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En fremtid for St. Croix med historien i centrum

Fyldig omtale af den 18. årlige konference for Society of Virgin Islands Historians på netop St. Croix, ikke mindst om inlægget fra Janne Jørgensen-Liburd, der præsenterede vores projekt. Se the "St. Coix Source"

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 Salt River’s Past May Meld With St. Croix's Future
by Don Buchanan

   Jan 21, 2006 - A conference of historians isn't something one would imagine drawing a large crowd, but the 18th Annual Conference of the Society of V.I. Historians drew more than 100 people to the University of the Virgin Islands on Saturday morning.
     The draw also may have been the subject of the discussion -- Salt River Bay. The five speakers in the program took a look toward the future of the Salt River area as well as its past.


  On the brighter side was the discussion by Dr. Janne Jorgensen Liburd, a historian at Southern Denmark University. In her speech on "Sustainable Tourism, Contested Heritage and National Park Development in the Salt River National Historical Park and Ecological Preserve of St. Croix," she gave pointers about how to make it all come together on St. Croix. She emphasized that the colonial experience of the islands should not always been seen negatively as "them versus us." She said it should be accepted for what it was - an experience in the past.
     In an interview she mentioned that discussions were going on in Denmark about returning artifacts that are in Danish museums to the Virgin Islands. She said the V.I. government would have to guarantee that they could be housed securely.
     Salt River is the site of what was a Taino ball court. The artifacts from that ball court are in Copenhagen.
     "This Transfer Day coming up is the ninetieth," Jorgensen Liburd said. "What a wonderful birthday present to the Virgin Island would be some of those artifacts."

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