Rune Dietz. Born the 14. February 1954 in Markaryd, Sweden. Graduated from the University of Copenhagen (Cand. scient. biology) in 1981. Consultant work from 1979-83 on seals in Danish waters for the Ministry of Environment. Employed in Danbiu ApS from 1983-85: on Arctic environmental issues. Employed as scientist under the programme “Heavy metal in the Greenland Marine Environment” from 1985-88, financed by The Danish Nature Science Foundation, The Commission for Scientific Research in Greenland. 1988-2005: National Environmental Research Institute. Working field has been: Registration of living resources of in relation to oil exploitation and mining activity. Environmental responsible for seismic activity in Greenland. Publication of results on heavy metals and POPs in the Greenland marine environment. Satellite tracking of marine mammals from 1990 to 2005: e.g. harbour porpoise, narwhals, belugas, walrus, pilot whales, humpback whales, grey seals, harbour seals and sea turtles. Promoted as senior scientist under Department of Arctic Environment, National Environmental Research Institute in 1991. Editor on Special Issue of the journal Bioscience. Responsible for the conductance of the Danish contribution on underwater noise and reviewer of the Canadian contribution on OC to State of the Arctic Environment Report under the Finnish Initiative. Participated as Key National Expert and Lead Country Expert under the AMAP process. Responsible for the Danish Marine Programme and the National Assessment Report and as well as the International Heavy metal chapter of the Arctic Assessment Report under AMAP. Member of the Scientific and Organising Committee of Setac Conference in Copenhagen and AMAP International Symposium in Tromsø. Scientific reviewer of the Danish National Report under United Nation Climate Convention, OSPAR/ASMO Regional Task Team 1, Quality Status Report 2000 and Peer Reviewer of Proposals under the Canadian Northern Contaminants Program as well as numerous scientific papers in various journals. Reviewer and responsible for conclusions and recommendations of The AMAP Phase II Arctic Assessment Report 2003. Since 1999 also involved in investigations of the potential effects from wind farms in Danish waters. Since 1998 project leader for investigations of effects from persistent organic pollutants in polar bears and sledge dogs in Greenland sponsored by DANCEA.
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