
5. Nielsen EE, Hansen MM, Schmidt C, Meldrup D & Grønkjær P. (2001). Determining the population of origin of individual cod in the Northeast Atlantic. Nature 413:272
6. Hinrichsen H-H, St.John M, Aro E, Grønkjær P & Voss R. (2001). Testing the larval drift hypothesis in the Baltic Sea: retention vs. dispersal due to the influence of the wind driven circulation. ICES Journal of Marine Science 58:973-984
7. Skov C, Grønkjær P & Nielsen C. (2001) Marking pike fry otoliths with alizarin complexone and strontium: an evaluation of methods. Journal of Fish Biology 59:745-750
8. Grønkjær P & Sand MK (2003) Fluctuating asymmetry and nutritional condition of Baltic cod (Gadus morhua L.) larvae. Marine Biology 143:191-197
9. Nielsen EE, Hansen MM, Ruzzante D, Meldrup D & Grønkjær P (2003) A hybrid-zone in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) in the Baltic Sea and Danish Belt Sea revealed by individual admixture analysis. Molecular Ecology 12:1497-1508
10. Jakobsen TS, Hansen PB, Jeppesen E, Grønkjær P, Søndergaard M (2003) Impact of three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) on zooplankton and chlorophyll a in shallow, eutrophic, brackish lakes. Marine Ecology Progress Series 262:277-284
11. Bang A, Grønkjær P & Malte H (2004) Variation in oxygen consumption between individual zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos measured with a microsensor technique. Journal of Fish Biology 64: 1285-1296
12. Grønkjær P, Skov C & Berg S (2004) Otolith based analysis of survival and size-selective mortality of stocked 0+ pike related to time of stocking. Journal of Fish Biology 64: 1625-1637
13. Andersen, BS, Carl, JD, Grønkjær, P & Støttrup JG (2005 Feeding ecology and growth of 0-group flounder (Platichthys flesus L.) in contrasting habitats in a nutrient rich fjord. Journal of Fish Biology 66:531-552.
14. Tarpgaard E, Mogensen M, Grønkjær P & Carl J (2005). Using short term growth of caged 0-group European flounder Platichthys flesus to assess habitat quality in a Danish bay. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 21(1), 53-63.
15. Bochdansky AB, Grønkjær P, Herra T P & Leggett WC (2005) Experimental evidence for selection against fish larvae with high metabolic rates in a food limited environment. Marine Biology 147:1413–1417
16. Bang A* & Grønkjær P (2005) Otolith size-at-hatch reveals embryonic oxygen consumption in the zebrafish, Danio rerio. Marine Biology 147:1419–1423
17. Nielsen EE, Grønkjær P, Meldrup D & Paulsen H (2005) Retention of juveniles within a hybrid zone between North Sea and Baltic Sea Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62:2219-2225
18. Do HH*, Grønkjær P and Simonsen V (in press) Otolith morphology, microstructure and ageing in the hedgehog seahorse, Hippocampus spinosissimus (Weber, 1913). (Journal of Applied Ichthyology)
19. Poulsen N Aa*, Nielsen E E, Schierup M S, Loeschcke V & Grønkjær P (2006) Long-term stability and large effective population size in North Sea and Baltic Sea cod (Online at Molecular Ecology).
20. Bang A*, Grønkjær P, Høie H and Clemmesen C (Accepted). Parental effects on early life history traits of newly hatched herring larvae (Clupea harengus). (Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology).
Personal data: born 16.11.60; citizen of Denmark; married, 3 children
Present Position: Research Professor, Dept. of Marine Ecology, National Environmental Research Institute, Denmark.
· 1987 M.C. Fjord Ecology, Freshwater Biological Laboratory, University of Copenhagen
· 1990 Ph.D. Biological Oceanography, Marine Biological Laboratory, University of Copenhagen.
· 2005 Dr. Science, Copenhagen University.
Previous Positions:
· 1987 Demonstrator, Freshwater Biological Laboratory, University of Copenhagen
· 1987-90 Ph.D. student, Marine Biological Laboratory, University of Copenhagen
· 1990-91 Fisheries biologist, Danish Institute of Fisheries and Marine Research
· 1991-94 Marine biologist, National Environmental Research Institute, Dept. of Marine Ecology
· 1994-99 Senior Scientist, National Environmental Research Institute, Dept. of Marine Ecology
· 1999 – pt. Research Professor, National Environmental Research Institute, Dept. of Marine Ecology
Related Work Experience:
· Participation (often as cruise leader) in over 25 multidisciplinary research cruises since 1987
· Participation in several large international Cruises SKAGEX, NEW, NOW
Teaching Experience: Supervision of graduate (10 Masters and 9 Ph.D.) students.
Teaching undergraduate and post-graduate courses at Copenhagen, Roskilde, Odense and Tromsø university.
Publications: > 75 peer-reviewed articles in international journals and over15 non-reviewed article and reports.
Publikationer (2001- )
1) Buch E. Nielsen TG, Lundsgaard G & Bentsen J (2001). Deep Water Convection and Biogeochemical Cycling of Carbon in the North Atlantic. In “The Climate System and Climate Variations”, Danish Climate Centre pp 53-76.
2) Møller EF & TG Nielsen (2001) DOM production by marine copepods: effect of phytoplankton biomass and cell size. J. Plank Res. 23 (5):527-536
3) Madsen SD, Nielsen, TG, BW Hansen ( 2001) Annual population development and production by Calanus finmarchicus, C. glacialis and C. hyperboreus in Disko Bay, Western Greenland .Mar Biol 138 (6): 1121-1130
4) Lugomela C, Wallberg P & TG Nielsen (2001) Plankton composition and cycling of carbon during the rainy season in a tropical coastal ecosystem, Zanzibar, Tanzania J. Plank Res. 23 (1): 1121-1136
5) Turner JT, Levinsen H, Nielsen TG & BW Hansen (2001) Zooplankton feeding ecology: grazing on phytoplankton and predation on protozoans by copepod and barnacle nauplii in Disko Bay, West Greenland. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 221:209-219
6) Niehoff B, Madsen SD, Hansen, BW & TG Nielsen. (2002) Reproductive cycles of three dominant Calanus species in the Disko Bay, West-Greenland. Mar. Biol. 140: 567-576
7) Nielsen TG, Møller EF, Satapoomin S, Ringuette M & Hopcroft RR (2002) Egg hatching rate of the cyclopoid copepod Oithona similis in arctic and temperate waters. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 236: 301-306
8) Thingstad F, Nielsen TG, Hansen AS & H Levinsen (2002). Control of bacterial production in cold waters. An analysis of mechanisms relating bacterial production and zooplankton biomass in Disco Bay, Greenland. Mar Ecol Prog Ser. 228:15-24
9) Levinsen, H & TG Nielsen ( 2002). The trophic role of marine pelagic ciliates and heterotrophic dinoflagellates in arctic and temperate coastal ecosystems: A cross latitude comparison. Limnol Oceanogr. 47: 427-439.
10) Maar, M, Nielsen TG, Richardson K & Christaki U, Hansen OS, Zervoudaki T & Christou ED (2002 ) The spatio-temporal variability in the spring bloom food web structure in the Skagerrak. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 239: 11-29
11) Nielsen TG, Andersen CM (2002) Plankton community structure and production along a freshwater influenced Norwegian fjord system Mar. Biol. 141(4): 707-724.
12) Andersen CM, Nielsen TG (2002) The effect of a sharp pycnocline on plankton dynamics in a freshwater influenced Norwegian fjord. Ophelia 56 (3): 135-160
13) Vargas, C, Tönnesson, K, Sell A, Maar M, Møller EF, Zervoudaki, T, Giannakourou A, Christou, E, Satapoomin, S, Pedersen JK, Nielsen TG & P Tiselius ( 2002 )Downward export of biogenic carbon in coastal waters of Western Sweden: Importance of the pelagic tunicates versus copepods in the zooplankton mediated fluxes. Mar Ecol Prog Ser: 241: 125-138
14) Middelboe M, Nielsen TG &, PK Bjørnsen (2002) Viral and bacterial production in the North Water Polynya: In situ measurements, batch culture experiments and characterisation and distribution of a virus-host system. Deep Sea Res.: 5063-5079
15) Michel C, Nielsen TG, Nozais C, M Gosselin ( 2002) Significance of sedimentation and grazing by ice micro- and meiofauna for carbon cycling in annual sea ice (Northern Baffin Bay). Aquat. Mar. Ecol 30: 57-58
16) Hansen, AS, Nielsen TG, Levinsen H., Madsen SD, Thingstad TF , BW Hansen ( 2003) Impact of Changing Ice cover on pelagic productivity and food web structure in Disko Bay, Western Greenland: A dynamic Model approach. Deep Sea Res. 50: 171-187
17) Tiselius P, Petersen JK, Nielsen TG, Tönnesson, K, Maar M, Møller EF, Satapoomin S, Zervoudaki T, ChristouED, Giannakourou A, Sell A. & C Vargas( 2003) Functional response of Oikopleura dioica to house clogging due to exposure to algae of different size. Mar Biol 142: 253-261
18) Maar M, Nielsen TG, Stips A & A Visser (2003) Microscale distribution of zooplankton in relation to turbulent diffusion. Limnol. Oceanogr. 48(3):1312-1325
19) Munk, P, Hansen BW, Nielsen TG & HA Thomsen (2003) Changes in plankton and fish larvae communities across hydrographic fronts off West Greenland. J. Plank Res. 25 (/): 815-830
20) Møller EF, Thor P & TG Nielsen (2003) Production of DOC by Calanus finmarchicus, C. glacialis and C. hyperboreus through sloppy feeding and leakage from fecal pellets .Mar Ecol. Prog Ser. 262:185-191
21) Maar M, Nielsen TG, Gooding S, Tönnesson K, Tiselius P, Zervoudaki S, Christou E, Sell A, Richardson K (2004) The trophodynamic function of copepods, appendicularians and protozooplankton in the late summer zooplankton community in the Skagerrak. Mar. Biol 144: 917-933
22) Nielsen TG, Bjørnsen PK, Boonruang P, Fryd M, Hansen PJ, Janekarn V, Limtrakulvong V, Munk P, Hansen OS, Satapoomin S, Sawangarreruks S, Thomsen HA, Østergaard JB(2004) Hydrography, bacteria and protist communities across the continental shelf and shelf slope of the Andaman Sea (NE Indian Ocean) Mar Ecol Prog Ser 274:69-86
23) Munk P, Bjørnsen PK, Boonruang P, Fryd M, Hansen PJ, Janekarn V, Limtrakulvong V, Nielsen TG, Hansen OS, Satapoomin S, Sawangarreruks S, Thomsen HA, Østergaard JB (2004) Assemblages of fish larvae and mesozooplankton across the continental shelf and shelf slope of the Andaman Sea (NE Indian Ocean) Mar Ecol Prog Ser 274:87-97
24) Satapoomin S, Nielsen TG, Hansen PJ (2004) Andaman Sea copepods: spatio-temporal variations in biomass and production, and role in the pelagic food web Mar Ecol Prog Ser 274: 99-122
25) Nielsen TG (2005) Struktur og funktion af fødenettet i havets frie vandmasser. Doktordisputats. Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser 71 s
26) Thor, P., T.G. Nielsen, P. Tiselius, T. Juul-Pedersen, C. Michel, E.F. Møller, K. Dahl, E. Selander, S. Gooding (2005) Post spring bloom community structure of copepods in the Disko Bay, Western Greenland J. Plank Res 27 (4): 341-356
In press / under revision
27) Nielsen TG & B Pedersen (in press) . Forurening. Bind om Havet i bogværket Naturen i Danmark, Gyldendal (in Danish)
28) Nielsen TG (in press) Plankton fødekæden grundlaget for livet i Diskobugten , Arktisk station 100 år
29) Møller EF, TG Nielsen, Richardson K (in press) The zooplankton community in the Greenland Sea; composition and role in carbon turnover. Deep Sea Res
30) Maar M, AW Visser, TG Nielsen, A Stips, H Saito (in press) Vertical distributions of Oithona similis and Microsetella norwegica under natural turbulence conditions Mar Ecol. Prog Ser.
31) Grastrup-Hansen, D, Nielsen TG., Thomsen H.A., Buck KR.& Hansen BW ( under revision) Structure and dynamics of the microbial food web within sea-ice and in the underlying water column during ice-break-up in Disko Bay, West Greenland. Aquat. Mar. Ecol
32) Madsen S.D., Nielsen, TG, B. W.Hansen ( under revision) Annual population developmentof small sized copepods in Disko Bay western Greenland. Mar. Biol.
33) Satapoomin S. Hansen PJ & Nielsen TG (under revision) On the trophic coupling between ciliates and copepods: experiments from the tropical Andaman Sea. Mar Biol Res
34) Pedersen TJ, TG Nielsen, C Michel, EF Møller, P Tiselius, P Thor, M Olesen, E Selander S Gooding (under revision). Sedimentation following the spring bloom in Disko Bay, West Greenland, with special emphasis on the role of copepods. Mar Ecol. Prog Ser.
35) Tönnesson K., TG Nielsen, P Tiselius (under revision) . Feeding and reproductive biology of Pareuchaeta norvegica Mar Ecol Prog Ser
36) Tönnesson K , M Maar, C Vargas, EF Møller, S Satapoomin, T Zervoudaki, E Christou, A Giannakourou, A Sell, JK Petersen, TG Nielsen, P Tiselius (under revision). Selective feeding and grazing impact of Oikopleura dioica on an autmn protist communit, Mar Biol Res
37) Nielsen TG, Ottosen LD, Hansen BW. (submitted). Structure and function of the pelagic ecosystem in an ice covered arctic fjord. In: Rysgaard S & Glud RN (Eds.) Carbon cycling in Arctic marine ecosystems: Case study Young Sound. Meddr Greenland, Bioscience Special Issue.
38) Rysgaard S, & TG Nielsen (submitted) Carbon cycling in a high-arctic marine ecosystem – Young Sound, NE Greenland
39) Zervoudaki S, TG Nielsen, ED Christou, I Siokou-Frangou1 (submitted).The zooplankton community structure in the frontal area of the Aegean Sea. I. Variability of zooplankton assemblages in relation to oceanography. Mar Ecol. Prog Ser. Mar Ecol. Prog Ser.
40) Zervoudaki S, E.D Christou, TG Nielsen, G Assimakopoulou, A Giannakourou, M Maar, I Siokou-Frangou, E Krasakopoulou, U Christaki, K. Pagou (submitted ).The zooplankton community structure in the frontal area of the Aegean Sea. II. The role of the copepod community in the pelagic food web. Mar Ecol. Prog Ser.
Rapporter og pouplærvidenskabelige artikler
Henriksen, P. & Nielsen, T.G. 2002: Plankton. I: Ærtebjerg, G., Andersen, J., Carstensen, J., Christiansen, T., Dahl, K., Dahllöf, I., Fossing, H., Greve, T.M., Hansen, J.L.S., Henriksen, P., Josefson, A., Krause-Jensen, D., Larsen, M.M., Markager, S., Nielsen, T.G., Pedersen, B., Petersen, J.K., Risgaard-Petersen, N., Rysgaard, S., Strand, J., Ovesen, N.B., Ellermann, T., Hertel, O. & Skj?th, C.A.: Marine områder 2001 - Milj?tilstand og udvikling. NOVA-2003. Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser. - Faglig rapport fra DMU 419: 18-19.
Henriksen, P., Carstensen, J. & Nielsen, TG. 2002: Ciliaten Myrionecta rubra i danske farvande. I: Ærtebjerg, G., Andersen, J., Carstensen, J., Christiansen, T., Dahl, K., Dahllöf, I., Fossing, H., Greve, T.M., Hansen, J.L.S., Henriksen, P., Josefson, A., Krause-Jensen, D., Larsen, M.M., Markager, S., Nielsen, T.G., Pedersen, B., Petersen, J.K., Risgaard-Petersen, N., Rysgaard, S., Strand, J., Ovesen, N.B., Ellermann, T., Hertel, O. & Skj?th, C.A.: Marine områder 2001 - Miljøtilstand og udvikling. NOVA-2003. Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser. - Faglig rapport fra DMU 419: 55-62.
Nielsen, T.G. 2002: Food Web Structures off West Greenland and Coupling to Fish Stocks. In: Jarre, A. (ed.): Workshop Ecosystem West Greenland. Greenland Institute of Natural Resources, Nuuk, 29 November - 3 December 2001. A Stepping Stone Towards an Integrated Marine Research Programme. Ministry of Culture, Education, Research and Church. - INUSSUK=Arctic Research Journal 1: 36-37.
Thomsen HA, Nielsen TG & K Richardson ( 2002). Delrapport vedr. eutrofiering 110-02. Udvalget om miljø påvirkning af Fiskeriressourcer
Nielsen, T.G. 2002: Zooplankton. In: Niilonen, T.: Environment of the Baltic Sea Area 1994-1998. Helsinki Commission. - Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings 82 B: 106-107.
Nielsen, T.G. 2002: Functioning of the Pelagic Ecosystem. In: Niilonen, T.: Environment of the Baltic Sea Area 1994-1998. Helsinki Commission. - Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings 82 B: 107-109
Munk, P. Jarnekarn V. Nielsen TG, Boonruang P, Sawangarruks S, Satapoomin S & Limtrakulvong V (2002). Proceedings of the regional workshop on ecology of tropical mesoplankton and fisk larvae, 15-23 November 2000. Phuket Marine Biological Center Special Publication No 27
Nielsen TG (2003) Implementing the Microbial Food Web in the Arctic Peligic Ecosystem: A case study from Disko Bay Western Greenland. In K. Iken and B. Konar (eds), Proceedings of the Arctic Biodiversity Workshop: New Census of Marine Life Initiative. Alaska Sea Grant College Program, University of Fairbanks, M-26, Fairbanks 162 pp
Curriculum vitae: Jens Tang Christensen
Born: 18 August, 1952
Current position: Head of research lab. (since June 1992)
Address: Dept. of Marine Ecology
Institute of Biological Sciences
University of Aarhus
Finlandsgade 14
DK-8200 Aarhus N
DENMARK e-mail:
Education: M.Sc. in biology, University of Aarhus, 1978
Ph.D., University of Aarhus, 1995
Previous employment:
Jan. 1991- May 1992 Biologist, The Freshwater Centre, Silkeborg.
Oct. 1984 - Dec. 1990 Curator, Independent Institution Givskud Zoo.
July 1982 – Aug. 1984 Project Ecologist, DANIDA, Tanzania (Denmark –Tanzania Rodent Control Project).
Apr. 1979 – Sept. 1981 Research fellow, Institute of Zoology and Zoophysiologiy, University of Aarhus.
Related work experience:
Nov. 1990 Consutant to DANIDA on ’Wildlife Conservation Education in the SADCC Region’ , Africa.
Nov. – dec. 1988 Consultant to DANIDA. Team leader on project review mission.
1985 – 1988 External lecturer, Kolding Technical School.
Jan. – feb. 1985 Consultant to DANIDA, (Denmark-Tanzania Rodent Control Project)
1992 - 2003 Lecturer in the International M.Sc. Programme in Marine Sciences
at AU.
Recent publications and posters:
Jensen, P.D., Christensen, J.T. & Macintosh, D.J. 1999. Growth and survival in the mangrove snail Littoraria intermedia (Philippi, 1846). Phuket mar. biol. Cent. Spec. Publ., 19: 69-73.
Christensen, J.T., Ellegaard, M., Cedhagen, T. & Hylleberg, J. 2000. Ændringer i Limfjordens saltholdighed belyst ved analyse af makrofauna og dinoflagellat-cyster i sedimentkerner (poster). 11. danske Havforskermøde, Roskilde.
Christensen, J. T., Sauriau, P.-G., Richard, P. & Jensen, P.D. 2001. Diet in mangrove snails: preliminary data on gut contents and stable isotope analysis. J. Shellfish Res., 20: 423-426.
Pecseli, M., Pritzl, G. & Christensen, J.T. 2002. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in marine biota from Southern Greenland (poster). 12. danske Havforskermøde, Århus.
Pecseli, M., Pritzl, G., Thomsen, M., Asmund, G. & Christensen, J.T. 2002. Polycyclic aromatic compounds in the Greenland marine environment. Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 22: 689-702.
Pecseli, M., Vang, O., Pritzl, G. & Christensen, J.T. 2002. EROD activity in demersal fish from a Danish fjord (poster). 12. danske Havforskermøde, Århus.
Pecseli, M., Pritzl, G., Carstensen, J., Asmund, G. & Christensen, J.T. 2002. Polycykliske aromatiske hydrocarboner i marine biota fra Grønland. Natur- og Miljøforskningskonference, 22.-23. august, H. C. Ørsted Instituttet, København.
Christensen, J.T. 2002. Limfjordens fortid. I: J. Støttrup, P. Dolmer og E. Hoffmann: Rapport fra mini-symposiet: Variationer i tid og rum af hydrografi, flora og fauna i Limfjorden. 4.-5- september 2002. Pp. 231-232.
Gollasch, S., MacDonald, E., Belson, S., Botnen, H., Christensen, J.T., Hamer, J.P., Houvenaghel, G., Jelmert, A., Lucas, I., Masson, D., McCollin, T., Olenin, S., Persson, A., Wallentinus, I., Wetsteyn, L.P.M.J., Wittling, T. 2002. Life in ballast tanks, pp. 217-231 in: Leppäkoski, E. et al. (2002). Invasive aquatic species of Europe: distribution, impacts and management. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 583 pp.
Christensen, J. T., Cedhagen, T. & Hylleberg, J. 2004. Late-Holocene salinity changes in Limfjorden, Denmark. Sarsia 89: 379-387.
Sode, S. og Christensen, J.T. 2005. Stabile isotoper som indikatorer for trofisk niveau hos øregoplen (Aurelia aurita). Poster. 13. danske Havforskermøde, København.
CURRICULUM VITAE: Mads Hvid Ribergaard
Born: May 07, 1973 (Denmark)
Nationality: Danish
Family: Married (2002) to Hanne Ribergaard; one child.
Current position: Research scientist, Danish Meteorological Institute since 2004.
Education: Ph.D. in physical oceanography (2005), University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Cand Scient in physical oceanography (1999), University of Copenhagen,
Previous Employment:
June, 1998 - April, 1999: Student scientist, Danish Meteorological Institute.
May, 1999 - Dec., 2000: Research scientist, Danish Meteorological Institute.
Cruise Participation: West Greenland June/July 2000-2003, and 2005. Cruise leader since 2002.
Irminger Sea, August 2001, and 2002.
Publications: 7 publications in refereed international journals; 17 non-reviewed publications; 2 submitted
Refereed publications: Pedersen, S.A., Ribergaard, M.H., and Simonsen, C.S., 2005. Micro- and mesozooplankton in Southwest Greenland waters in relation to environmental factors. Journal of Marine Systems, 56, 85-112, doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2004.11.004.
Ribergaard, M.H., Pedersen, S.A., Aadlandsvik, B., and Kliem, N., 2004. Modelling the ocean currents on the West Greenland shelf with special emphasis on northern shrimp recruitment. Continental Shelf Research, 24 (13-14), 1505-1519, doi:10.1016/j.csr.2004.05.011.
Buch, E., Pedersen, S.A., and Ribergaard, M.H., 2004. Ecosystem variability in West Greenland waters. Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science, 34, 13-28.
Pickart, R.S., Spall, M.A., Ribergaard, M.H., Moore, G.W.K. and Milliff, R.F., 2003. Deep convection in the Irminger Sea forced by the Greenland tip jet. Nature, 424, 152-156, doi:10.1038/nature01729.
Jakobsen, P.K., Ribergaard, M.H., Quadfasel, D., Schmith, T. and Hughes, C. W., 2003. The near surface circulation in the Northern North Atlantic as inferred from Lagrangian drifters: variability from the mesoscale to interannual. Journal of Geophysical Research, 108 (C8), 3251, doi:10.1029/2002JC001554.
Buch, E., Nielsen, M.H., and Pedersen, S.A., 2003. On the coupling between Climate, Hydrography and Recruitment variability of Fishery Resources off West Greenland. ICES Marine Science Symposia, 219, 231-240.
Jakobsen, P.K., Nielsen, M.H., Quadfasel, D., and Schmidt, T., 2003. Variability of the surface circulation of the Nordic Seas during the 1990s. ICES Marine Science Symposia, 219, 367-370.
Other selected publications: Ribergaard, M.H., and Buch, E., 2005. Oceanographic Investigations off West Greenland 2004. NAFO Scientific Council Documents 05/019.
Ribergaard, M.H., 2004. On the coupling between hydrography and larval transport in the Southwest Greenland waters. Ph.D. thesis. University of Copenhagen.
Ribergaard, M.H., and Buch, E., 2004. Oceanographic Investigations off West Greenland 2003. NAFO Scientific Council Documents 04/001.
Buch, E., and Ribergaard, M.H., 2003. Oceanographic Investigations off West Greenland 2002. NAFO Scientific Council Documents 03/003.
Buch, E., and Nielsen, M.H., 2002. Oceanographic Investigations off West Greenland 2001. NAFO Scientific Council Documents 02/017.
Buch, E., and Nielsen, M.H., 2001. Oceanographic Investigations off West Greenland 2000. NAFO Scientific Council Documents 01/002.
CURRICULUM VITAE: Steffen Malskær Olsen
Year of birth: 1972
Married state: Cohabiting
Address: Lyngbyvej 100 (Home) Mølledammen 4
2100 Copenhagen Ø 4000 Roskilde
Denmark Denmark
Phone: (+45) 39157217 (Home) (+45) 38863254
E-mail: (Home)
Education and work experience
2002-Present Post. Doc. at Centre for Marine Forecasting, Danish Meteorological Institute. Working with numerical ocean modelling and climate research as part of the modelling group of the EU funded project MOEN, Meridional overturning exchange with the Nordic Seas. The aim of the group is to model the oceanic fluxes and reconstruct their variability since the onset of the 20th century.
1999-2002 Ph.D. study at the Danish Center for Earth System Science, University of Copenhagen. Thesis title: Stable and oscillating thermohaline circulation states in simple climate models validated against paleodata. Graduated November 29, 2002.
2001 Visiting School of Ocean & Earth Science at Southampton Oceanography Centre, University of Southampton (April to July).
1997-1999 Research assistant at the Danish Center for Earth System Science, University of Copenhagen.
1997 Master thesis in oceanography at Department of Geophysics, University of Copenhagen. Thesis title (in Danish): Dianeutral Advektion og Vandtype omformning i Stillehavet, supervised by Prof. G. Shaffer. Graduated July 1997.
Oceanographic Cruises
1999 Greenland Sea, November 22/11 - 2/12, R/V Jan Mayen (NO), chief scientist: Erik Buch. Responsibilities: CTD and salinity.
1999 Greenland Sea, June 2-20, R/V Dana (DK), chief scientist: Prof. K. Richardson. Responsibilities: pCO2, CTD and salinity.
Publications and reports
Steffen Malskær Olsen, Shaffer, G. and C. J. Bjerrum 2005: Ocean oxygen isotope constraints on mechanisms for millennial-scale climate variability. Paleoceanography, 20, PA1014, doi:10.1029/2004PA001063.
Steffen Malskær Olsen and Erik Buch 2004: A Review of the North Atlantic Circulation, Marine Climate Change and its Impact on North European Climate. Report from Environmental Assessment Institute, Copenhagen, Journal number: 2002-2204-009, ISBN.: 87-7992-026-8
Gary Shaffer, Olsen, S.M. and C. J. Bjerrum 2004: Ocean subsurface warming as a mechanism for coupling Dansgaard-Oeschger climate cycles and ice-rafting events, Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L24202, doi:10.1029.2004GL020968
Steffen Malskær Olsen 2002: Stable and oscillating thermohaline circulation states in simple climate models validated against paleodata. Ph.D. Thesis from the Danish Centre of Earth System Science, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen.
Gary Shaffer and Steffen Malskær Olsen 2001. Sensitivity of the thermohaline circulation and climate to ocean exchanges in a simple coupled model, Climate Dynamics 17 (5-6), 433-444.
CURRICULUM VITAE: Søren Ejling Larsen
Program Head, Adj.Professor, PhD, born 14 April 1943.
Office address: Wind Energy Department, Risø National Laboratory, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark, phone: +45 46775012 Fax: +45 46775970 E-mail:
Employment: 1971- Riso National laboratory, 1985 - : Head of research and educational Programs in Wind Energy Department. 1976-77 Visit. Professor, Dept. of Atmospheric Science, University of Washington, Seattle, USA. 1984-85 Visit. Professor, Department of Meteorology, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, USA. 1992,94: Visiting professor, Environ. Department, Ecolle Centrale de Nantes, France. 1993- Adjunct professor , NBI. University of Copenhagen.
Scientific Experience: Boundary-Layer Meteorology, Surface fluxes of gases an d particles, Climatology, Turbulence, Windpower meteorology, Atmospheric dispersion and deposition, Air-Sea-Interaction, Planetary atmospheres.
Teaching experience: Adviser/examiner for Ph.D. and master students at Danish and international universities. 1984: Course in Air-Sea Interaction at Naval Postgraduate School (45 lectures). From 1993: Biannual course in turbulence and microscale meteorology, Copenhagen University (60 lectures). 1994-Corps of external examiners of physics for Danish universities (Deputy Chair from 2002). Lectures at NATO-ASI and NorFA schools. Coordinator of Educational activities in Wind Energy Department at Risø.
Thesis advicer or committee member for 40 MSc- and PhD- students. Recent and present:.
2001: PhD. J. Vermeulen: The Atmospheric Boundary Layer over a Heterogeneous Vegetated Surface. Free University of Amsterdam. Committee
2002: PhD. B.Lange. Description of Wind/wave interaction for wind energy utilisation. University of Oldenburg. Advicer.
2002: PhD. E. W. Schulz. Air-Sea flux parameterisations in shallow tropical sea. The University of New South Wales, Australia, Committee.
2002: MSc. K. Münster Kinch. Numerical Simulation of Magnetic Capture of Martian Airborne Dust. Inst Phys.& Astronomy. University of Aarhus. C.
2003: PhD. C. Johansson. Influence of External Factors on the Turbulence Structure in the Boundary Layer. Geocentrum, Uppsala University, Committee.
2003: PhD. A. Joensen.Short term wind power prediction. Institue of Mathematical Methods. Danish Technical University, Committee.
2003: Licentiat. J. Trumars. Extreme non-linear wave forces on a monopile in shallow water. Chalmers, Gotenburg, Sweden. Committee.
2005: PhD. K. Münster Kinch. Numerical Simulation of Magnetic Capture of Martian Airborne Dust. Inst Phys.& Astronomy. University of Aarhus. C.
2005: PhD. J. Trumars. Wave-Loads on off shore structures. Chalmers, Gotenburg, Sweden .Advicer, .
Reviewing: .Journals: Paper review for more than 25 International journals within Atmospheric Sciences, Geophysics, Wind Energy and Environmental issues. Research grant applications: Review of applications and reportings for 13 international and national granting institutions.
Recent and current Committee memberships:
1990 - : The National Committe for Climate Research (The Danish committee under the World Climate Programme).
1990- :Danish National IGBP (International Geosphere Biosphere Programme) Committee.
1997 - 03: Scientific Steering Committee of EUROTRAC2.
1997- 03: Steering Committee of the EUROTRAC2 CAPP (Coastal Processes) project, coordinator 2002-.
1997- : Steering Committee of DSAR (Danish Society of Atmospheric Research).
2001 - 03: Advisory Board of “Vejr2”. Danish company specialized in focused forcasts.
2001-: International Scientific Committee: Liege Colloquim on Ocean Dynamics: Gas transfer at Water surface.
2002 - : Danish National Contact for SOLAS (Surface Ocean Lower Atmosphere Study, Part of IGBP2.
2002 - : Board of the Danish Academy for Wind Energy (DAWE), Danish PhD-School.
2002- : Board of the Danish Consortium for Windenergy.
2003 - : Steering Committe in Nordic Graduate School for Aerosols and Carbondioxide (CBACCI) (Nordic Academy of Advanced Study).
2003 -: Reviewers College for The Collaborative Research Opportunities of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.
Recent and present Project Activitie (role of coordination indicated)
1989 – 01: Project leader for climate and wind evaluation for the Great Belt Inc. irelated to the costruction of the Great Belt link in Denmark.
1996 – 00: PI of the Science Team (ATMIS/Meteo) for the NASA Pathfinder landing on Mars.
1997 – 01: Coordinator of the Danish Reasearch Agency-NEAREX project on the air-sea CO2 exchange over the Greenland Sea.
1997 - 01: Coordinator of EC-ENV project SFINCS on improvement of the boundary layer meteorological parameterisation in climate models.
1998 – 01: Participant in UVE - project (Danish Wind Energy Counsil) on Site-Assessment problems for wind turbine sites.
1998 – 01: Coordinator of EC-MAST project AutoFlux on developing autonomous meteorological flux measuring systems for unattended operation
2000-2003: PI of the ATMIS Science Team for the CNES/NASA/ESA NETLANDER project to establish four surface-stations on Mars.
2000-2006: Coordinator of the Danish NETLANDER consortium in contract with ESA/PRODEX
2000:-2003:Coordinator of Danish AMAP (Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program) project on “ Carbon uptake in the Greenland Sea”.
2003 - : Steering Committee for the Nordic Center of Exellence on Biosphere-Aerosol-Cloud-Climate Interactions ( Nordic Counsil of Ministers).
2004-: Participant in DOWNVInD, EC-DG-TREN-IR, on deeper water off-shore wind farms
2004-: Participant in EC-FP6-GlobalChange program on Atmospheric Composition Change, ACCENT- NoE, coordinator of air-sea activities
Publications: More than400 publications with more than 90 in Refereed journals and books.