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May 2006. The first horseshoe crabs have arrived from Vietnam. From the left: Matthias Obst, Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda, Tobias Wang, Peter Funch.



safety course

August 2006. The horseshoe crab research group at the Sea survival training course in Esbjerg. From the left: Tobias Wang, Kasper K. Nielsen, Sören Faurby, Matthias Obst, Melissa Winter, Thomas Nielsen, and Peter Funch.




October 2006. New horseshoe crabs have arrived !!! Peter Funch is making friends with chinese horseshoe crabs. Here he holds a huge specimen Tachypleus tridentatus which has been collected by two of our students (Grete and Tenna) in China together with blood samples and photos of many more individuals.



November-December 2006. The horseshoe crab research group is going to Thailand...there will be more news soon







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